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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='fretmeister' post='1278892' date='Jun 22 2011, 06:56 PM']I am not convinced by isobaric cab designs. They ahven't been necessary for about 20 years.[/quote] Well I don't think it being necessary is ever going to be the view on these cabs. I cant really see anything being 'necessary' except an amp and a speaker,,,, however portable, lightweight, small footprint and high in power is the concept.
  2. [quote name='geofio' post='1278031' date='Jun 22 2011, 02:31 AM']YEP SO DID I, SEEN THIS ONE IN GUITAR GUITAR IN GLASGOW , LOOKED AWESOME AND THEN PLAYED IT THROUGH A NICE BIG AMPEG STACK, HAD TO TAKE IT HOME SO I DID!!!! ITS A REAL LOOKER WITH THE GLASS BEADS THROUGH THE BLUE, IT CHANGES COLOUR EVERY TIME YOU LOOK AT IT. TOOK IT HOME CHANGED THE STRINGS TO ROTOSOUNDS TOOK THE ACTION DOWN , ADJUSTED THE PICKUPS AND IT IS SINGING.[/quote] Wicked Geoff. Glad you got something that sprun out at you so quickly. Colour is lovely dude. I may have to take a trip down the coast for a cuppa and a wee shot. Ave sorted an orange bass terror with the sp212 cab. Won't get a chance to play it until next week as I'm in Blackpool the noo:-(
  3. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1276812' date='Jun 21 2011, 11:04 AM']Just the cab. I like the bag for the head and figured it wasn't worth flight casing personally.[/quote] Love the orange and Horner pic Tim. I think I may need to get one of those verythin basses:-)
  4. Geoff ma man. What's going on, a thought you were selling all rics!!!!!!
  5. Ok so had the status at rehearsals along with theric to see how I get on with it. The first thing you notice is the weight,,,,its as light as a feather. I was using the studios ampeg 450 head and matching 8x10 cab. The ric was thunderous through it. However I felt the status lacked oomph. It was very punchy and cut through really well. The treble turned right up did give it a very defined sound and with the bass rolled right it up was still very defined but alsoo quite deep. I find this would be an ideal bass to compare to a MM Stingray. I didnt really like the stingrays glassy tone. But I have to say this bass has more high end than the MM. It doesnt really compare at all to the Ric in tone or feel but the price difference on the 2 huge anyway. But after a 3 hour rehearsal I know I wont be going for a back adjustment if I purely use the Status
  6. [quote name='lojo' post='1275202' date='Jun 19 2011, 08:17 PM']Cheers Guys ON HOLD, until mid week[/quote] I will be 2nd in line if that's ok. Let me know if it becomes available.
  7. get a status the groove bass Its tight and punchy with a nice bit of grunt to it.
  8. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1274506' date='Jun 19 2011, 10:43 AM']Aye yours might (especially through Jakesters rig in the scenario above - only joking mate ). Get some genuine Ric pups in there Steve and who knows it might even start sounding like a real Ric. [/quote] hahahahahaha Its real Ric, owait a minute, why is this ric trus rod cover paint still wet
  9. 400each or 800 for the pair....buying in bulk really pays off
  10. Hey guys, So am I right in reading above that my ric can nail that stingray sound??
  11. I was watching a night of the swinging 60's last night on sky arts. This would have fitted in very nicely :-) Cracking bass and looks very sophisticated:-)
  12. [quote name='silddx' post='1273914' date='Jun 18 2011, 05:10 PM']Those panties can't be easy to get into.[/quote] Just buy him a drink
  13. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1273630' date='Jun 18 2011, 12:07 PM']Done [/quote] Right Wayne if he decides to split the rig,,,,will we take off out shirts and fight like men for it
  14. [quote name='RichF' post='1273425' date='Jun 18 2011, 07:33 AM']me like. Agree about the colour scheme - tidy. Try to avoid Status gas. That's an expensive business.[/quote] hahaha thanks for the heads up Rich. I doubt I will be going down the Status path anytime soon buudy. I bought this bass for a specific project that just fell through Owell another bass for the collection
  15. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1273403' date='Jun 18 2011, 03:15 AM']Add in some quite strong halloucinogenics and I ended up repeatedly asking my friend why Cake weren't playing before various adventures resulting in me waking up with a huge banner saying "The Jesus Centre" over my head. Strange day.. [/quote] Ah I remember these kinda times well.......Now am a husband, father and career man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wait a minute..................does this mean drugs DONT ruin your life hahahahaha back on topic....yeah these guys rock and a very nice 51R in the vid too.
  16. Heres a quick pic and thoughts of my recent bass. here we have a very ggod condition Status 'The Groove Bass' Now folks this is status 'budget' bass. I honestly cant see where the budget is on this. If this is budget, I cant wait to try their bigboy range. It has an amazing neck profile (very jazz if you have to compare). The pickup is something I dont think ive came across yet. I havent gigged or used it at full rehearsal yet, however I feel this delivers an extremely punchy tone and thats only in passive mode. Kick in the active and with the treble on full it gives a Ricky kind of distorted tone and with the bass on full I think I may have lost a few teeth with the vibrations through my headphones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The colour scheme is my ideal setup with the off white (cream?) with black pickguard. The bass is very well weighted and to be frank it kinda feels guitar like as you could play it all night without realising its round your neck. Cracking bass and this may lead me onto a Status gas run
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1266968' date='Jun 13 2011, 09:31 AM']Gorgeous [url="http://www.ishibashi.co.jp/u_box/ubox.cgi?T=syosai&sline=1845&print=1&keys2=sakae%40ishibashi%2Eco%2Ejp&tid=list3"]Mosrite Bass on Ishibashi's Ubox[/url] If I hadn't made a rule about no more 4-string basses I would own this by now...[/quote] So how much is this in sterling?
  18. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1266959' date='Jun 13 2011, 09:23 AM']I have a Wal (£740) and a double bass (£1400) and 4 guitars (Gibson ES175 (£1500), Adamus 6 (£1000), Takamine CD132SC (£1000) and an Antoria w. nashville tuning (£150) - that's £3650 on guitars and £2,140 on basses. What am I thinking? But how can you let those lovely guitars go?[/quote] Oh dear, do you like to tell folk how much money you earn and how much your house is worth too I have an aunty you should talk to.
  19. Still looking folks
  20. yeah if you throw a few pennies in an empty washing machine set at high will produce the same style i believe. Ach but in saying that....I guess its sh*tty bammin up some fellas life work on bass. I am happy faffin about rock tunes and canny slap to save myself. I on occasion have tried but realise I much prefer what I do at my purely novice level.
  21. I wouldnt worry about bringing your own bass unless you really want to. ANY jam ive been to the instruments have been readily available for joe public to use. Lets face it,,,,thats what they are there for!!!!! Also make sure that before you start a song you all agree on,,,,,,make sure its the key in which you know it!!!!!! The info on 12 bar blues is 100% correct. If you can do a 12bar shuffle then you should be ok. and if you know Red house by Hendrix,,,,then play it if you want buddy. I think its a great song and enjoy playing it when required. All this pish about dont do this dont do that!!!!!! If you want to do it then batter on. In reality nobody really cares all that much at these things. Its cheap/free entertainment for the pub and the usual folk that go to these have heard all the jam songs a million times before anyway. So have fun and dont be scared to go up. We all started somewhere.
  22. if you go through to the webiste on google hit the translate button top right. its pretty funny General youth of color stock Mosrite! In clear peeling off the side of the pin end portion of a grain of rice Boditoppuejji. Peeling paint in a grain of rice on the top part of the body neck joint is in the dough. In the clear yellowish burnt by the whole. There are generally small dent and buckle scratches, ocean blue-collar, so unexpectedly to mind. There are feeling, I do not do this color rarely stock! General Young fans will recommend it to anyone looking for a unique book of course! Neck is excellent condition, used Midiamusukeru! Made you think black clouds. Remaining 70 frets. Weight 4200g. With hard case included. 12 months guaranteed pre-owned.
  23. [quote name='Monkey7912' post='1266931' date='Jun 13 2011, 08:44 AM']I have just the one. I'm not a bass player but I went to the council tip a few weeks ago and someone was throwing away a hard case. I asked if I could have it as I could make use of it and he gave it to me. On opening the case I found this. Ibanez BTB300BG. Not sure What to do with it.[/quote] Use it as a coat rack. Or maybe learn how to play it.
  24. [quote name='gub' post='1266199' date='Jun 12 2011, 03:41 PM']Thinking of getting one but never played one ,just wondering if anyone has and what your thoughts are? cheers [attachment=82466:41iy_Y7l...0_AA300_.jpg][/quote] Looks like a Ric, smells like a Ric, feels like a Ric.................but it aint a Ric.
  25. [quote name='Evil Undead' post='1266789' date='Jun 12 2011, 11:16 PM']Value of the instrument, Erm... "quality" of the places we gig, and lack of faith in insurance companies![/quote] Why have this lush bass if you aint gonna use it? Seems silly to me unless of course its an investment. I have a bass so it WILL get gigged. I cant see myself ever being in a position where I would be scared to gig a bass.
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