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Everything posted by JapanAxe

  1. Anyone got their hands on the WD100 (or is it WB100?) valve head yet?
  2. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1468860003' post='3093856'] Well I'm hoping to be gas free for a while, except maybe a new set of TI flats, but I don't think that counts!! [/quote] Ah, the old string GAS eh...
  3. Just to be clear, this was never meant to be a P-bass crusade! It works for me but it may not work for you.
  4. I fitted one to use just for Uptown Funk, but have also used it on a show tunes medley that required low Eb and D, which involved flipping the lever mid-song - works a treat. My top tips: - Do the tuning thing at the start of your gig. - Don't tweak your tuning mid-gig without also re-setting the D-tuner. - Lube your E nut slot with some Lipsyl or similar.
  5. Although I am an avowed Precision player, I wasn't suggesting that everyone needs a P to get a sound worth having - there are plenty of discussions on that topic already! It's more a question of what makes for a versatile bass.
  6. A few months ago there was a rather (ahem!) heated thread about what difference the cab-stacking order made. Try both ways round and see what works for you.
  7. I have just come back from playing a gig in a small band accompanying a choir. The concert programme included arrangements of pop (Simon & Garfunkel, Madonna, Lighthouse Family), classical (Mozart), opera (Carmina Burana), swing (Sinatra), and musicals (Oklahoma, West Side Story). I used one of my Precisions with the tone set at about 30%, and didn't feel the need to change any settings all night. I wasn't being lazy, it just sounded great from one song to the next so I left it. Why do I mention this? Quite often someone's question about a flexible or versatile bass is answered in terms of the range of sounds available from two or more pickups and/or onboard EQ. Tonight's experience highlighted an alternative answer.
  8. Can't go wrong with a Yamaha, but my nylon-string needs are already catered for GLWTS
  9. Missed this first time round - I like it!
  10. Poor intonation on an acoustic would be a deal-breaker for me. Almost all electric guitars can be intonated by the average person with a few simple tools, but if an acoustic has been built wrong it's not an easy fix.
  11. [quote name='Pestie' timestamp='1468234311' post='3089396'] Three is a much more wholesome sort of number !!!!!!!! [/quote] I concur! (see signature...)
  12. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1468658518' post='3092392'] Do you have access to a luthier near to you. Get them to look at the cracks and give a diagnosis. My initial feeling from the pictures is that I would not describe it as EX condition. [/quote] I agree. I have no skill with woodwork, let alone luthiery - an expert eye is what you need.
  13. The cracks parallel to the line of the neck are along the join between the neck and the heel extension. The first photo also shows cracking parallel to the neck/body joint. I can't say from the photos whether the cracks go any deeper than the lacquer.
  14. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1468500544' post='3091359'] This. [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1468500866' post='3091362'] That. [/quote] [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1468501831' post='3091378'] Them. [/quote] [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1468501838' post='3091379'] The other? [/quote] [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1468503384' post='3091399'] Those. [/quote] What they said.
  15. Don't forget trade options: Les Paul Junior or Special (or maybe 339); Fender Deluxe 5E3 or quality clone.
  16. I'm pretty sure the current Boss phaser has a setting for this.
  17. I was the same until I tried a £1,000 instrument and realised it had something extra. Not 2 or 3 times as good as a £500 instrument but worth the extra to me. And that's the key - if it's worth the extra to you, you will pay it. My record now is £2,495...
  18. Some collection points have a size/weight limit because of limited space to store large/heavy stuff like basses and amps.
  19. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1468399644' post='3090616'] I'm not keen on an active Fraudster. Can these be converted to passive? [/quote]
  20. [quote name='acsme' timestamp='1468350469' post='3090378'] Hi is this still available mate?? [/quote] Indeed it is.
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