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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1168003' date='Mar 19 2011, 10:09 AM']Not to me they aint.[/quote] I didnt say to you that they would.
  2. Fender, Why are they so expensive? Because they are worth it!!!!!
  3. weird. I thought the way everyone was creaming their white knickers about these that it would have shifted in a flash. What happened to all the people dying to get their hands on one and made a big fuss about release dates and stuff??? They must have all managed to land themselves one!!! or possibly sycophantic babble. the jury is out.
  4. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1165988' date='Mar 17 2011, 04:58 PM']If everyone is posting, I'm in. [/quote] more the merrier brother
  5. [quote name='AlecHewes' post='1165970' date='Mar 17 2011, 04:42 PM']Bass is a Yamaha TRB1006, the amp is a Markbass SA450, I'm not sure what the cab is, i swapped for my old am yesterday. sounds PHAT![/quote] whats that pedal on the floor??
  6. Latest however possibly not the last update on my gear hahaha. Ric and Markbass together
  7. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='1164911' date='Mar 16 2011, 08:15 PM']......also to be serious, if it's good enough for Jack Bruce............ G.[/quote] everytime I see a harkte rig I think of the Cream 2005 reunion gig hahahaha
  8. ANYWAY.....hopefully back onto op. I would hang fire Andy, if you have a giggable rig the noo and don't need this amp straight away, then you may as well wait till you get exacly what you want, I believe you once said that to me. I used the LH500 along with matching 4x10 and 1x15 cabs. Hartke gear is really sweet although I've not tried the kilo gear. What is it about the range that tickles yer fancy???
  9. [quote name='JTUK' post='1163817' date='Mar 15 2011, 10:30 PM']ok..well done. Hope it goes well and the slackers, if that is a fair thing to say, might just need this push. Maybe they aren't naturally confident in this environment and they need this[/quote] yeah thats fair to say matey. SLACKERS, that may be our new band name hahaha. The singer is new to this so fair play if he lacks a bit of confidence, however the guitarist boasts over 100gigs!!!!! f*** knows how
  10. [quote name='Hot Tub' post='1163804' date='Mar 15 2011, 10:18 PM']In my opinion (which is totally subjective and worth exactly what you paid for it! ), MarkBass doesn't really have "a sound" as such. Sure, there's a degree of flexibility with the VPL/VLF filters and eq., but with everything flat or off I find MarkBass to be as close to a perfectly pure sound as it's possible to get. So the problem is, if you go for "the Orange sound" or "the Ampeg sound" or whatever, you're effectively stuck with that. Maybe that's what you really want; fair enough, but I'd probably look at processing/modifying your signal to get the sound you want, because I think you'll regret selling the MarkBass unit very quickly! Just my 2p. (Yes, I am biased. I love my MarkBass combo!)[/quote] I know where your coming from buddy. I am getting great reviews from they fellas in the band about my sound coming from the combo and my main guitairst nearly wet himself when I kicked in with the DHA pedal for Slither and Ace of Spades. Maybe im chasing something thats not there, THEE TONE. I keep forgetting that regardless of my TONE, I am still going to sound like me.
  11. UPDATE We have a gig on the 23rd April. Its a charity night for cancer research, so no fee. Fingers crossed
  12. [quote name='andy67' post='1163766' date='Mar 15 2011, 09:46 PM']Any luck yet mate? Andy[/quote] None, however I am in 2 bloody minds about it now!!! I have a gig at the end of April and if I did sell this, then theres no guarantee i would be able to get an orange rig in time!! I may hold off the noo and play about with my DHA pedal. Jez was right in what he said above..I was at his gaff for a wee cuppa tea and I was boasting of the markbass sound. im glad he reminded me how happy i was with it. But by god GAS is a terrible thing.
  13. [quote name='tomb' post='1162497' date='Mar 14 2011, 10:09 PM']so out of it came nothing and the bass is now for sale at a local store[/quote] is it for sale as a rickenbacker?
  14. [quote name='Basszilla' post='1159697' date='Mar 12 2011, 06:38 PM']Having gone down to one single bass (spector euro 4lx) I love my bass but I don't mind it getting old and battered. It's there to be played and play it I will...hard! Dig in and enjoy that's what I say [/quote] dig in and play it hard.................how hard do you play that would cause any damage to a bass?
  15. I would suggest a better link mate as that site is full of nonsense and no idea where a pic of your bass would be.
  16. [quote name='bad back' post='1159380' date='Mar 12 2011, 03:06 PM']I've just sold my vba400 and now want to get something a bit lighter.I've whitled it down to the rh450 and the svt 3.i like them both but still not sure what to go for' I'm playing mostly rock etc (or heavier) at the moment so any advice on this wouldbe great.thanks.[/quote] if you have tried them both and like them,,,then im not sure what your asking for. Out of the 2 just chose the one you prefer, if its the sound, simplicity or just as silly as it looks. You know how you play, you know what you play......best chose the one you prefer.
  17. [quote name='krth1985' post='1159299' date='Mar 12 2011, 02:05 PM']You've just played played to your biggest crowd ever at Woodstock - I doubt he was thinking best pack my sh*t up incase it gets dinged. He was probably thinking f-me, does it get any better than this? I'd definitely have thrown it.[/quote] did you not say how not to treat a fender?????????? now your saying you would do it??????? maybe best be clear on your topics!
  18. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='1159205' date='Mar 12 2011, 12:34 PM']Steve, I know that you reherse on a friday, but one of the bands I know are playing the Glenhead Tavern in Glasgow road Duntocher next friday and Truckstop`s idea of going to see a good band is a wise one. They are a good, tight band and you should take em down and say "this is how you do it" and see what they say. Some of my lot are going down too. As for spending months in the rehersal studio, we practice a song on the tuesday and gig it on the saturday. It sometimes sounds sh*te though!! Jez[/quote] is it a guy jim who runs red eye studios? If it was then I was talking to him last night. I honestly dont thing its worth doing this. We have all seen bands or been in bands. We should know how a band sounds when they are tight. Lets face it if they dont know how it should sound, then they shouldnt be in a band. In saying that, give me a shout if your going over too and I may head down for a cider.
  19. [quote name='bassbloke' post='1159033' date='Mar 12 2011, 09:53 AM']You need to get a hammer and put a couple of nice dents in your bass. You'll be heartbroken for a couple of days, but then you'll forget about the damage and get on with the job of playing it. My main bass is my pride and joy, but it's been dropped, knocked over by clumsy ar*eholes and dragged across several continents in a gig bag.[/quote] -1 on the above. why if you dont want anything to happen to your bass would you do that. Anyway You should gig your bass, there aint no point in having it if its gonna just sit in the house. I HATE the idea of my gear getting damaged, but it wouldnt stop me using any of it. I would just be more aware of its surroundings and have a wee eye on it at all times. Im insured with all my gear through my home content policy so I know I could get the dosh back, but believe me, I wouldnt want to go down that route at any point.
  20. I hate to see instruments being abused. Im with blademan that I hate any dings on my gear. I dont understand folk doing it with stuff they are gigging with. They look like tools and hopefully one day someone will give them a smack just to see ow they like it. again........TWATS
  21. [quote name='gjones' post='1159042' date='Mar 12 2011, 10:08 AM']I can remember being asked to join a band ten years ago. I took it as a compliment and rather rashly said yes. What I didn't realise was that the type of stuff they wanted to play was just not my cup of tea. It was then that I decided I had to work out an escape plan. The escape plan didn't mount up to much......basically not turning up to rehearsals and showing no commitment or enthusiasm (the cowardly way out - I should have just said 'sorry this bands not for me'). Eventually they gave me my P45 which I was over the moon about! I think your fellow band members are showing similiar signals so it's probably time to let them go and sign up a new guitarist and singer who actually want to be in the band or you'll be rehearsing the same songs forever and a day.[/quote] Im not sure if thats the reason, as I said in my last post, they both talk a great game, the guitarist went back for guitar lessons AND singing lessons!!! and the singer is going through singing lessons too. They talk a fair game but when it comes to the crunch they dont seem to cut it,,,,mabe they are concentrating on all these lessons and not the songs. Who knows. However its obvious they dont know the structure at times and certainly the queues for the singing to come in. For instance, we played 'feelin good'. Solo was over and I stated when the guitarist was finished to give me a nod, I would start the longer run down the fretboard and then back into song......so after we did that, we waited and waited and waited. When I started to sing it he then came in. He then immediately after we finished said 'he didnt know when to start cos the guitarist didnt do the high bit on the solo' I said we aint playing it note for note, just look for us to see when you should come in.................blank look.
  22. [quote name='JTUK' post='1159046' date='Mar 12 2011, 10:16 AM']Yes..half of it is wanting to do it and so many people can't/don't get out of the bedroom. If you are keen and have a drummer in tow, you can be on the look out for other players. You may have to go it alone...but attitude, gear and transport goes part of the way.[/quote] Thankfully I have the drummer and lead guitarist with me on this split. We all have good gear an me and the drummer (also my brother-in-law) own a full P.A system. I doubt we would get a 2nd guitarist back in, so all we really need is a singer. The other 2 really talk a good game about us as a band and they seem into it in a big way. However they talk the talk but dint walk the walk!
  23. [quote name='paul_5' post='1158981' date='Mar 12 2011, 08:50 AM']Wow, even though he's not pulling his weight, it's worth keeping him just for the novelty value. Seriously though, sorry to hear that you've been having a rough ride. I think (from the sounds of it) you've already made your mind up. It's always crappy when a band splits up, but it sounds like you all want different things - some people want to gig and do it properly, others want a hobby to tinker with. Fortunately, good bass players with commitment, transport and their own gear are never without a band for long... Good luck with the next project. Cheers, Paul[/quote] Nice one, thanks for that Paul. Yeah this is their last chance as of Friday. To be honest I don't hold out much hope. However I do feel I owe them at least 1 more chance. Who said I was a good player though hahaha
  24. [quote name='Slipperydick' post='1158883' date='Mar 12 2011, 02:00 AM']Hate to sound negative, bit it sounds like a lost cause to me. You could try booking some gigs and see if it livens em up, but having been there myself I reckon you just might start hearing excuses again before long, maybe even end up cancelling the gigs at the last moment and losing some of your own credibility with the venues. You dont seem happy anyway, so probably time to vote with you feet and just write it off to experience. Spent 2 years rehearsing with a band, all competent experienced musicians, great ideas, big talk. but in that time 4 freebee gigs, 15 numbers in the set, 4 diabolical tracks recorded. just didnt gell. Everybody was fed up but didnt want to be the one to pull the plug.[/quote] no negativity issues here. I appreciate your reply mate. I spoke with the other 2 in the band who are getting pissed off. I said I would give it 1 more month, the drummer said give it 1 more week or its all over. To put you in the picture a wee bit. I take the boys over to rehearsals. upon picking up the singer and guitarist (the 2 thats lagging) I said 'hola chaps, hows tricks'. I was greeted with............... aye f***in pish mate (hint of distance and annoyance in voice)........ Later I was speaking with the guitarist who said the comment above, he said he was sorry he was so cheeky but due to stress of learning our new 5 songs plus keeping up with our current setlist is really getting to him. He could barely play 1 of the new songs and then questioned MY playing on feelin good (bonamassa version) and said that I was playing it in the wrong key (i believe its in G, however correct me if im wrong). The singer still needs prompting on songs we have been doing for 4 months, the guitarist is turning himself down so low he cant be heard as he isnt confident in the songs. The main players in the band is the drummer, (other) guitarist and yours truely. I think I have finally answered my own question and as of Friday next week if the others aint up to par. Then its over. There is only so much patience you can have and when you have 2 other memebers in the same frame of mind, then its time to start afresh.
  25. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='1158467' date='Mar 11 2011, 07:09 PM']Steve you sat on my sofa a fortnight ago saying you loved the amp!! I think you said it in the last post, you may be chasing the tone now that your guitar gas is sorted. Rhino fro the Quo now uses Markbass gear. You don`t get any more rock than that!! Jez[/quote] Damn you and your memory Gerry hahahahaha. Yeah I think I just have some gas. I know this amp is amazing and lots of people would love to own one. I should be grateful with what I have and realise that bouncing form amp to amp is just a waste of time and money. I will be using my DHA valve pedal a bit more and see if I can cure this bloody need for an orange rig.
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