Spreading the word about my venture - making and selling an alternative to quivers, floor-mounted bow holders etc.
Directly inspired by seeing l'Orchestre de Contrebasses - who use a similar solution in performance - I made a clip hook from stuff I had lying around the house. Very happy to no longer need a quiver, or the free-standing bow holder I had been using in recent years.
Other bassists were less keen to get geeky and wield a power drill, hacksaw etc.., so I was motivated to make a batch that other bassists could buy, without endangering life & limb in their shed or basement.
With a bit of research, I sourced the required components to make a neat and professional grade device, selling it for as little as possible, without turning myself into a bankrupt, registered charity or basket case (too late on that one perhaps...).
Please take a look at [url="http://www.arcocliphook.co.uk/"]http://www.arcocliphook.co.uk/[/url] where you'll see all the relevant info.
If this venture should ever break into profit, l'Orchestre de Contrebasses will receive a share, in direct recognition of their inspiration. Link here (unfortunately their own dedicated site was down for maintainance when I wrote this post) [url="http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27orchestre_de_contrebasses"]http://fr.wikipedia....de_contrebasses[/url]