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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='Stag' post='1199014' date='Apr 14 2011, 08:03 AM']a few weeks too late for me sadly Edit : and did you get my reply PM? cheers![/quote] thats bloody typical............even after your MULTIPLE requests for this exact bass. Looks like Mike missed out on the quickest sale on BC
  2. amazing buddy. Im chuffed it all worked for you
  3. [quote name='Geester' post='1198901' date='Apr 13 2011, 11:27 PM']Perfectly happy to refund the money once I've received the amps. Given Oldman's approach, I'd like to check the gear first for any 'modifications' he may have made before I send back any money. Now you see the problem. As far as I'm concerned, I've sold Mr Norris two perfectly good amps for £200 less then he said he would pay, i.e. not received the Washburn part-ex. If you were buying something from a shop you send the money then they send the goods. If you want to return the goods they don't send you the money first and then you return the goods....they would give you a short answer if you took that approach, basically saying you're out of your mind...[/quote] what modifications????????? Its you thats talking about this scam about voltage changes that nobody has ever heard about and lets face it is possibly the most elaborate scam with the least amount of return for alot of work!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this honestly a scam or is it something you have worked out to make this sour deal not look so bad on you?
  4. the deals fallen through........... return cash and return goods. I cant see why this hasnt been done already!!!!! regardless of how pissy anyone is feeling about the deal. Just get the returns and refunds sorted and im sure everyone will be happy.
  5. [quote name='simon1964' post='1197402' date='Apr 12 2011, 09:56 PM']I've kept out of this one so far, but I'm not sure you're right on the legal position. The Sale of Goods Act makes it clear that there is an implied term in every sale that the goods comply with their description. If the bass is described as an '83 Precision but it's not, that implied term is breached. Alex is therefore entitled to return the goods and a refund. The only exception is if he has kept the goods for long enough to have been deemed to have accepted them - in that case he is entitled to a refund of the difference in value. That's the legal basis of the trading standards post which Machines made above. It matters not that Mark thought it was an "83 Precision. If the description is inaccurate the implied term is breached (irrespective of knowledge).[/quote] +1 well said Simon. My wife is a manager in a retail shop and I have been informed that there is no exact time either for you to return goods in these instances. It just says 'a reasonable time' within the act.
  6. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1197387' date='Apr 12 2011, 09:48 PM']Some onus must be placed on the customer to know what they are buying, if they lack sufficient knowledge then they may take instructon from the seller.[/quote] what a ridiculous thing to say. If I go into a shop I expect the seller to know what they have and what they are selling. Its up to them to deliver the goods as described. When I bought my wifes engagement ring,,,was the onus on me to pick the diamond rather than the lump of glass?
  7. [quote name='King Tut' post='1197319' date='Apr 12 2011, 09:00 PM']Recently separated from the wife - it's very messy. And it's all the fault of me being a bass player that has pulled . . . . I'd give anything to be able to wind the clock back a few years [/quote] ouch,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i think the rule is that we can look but cant touch,,,,or if we do................... DONT GET CAUGHT
  8. hmmm maybe this is the reason my wife doesnt want me to play anymore and gets sick of me talking about bass!!!!
  9. [quote name='slobluesine' post='1196176' date='Apr 11 2011, 08:30 PM']in my experinence there's nothin worse than some pissed up idiot turnin up at a jam without an instrument expectin to try and play yours [/quote] well you shouldnt do a jam session in a pub where folk are encouraged to drink AND play with the band who are booked to be there to jam!!! If I go to a jam I expect to use guitar or bass thats on the stage. and if someone is so pissed surely they wouldnt be allowed up to play anyway!
  10. [quote name='Superbass' post='1196153' date='Apr 11 2011, 08:08 PM']Hi guys, just wondering if anyone had played through any of the Orange Smart Power Cabs, especially the 212? Do they actually sound like a proper 210 or 2x12 or are we talking here about a cab that is just like playing with a 1 x 10 or a 1x12. I also understand that they are very small so do they simply not push enough air in decent sized venues? your thoughts would be appreciated. thanks[/quote] theres tons of threads on this gear matey. Just go to the search tab top right and type in orange bass terror or sp 210 or sp 212 and im sure your questions will be answered.
  11. [quote name='KevB' post='1195492' date='Apr 11 2011, 10:24 AM']Usually with jams people tend to turn up with their own instrument but back line is provided by the venue.[/quote] Is that not unusual? The jam band provide all gear surely? What's the point of having this 'drop in' band experience if you have to lug your own stuff to it!! In my experience I have rarely seen anyone bring gear to a jam. I say turn up empty handed and just expect to use theirs. Nothing worse than being pished and having to worry about lugging your bass about all night!
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' post='1195135' date='Apr 10 2011, 10:10 PM']With an ever expanding family, I will unfortunately have to pare back my time gigging. It's a shame, as our band were just getting to where they need to be, with gigs around the country for decent money. Alas, my time spent at home helping out is more valuable in the present circumstances. Looks like they'll need to get a replacement in. I want to keep playing, but can't commit to regular practicing/gigging. I then thought about an established blues jam in Nottingham, run by a guy called Colin Staples. I've been to this before as a spectator, and the format seemed to be regular house band play with a selection of guitarists throughout the course of the night. My question is, what about bass players? Can I just turn up and ask to sit in? Do I need my own bass? Any other groundrules I need to know? Any advice from people who have played at this, or any other blues jam would be appreciated. Thanks[/quote] its the same for any instrument mate. Just turn up and use the house gear, thats what its there for.
  13. [quote name='barteroo2002' post='1195102' date='Apr 10 2011, 09:43 PM']Cheers for the prompt responses everyone - kinda after something with rock 'authority' if you know what I mean. Balls and a foundation for everything else to go off mental around me. As always, money is the killer. Anyways, if I was still doing my jazz gigs I'm sure this'd be lovely. Good luck with the sale.[/quote] why bloody ask the questions then hahahaha have a read at this buddy [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=130364"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=130364[/url]
  14. [quote name='JTUK' post='1194564' date='Apr 10 2011, 01:30 PM']Just my 2p..and others will swear by certain names for their own reasons.[/quote] +1 Do your own research and come to your own decision. Everyone has their preferences and unless you do your own research then you wont know whats best FOR YOU!! Trust me on this matter. After going through alot of amps I realise you have to do the work yourself. What you should be doing is getting a shortlist of amps you are considering then asking BC what their thoughts of of said amps due to their personal experience. At least this way you will have a decent knowledge of whats out there and what you want, then you can take onboard or dismiss folks views!!!!
  15. [quote name='deanovw' post='1194416' date='Apr 10 2011, 11:17 AM']Why not just change the whole set?[/quote] I would always just change the full set. The G is already a bright sounding string,,having an even newer one on your bass than the rest of the strings will only highlight this even more. IMHO it will only lead to an even sound until the new string mellows.
  16. Being in Scotland I find the usual question of 'can you post'. Now that is a really fair question. However when folk ask that question and then you say no BUT I could travel a considerable distance to make the deal go through...... Then they dont have the decency to say whether or not they are interested!!!!!!! How about I tell them no, you can drive north of the border... Im sure I will still get the same response and no sale!!!
  17. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1194171' date='Apr 9 2011, 11:44 PM']I'd definitely suggest it. Even with the best gear in the world, sometimes it can still sound lacking on stage. I had a gig last night where I wasn't really enjoying my bass tone, but our manager gave me the thumbs up during sound check and mouthed something about me sounding [insert F word]ing awesome. I find that in a 3 piece (I technically play in a four piece, but our fourth member is often on flute so I need to fix my sound as though in a 3 piece) a bit of growl goes a long way into filling out the sound. Maybe you could look at a Sansamp BDDI or similar to add a bit of grit without forking out for a whole new rig.[/quote] +1 Get a nice o/d pedal in your chain before your preamp and you will be laughing. Funnily enough there is a Markbass tube pedal that im having serious thoughts about in the effect sale section just now. I know I dont need it, but I really really want it. Its just a shame im not much of a drinker because I know if I had a few ciders in me the noo I would have snapped it up hahahaha.
  18. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1194163' date='Apr 9 2011, 11:35 PM']Why not? So what if it doesn't sell? Like I said, the value of an instrument is the point where someone would rather have the bass than that amount of money. It shouldn't matter if it's the seller or a potential buyer, someone's still making the choice to walk away with the bass instead of the cash.[/quote] No your right I guess. If someone is daft enough to pay over the odds just because some plum has upped the price because its the bass they bought after their first touch of a booby, then hell mend them.
  19. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1194151' date='Apr 9 2011, 11:21 PM']Disagreed. If someone sold their cherished bass in a moment of madness or need of money then saw an opportunity to buy it back at an inflated price, then they might be prepared to spend over the odds for it. Same situation but reversed, does that mean it's value is over what it would usually sell for? What about if it was McCartney's original violin bass, would you expect that to be valued the same as any other of the same model, however similar? I know I wouldn't pay more for it than I would any other (and I don't like them anyway, so I wouldn't pay much for one in the first place) so because me (and many others I expect) feel that way, does that mean it's not valued at more than another of the same type? When you buy or sell an instrument, you make a choice. What would you rather have, X bass or Y amount of money? The price a bass sells for is when the price is a compromise between the buyer and seller's individual Y. I'd rather have my Ibanez BTB than the amount of money it would sell for, that's because to me it's more valuable than the £250 or so I might get for it. That's how I value it, so it's it's value is over £250 however you look at it because someone (me) would rather have that bass than £250. When you're buying or selling, you don't just look at the model, there's all kinds of things that factor into the bass. It's never as simple as looking at the last one similar that sold. You can look at average values of instruments that have sold and use that as a guideline but it's only an average of figures, not a black and white figure of how much they should sell for. Since market value is a rough estimation of the average, it doesn't take into account the individual values of each instrument, which are affected by sentimental feelings.[/quote] So to answer the question,,, someones personal feeling on THEIR bass that THEY are selling shouldnt inflate THEIR selling price of the bass. This is because me as a buyer doesnt give 2 fecks about how they got it or what it means to them!!!!!!!! However if said bass is then back up for sale.......then sure the original owner may buy it at a higher rate because THEY have a connection to the bass.... But to any other potential buyer it will just be a bass and it will be an unsold bass if the seller is stupid enough to inflate the price due to sentimental feelings.
  20. Jazz - what opened it up for you?, What was the track that made you go 'aaaaahhh'? dont know, but theres plenty out there that makes me go AAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH
  21. [quote name='bassix' post='1193526' date='Apr 9 2011, 08:29 AM']I've always been a big fan of Matt's but I won't be purchasing this. I'm sure this has nothing to do with meeting him last month where he was a complete tool. [/quote] indulge us further brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. [quote name='tarcher' post='1193018' date='Apr 8 2011, 04:12 PM']And that neck,it just has a rightness about it.[/quote] UNDERSTATEMENT of the century. The neck of these things are the dogs danglys.
  23. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1192884' date='Apr 8 2011, 02:13 PM']I think it's totally normal. I've just dragged my upright down from upstairs for a rehearsal tonight and it feels great. I'd usually default to a P-bass but I do enjoy my Hofner and my Jazz bass [/quote] OH AN UPRIGHT..................... No Steven you dont need one........................Or do I???????????? See what you now done Tim!!!!
  24. [quote name='Paul S' post='1192833' date='Apr 8 2011, 01:23 PM']Now SOLD!! Thanks everyone.[/quote] Congrats on the sale Paul, I hope you dont regret selling this amazing bass. On the upside, someone has just bought an amazing bass hahaha.
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