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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. <-------------------------------munkonthehill hahahaha. Guitarist just dropped out due to being a metal head and not overly loving our blues/rock setlist. Feel that its just time the band ends,,, so thats that
  2. Without a 2nd thought it has to be my fender jag. Its the best playing bass that I have owned and although the sound maybe isnt as refined or 'hi-fi' as the higher end section of basses. However this all adds to the amazing voice this bass has. I nearly sold/traded it a few times but always stayed with it. Im very glad I have. My Ric on the other hand...............MAKE ME AN OFFER
  3. a PM was sent yesterday but no reply. Let me know if your interested.
  4. B5 just remember that YOU ARE THE MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When you strap on your bass and the sound rolls like thunder, think how good it feels. This was NOT the band for you. Get into a band that suits you. Just cos these chaps may be good at what THEY do, it doesnt mean its the band to be in. Just like your good pals on BC are saying, just keep playing and enjoy it.
  5. [quote name='tarcher' post='1209501' date='Apr 23 2011, 08:33 PM']Didn't seem at all arsey. Your point being?[/quote] i think my point is quite clear. Thanks for chipping in though.
  6. [quote name='Oldman' post='1170928' date='Mar 21 2011, 06:17 PM']I must be invisible then[/quote] [quote name='Oldman' post='1171797' date='Mar 22 2011, 10:46 AM']Thanks Guys, not the neo cab, I should have looked myself really, its an age thing, thanks again apologise the impatient notes. Thats what happens when you have nowt else to do but browse and dream. [/quote] amazing that you had no interest in the item however still decided to get arsey when you were ignored!!!!
  7. heres a bump buddy. however I am REALLY interestesd in your Gretsch. Any chance of some pics or a wee review of it???
  8. [quote name='DaBu' post='1208075' date='Apr 22 2011, 10:53 AM'][attachment=78133:Left.jpg] [attachment=78132:LB.jpg] [attachment=78134:Meter.jpg] [attachment=78135:photo.JPG] There's some slight scuffs after i changed the valves.[/quote] if you throw in that Gretsch in your avatar I will give you your full asking price and I will collect too. Or is that the silliness that you spoke of?
  9. Maverick Sabre = care in the community seriously dont know how stuff like this gets introduced to the masses. Absolute sh*te
  10. it looks like it the original decal has been sanded off with an industrial stripper hahahaha
  11. loving it matey. Simple Rock n Roll. You cant beat that dynamic. Once folk try and get too clever it loses its feel and essence. Top notch
  12. vintage trouble absolutly loving it. Bass player needs to chill and stop trying to dance like a black man though!!!!
  13. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='1207298' date='Apr 21 2011, 05:40 PM']Well Jazz's weren't invented when I jumped out. So, I'd have to settle for a '58 Precision. [/quote] This makes little stevie jump for joy
  14. [quote name='Gunsfreddy2003' post='1207844' date='Apr 22 2011, 07:04 AM']Yes they did and neck binding too. I bought a '74 jazz bass which is a YOB bass for me, think I was lucky as it was the right year and plays and sounds like a dream.[/quote] LOVE your avatar mate.
  15. [quote name='Superbass' post='1196867' date='Apr 12 2011, 02:38 PM']This is prob a stupid question but im fairly new to the technical aspects of cabs and amps. Would a bass terror 500 have any problem powering 2 x SP212's? I want to make a mini stack and want to make sure i can optimise the cabs for big venues. Thanks[/quote] yeah no problems. The orange head is switchable of either 4 or 8 ohms. as these cabs are 8 ohms, you would select the head to the 4ohm setting. This means your overall load from the cabs will also be 4ohms which will give you your full 500watts from the head.
  16. Is this for the pc only or can it be installed onto our iPhones??
  17. infact its this one here but I cant find the matching speakers. [url="http://www.samsontech.com/products/productpage.cfm?prodID=2058&brandID=2"]http://www.samsontech.com/products/product...8&brandID=2[/url]
  18. the PA is a samson rig. All matching although i cant remember the exact model. Speakers are 225watt 8ohm and I found the tweeter to be 50watt 8ohm which will be getting upgraded to a 60watt 8ohm replacement. The band I bought it from were a ceilidh band and ran everything through the PA. They must have known they were blown when they sold them which I feel a bit sh*tty. However we got a 900watt (2x450 each side) PA head along with 2x 225watt speakers and 2x 175watt monitors for 200bucks. Even with these replacements I still think it was a bloody good deal.
  19. hahaha. What suprised me is the lack of knowledge regarding impedance from band members. Also not wanting to learn!!!! Its a bloody liberty and everyone just now assumes setting up the PA is my job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. [quote name='deepbass5' post='1203053' date='Apr 17 2011, 11:02 PM']Glad you have sorted it, I own our PA and there are so many things that can go a miss. I wondered if yours was a cable short to the speakers that can sound odd and of course do damage to your amp. The other thing to watch for is insert jacks. I use a sterio exciter /enhancer on ballanced jacks so like stereo to two monos (send -Return) jack sockets can get tired and these need to make contact again internally when not in use. I periodically use a professional contact cleaner and spray a jack with it, then run the sprayed jack in and out of all the jacks on the mixer to clean them up. same with you sliders each gig slide them all up and down whilst off their full travel. these two things should avoid any poor quality or scratchy sound. It is amazing how much dust and sh..t gets thrown up by dancers over a mixer. I also keep spare everything just in case, but not speakers !! All the best [/quote] food for thought there. I will keep this in mind and give it a wee mini service the best I can.
  21. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1202995' date='Apr 17 2011, 09:47 PM']Will he ship to Portugal?[/quote] hahaha just got that
  22. [quote name='TimR' post='1202947' date='Apr 17 2011, 08:55 PM']They're not Peavey Pro15s are they? My brother was using our PA for his band and getting constant complaints that it wasn't loud enough. So much so that he hired some subs for a gig because the drummer said his bass drum wasn't sounding punchy enough (go figure). I found both had gone and Wembley PA supplied us with a couple of drivers next day. Tweeters are very susceptible to distortion at levels much lower than the main speakers are. Make sure you are sending a clean signal though your speakers.[/quote] its only vocals going through the PA and now I know what the muffled issues are I have adjusted the EQ accordingly. On Friday we fired working speakers into the PA and all was well.
  23. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1202903' date='Apr 17 2011, 08:08 PM']It's probably as real as yours Steve. [/quote] hahahaha when will this end
  24. So I think its roughly 1 year since my last proper gig where I needed my own PA and stuff. When we were gigging we were told that the singer was muffled and quite bassy. But as we didnt really do any soundchecks for the small venues and as we had the monitors facing us sounding ok, we just assumed it was poor EQ and constantly mucked about with it. The band split and the PA went into the celler. So fastforward to Friday night. My new band have a gig lined up for the 23rd. So we agreed we would use all our own gear at Friday nights rehearsal. Set up everything and everything worked fine all lights on and we had sound. However we instanly noticed that we were very muffled and in actual fact the monitors seemed louder than my speakers!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I investigated further only to find both horns had blown and no doubt in my mind were like that when we bought it and gigged with them like that for a year So thankfully a very close friend is the man to know when it comes to speaker upkeep. So after a quick visit and a cuppa tea later I left the speakers with him and he has ordered new horns which should be here on Tuesday and fitted before Saturday.................... So there we go kids,,,,,,take care of your gear. Just thinking how bad we must have sounded with no horns in all those past gigs
  25. What an amazing price. [url="http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/ricenbacker-bass-guitar-4003-jetglo-for-sale/77888930"]http://www.gumtree.com/p/for-sale/ricenbac...r-sale/77888930[/url]
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