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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. A few weeks ago I bought a CIJ '57 Precision via this very forum, and expressed my delight [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/287183-nbd-and-a-tale-of-4-string-sets"]here[/url]. Over that time I became somewhat dissatisfied with the sound, in particular when I gigged and rehearsed it with my country band. Frank Zappa famously said that talking about music was like fishing about architecture, but with that in mind caveat I think the stock pickup was a bit lacking in the fat mids that I crave, and quite smooth-sounding. On the one hand I didn't mind that it sounded different from my other Precisions, but on the other it wasn't quite in the ballpark for me. Anyway, I bought and fitted a Fender Custom Shop '62 pickup. Fortunately the dimensions are exactly the same, so no routing, drilling, sawing, or filing were required, although the larger screw heads on the CS unit meant I had to jiggle the aly scratchplate a bit to get it back in place. And what a difference! My £550 bass now sounds like a £1,000 instrument. It's not a million miles form my '63 RI, with loads of punch and growl, and all the range I want across the travel of the tone control. This is a 'spare' bass that will now hold its own with my 'main' basses. The Fender blurb describe this pickup as having 'flush' pole pieces, but in fact they do project through the covers (although they are not staggered). I don't know whether this is period-correct for a '62 (and I don't really care, as it is on a supposedly '57 bass), but it might put some people off as there is always the chance of catching your fingers, pick, or even strings on the pole pieces. As always, pics or it didn't happen:
  2. [quote name='P Kool B' timestamp='1471711239' post='3115272'] Sorry, I should've been a bit more clearer in regards to effects- I've got plenty, but I want to try to avoid them, so I don't want to be buying something for an inflated price for an option I (probably) won't use, although I shall definitely check out all the recommendations given so far. [/quote] I suggested TC because it might allow you to do without pedals - onboard tuner, and 1 or 2 effects available (depending on the model) if you need them.
  3. If you want affordable with effects, go for one of the TC heads that have the Toneprint(TM) facility.
  4. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1471685570' post='3114981'] I've had a few of their guitar pickups, and they were great. No experience of their bass range though. [/quote] Likewise. I have Mississippi Queens (HB-size P90s) in my Gibson CS336, and that is probably the all-round best-sounding guitar that I own. I also had a bitsa 'Nocaster' with a Brown Sugar set, and it was the perfect Keef-a-like. A friend has an Apache set in his Strat, which he is very happy with.
  5. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1471686393' post='3115000'] That whole rig is one sweet looking piece of kit!!! [/quote] We must have very different tastes in cabs!
  6. I have sent a link to this thread to a friend in a Slade/glam tribute that I have depped with. I expect they may know about this already, but who wouldn't want to take a glam tribute act to Italy!
  7. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1471639801' post='3114768'] I'm having this one: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/P-Bass-Precision-Pickguard-Custom-Fender-13-Hole-Guitar-Pick-Guard-Bandito-/321999029167?hash=item4af8a343af:g:Cf8AAOSwX~dWs5PD"]http://www.ebay.co.u...f8AAOSwX~dWs5PD[/url] [/quote] Is that Ronnie Corbett?
  8. Well would you believe it! I've just been given this to learn for a band I will be working with. Fortunately I have been given a partial transcription, with main riffs in notation, and then 'FILL' for a bar, followed by [i]sim[/i]. Basically I need to memorise key sections, and I can improvise beyond that, much as your man did on the original.
  9. Can't argue with the description. The builder has used some oak - yes it's hardwood, but reputedly not a tonewood!
  10. The bass part isn't hard but the lead guitar solo is a pig.
  11. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1471555728' post='3114051'] ... even my earliest fumblings brought me an incredible new kind of joy... [/quote] Let's just hope Discreet doesn't find this thread
  12. [quote name='Jacqueslemac' timestamp='1471204050' post='3111269'] I recall reading that he covered the important bits up (wax or resin or something) so no-one could work out exactly how the amps were wired. [/quote] [quote name='GarethFlatlands' timestamp='1471206424' post='3111284'] I heard a rumour (and nothing more) that someone took a peek under some of the covered circuitry and it was just a Tube Screamer providing the overdrive. [/quote] That's completely plausible, considering that a fair few Marshall valve heads have a solid state distortion circuit (think Boss DS1) in the front end, and their Yngwie Malmsteen signature head incorporates a DOD 250!
  13. I love tremolo on a slow number. MmMmMmMm...
  14. I play 99% fingerstyle now, but I have never snapped a bass string, not even when I only played with a pick. Also I have never broken an electric guitars string on a gig, and only once in a rehearsal.
  15. [size=5]Now just[/size] [color=#0000cd][size=6][b]£105[/b][/size][/color] [size=5]delivered in the UK.[/size]
  16. I rarely take a second bass to a gig but I always have spare strings. On a guitar gig I always take 2 guitars, partly because I like having the option of different-sounding instruments.
  17. I use coated strings on acoustic guitar. They feel about half a guitar-string-gauge heavier than the number on the pack. I don't think you'd notice on a bass.
  18. I used to lie on my back on the floor and get a girl to stand on my stomach, but that was before I started playing bass.
  19. Your English is much better than my Polish!
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