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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. As others have alluded, you could have a lot of fun with that set. You'll have the basics sorted quickly, so go out and have FUN, ham it up on stage, add your own fills, play stuff whilst jumping about / running through the audience / lying on your back / sitting on the singer's shoulders - and get paid handsomely.
  2. Would Maruszczyk build one to order? They seem happy to accommodate different scale lengths, but I haven't seen any thru-necks from them.
  3. Well I'm getting rather busy now but that won't put me off a bit of shameless self-promotion!
  4. Never tried one, but the Aguilar Octamizer sounds good to me on demos that I've heard. You can turn down the synthiness too! Compressor-wise, I love the Origin Effects units. I have full-size Cali76 (great for recording bass) and the SlideRig Compact (fantastic on guitar), and they now do a Cali76 Compact Bass pedal (again I have yet to try this).
  5. Definitely. I'm not going to spend my money on stuff that doesn't sound, feel, and LOOK absolutely bitchin'!
  6. Good call on the Pitch Black - best tuner I have had, tiny current draw when not in use, and true bypass (to which it also defaults when the power goes down).
  7. There's also a nice bass-pedals.com review [url="http://www.bass-pedals.com/xotic-sp-compressor-review/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=annotation&utm_campaign=xotic-sp"]here[/url], with loads of sound clips [url="http://www.bass-pedals.com/xotic-sp-compressor-sound-clips-1/"]here[/url]. And here is a comparison with the TC Spectracomp: [media]http://youtu.be/QCkikdLsgiw[/media]
  8. [quote name='paulmcnamara' timestamp='1463175757' post='3049375'] Interview with Adrian Belew where he speaks about Flux FX.......... [url="http://bit.ly/adrianultimate"]http://bit.ly/adrianultimate[/url] [/quote] I like how he's modelled his hair on Andy Pipkin from Little Britain.
  9. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1468361103' post='3090490'] I assume Vintage white is okay? [url="http://s38.photobucket.com/user/Tim_73/media/IMG_4651_zpsqjk2cbs6.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] Has that cat been peeping in a sea-food store?
  10. Dave bought a bass from me. Excellent communications, and a pleasure to meet in person. At the moment Dave is very much a forum newbie, but don't let that put you off, he is a genuine chap.
  11. Excellent review [url="http://www.musicradar.com/reviews/guitars/prs-se-bernie-marsden-534659"]here[/url].
  12. Bear in mind Fender Jazz pickups used to be different sizes, but I believe Squier and some copies no longer follow this and make both pickups the same size:
  13. [quote name='Burrito' timestamp='1469549454' post='3099291'] [attachment=224338:Convent.JPG] We played the Convent in Stroud which must be a contendor for the most beautiful, friendly and professional music venue ever. They even stream the show live with a 5 camera production team. I'm still speechless. [/quote] Is that a PF50T I see there? How is it working out for you?
  14. The clip-on tuner doesn't help!
  15. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1469875531' post='3101653'] I'm selling these lovely instruments as well as some other gear* to raise cash for a non-music project, not to buy new gear [/quote] We'll see how long [i]that[/i] lasts!
  16. Your setup seems the most flexible but uses a lot of cable. You can daisy chain signal connections between powered speakers, but you don't want to connect a speaker-level output to a line-level input!
  17. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1469627426' post='3099843'] I know how you'd do this in Audacity - after snipping out the between-song-guff, you place a label on the timeline at the start of each track, with the label title being the name of the track. You then use the "Export Multiple" menu item. [url="http://manual.audacityteam.org/man/export_multiple.html"]http://manual.audaci...t_multiple.html[/url] S.P. [/quote] Now that's useful to know!
  18. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1469812670' post='3101300'] FWIW flatwound strings are what you want if you're looking to hide bad technique [/quote] Ooooh!!
  19. There is a lot of *ahem* dislike for that song on this forum, particularly among those of a jazz persuasion, and especially for the bass line!
  20. I often use compression on electric guitar when playing live, to embiggen(TM) the sound. I also used a bit of Spectracomp live on bass when I had a TC head with it built in, but I love the simplicity of the bass-lead-amp setup and I just can't bring myself to faff around with pedals.
  21. Maybe the buffer is also boosting the signal to a level that the compressor's make-up gain can't match?
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