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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. Not long back from rehearsals. Did we sink or swim????????????????? GLUG GLUG GLUG
  2. [quote name='tomb' post='1157358' date='Mar 10 2011, 10:34 PM']bass has now returned to its previous owner and im happy with it. will i regret it in the long run? well, maybe, but for now i am at peace with myself finally[/quote] Do you know the outcome of your family friend taking the bass back to the shop and also how was he when you returned it? We need closure!!!
  3. ive amended this thread to a poll as I have some folk saying book a gig and others saying not to. Lets see what everyone thinks.
  4. [quote name='allihts' post='1156981' date='Mar 10 2011, 05:57 PM']Just been looking at these [url="http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/search.php?partno=0135762355"]http://www.fender.com/en-GB/products/searc...rtno=0135762355[/url] . Read a few reviews online, all seems to be good stuff and it appears to be a really verstile bass. Does anyone have any first-hand experience?[/quote] Hey buddy, sorry I cant give you first hand experince. However,,,,I have had an aerodyne which is the passive version of these. Fender are the kings of P and J basses so its only right they stick out the best p/j split basses too. If you like fender then you will like this. It will have the benefit of the the P thump and the twang of the jazz bridge plus the mix inbetween, then of course you have the active EQ.....oh damn I now have some serious gas!!!!!! Quick someone tell me I dont get on with lots of tonal options.
  5. [quote name='tauzero' post='1157682' date='Mar 11 2011, 09:20 AM']By having an unobfuscated email address, you leave yourself somewhat open to spam. Have a look at [url="http://www.fingerlakesbmw.org/main/flobfuscate.php"]this email obfuscator[/url] as one of the ways to change that. Going straight from the home page to the "About" page caused me a certain mental grinding of gears as the home page is in the first person, whereas the "About" page is in the third person. As the site is specifically dedicated to you, rather than that being a biog in the context of a band, I'd suggest at least considering having the "About" page in the first person.[/quote] +1 on the above, keep it consistant. The website is easy to use and very well presented. However in your Bio please take out the phrase about your violin playing sounding like dying cats!!!!!!!
  6. [quote name='andy67' post='1157423' date='Mar 10 2011, 11:21 PM']Good luck with the sale Steve, I'm absolutely certain you will prefer the Orange! Just to add, Steve is a great guy who really looks after his gear and is an absolute gentleman. andy[/quote] Ah thank you for your kind words mate, yer tenner is in the post hahaha. [quote name='chrismuzz' post='1157428' date='Mar 10 2011, 11:23 PM']Good luck with the sale, and your quest for Orange! If you have no luck I'd recommend chucking a sansamp or a vt bass in front of it for some tasteful grit [/quote] Thanks for that buddy, I'm using a DHA pedal just now and it's doing a pretty decent job, however I have hear rave reviews comments on the sansamp and vt bass. If things go a bit pets tong with my sale I may just give them a bash.
  7. I stuck the 5 songs for this Friday as a kinda test to not only get us playing more, however also to see if the commitments there. I am learning the words as well as the bass parts for the songs, not so I can sing them for the band, but just again to show my commitment and also to point out folk not pulling their weight. This way there can be no excuses. Thank goodness its only 1 guitarist and not the drummer thats being lazy or I would be very busy this week hahahaha.
  8. [quote name='tomb' post='1156585' date='Mar 10 2011, 01:34 PM']He told me to hold on to it while he contacts the store where he bought it, the store is in business and its the same owner according to him[/quote] hmmmm, regardless of what is said by either the sho owner or your family friend.......this may be the start of you getting the runaround.
  9. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1156484' date='Mar 10 2011, 12:34 PM']As above, I'm not sure how valid the Big Al comparison is. If you're buying a Jag, wouldn't you also be shopping around comparable Jazz and Precision basses? The Big Al is a cut above, I'm sure - and I remember chatting to a forum member on here about acquiring his - but it's £1400 or more, and I'm not sure how many times you'd want to take it out in some sweaty pub. The Jag, at £500-ish, gives you some options. And if you're not happy with it, then I suspect you're falling back to your P or J options. There's one on Ebay now, black-with-white, £600 starting bid and £800 BIN. Headstock looks like it sank on the Titanic, however.[/quote] +1 love the titanic comment
  10. Some real wise words going on here folks and thanks to everyone. We have some vids and recordings. However when I highlighted how bad they were I got blank looks!!! ignorance is bliss hence why I think they should go onto xfactor. In fairness the audio recordings were a while ago and we are a bit tighter now. However the vids are more recent and they still show the weakness in the band. I will have to converse with the other 2 who want to start something fresh if the band falls away. Get a general thought on the matter and see how it goes after Frdiays rehearsal (or D-day as it will be called hahaha).
  11. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1156327' date='Mar 10 2011, 10:17 AM']Will you post to Portugal? [/quote] Bravo
  12. [quote name='endorka' post='1156418' date='Mar 10 2011, 11:32 AM']I am indeed still doing private tuition. Give me a shout if you'd like to sort a lesson out - where are you based these days? Jennifer[/quote] My main office is still in Glasgow, however due to work loads theres no guarantee where I will be day to day, or even if I will end up in the same district I started in.
  13. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1156316' date='Mar 10 2011, 10:08 AM']Personally - and maybe this is just me - but I'd be a bloody sight happier if a "Rickenbacker" I'd bought from some 70-year old guy for €250 turned out to be a copy. If it was real I'd feel like I'd robbed the poor old sod. J.[/quote] oh you soft sod
  14. unbelievable. This is what im wanting. No offence Chris, but I hope it doesnt sell untill my Markbass combo goes so I can take it.
  15. [quote name='endorka' post='1156352' date='Mar 10 2011, 10:46 AM']I concur that it would be a good idea to book a gig, and see if it sharpens them up. Be prepared to test this theory to destruction, however. Quite often in these situations you find out that some people don't really want to gig, for whatever reason. Jennifer[/quote] Ah Jen, still giving me lessons, feels like the good old days Just a shame im not primarily based in Glasgow any longer In saying that, are you still teaching or are you too busy with the tours and bands?
  16. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='1156259' date='Mar 10 2011, 09:27 AM']When one of my bands did this,i booked a major venue for 6 weeks ahead,everyone shaped up,and it was a great debut gig.[/quote] One of the guitarists (the one not pulling his weight) suggested the same thing. I just dont have any confidence with them at the moment though and possibly down to poor comms in the band I dont think the singer and guitarist are fully aware its their fault (maybe they should audition for the xfactor due to their blissful unawareness hahaha). We have rehearsals on Friday and I landed a bombshell of 5 songs to get us back on form. ace of spades, walking by myself, superstition, lump and feelin' good (bonamassa). Nothing too taxing however this will now give me the chance to point out any issues. The crazy thing is that im the one in the band who has been playing for the less amount of time. Im by no means a monster on bass, however I do learn songs even with a demanding job and a 19month old son needing every moment of my attention (cant fault that as I thrive on it ) . I arrange rehearsals (with 5 memeber thats a mean feet in its own right), I mainly deal with any issues the band has as it was me that put the band together and its me that seems to be the daddy too that has to keep things in check.
  17. I just read Walmans thread on his bands rehearsals being productive and I was happy to hear it, however it got me thinking of my band. I wrote this reply however feel as though it may hijak his thread a bit with my own band issues. My current mob are stagnant at moment. With loads of great excuses (some not even that great) about how they are tired or swamped and didnt get a real good crack at the songs. Thats all very well but after the 4th month of the current line up as we have had a few different singers and approx 8 months with the rest of us, I would expect more than approx 18 songs in our setlist that most of them arent even giggable yet!!! Myself, the drummer and one of the guitarists are now on the verge of.......... do we walk and do something ourself or........... take it from this point and state to the band if we aint ready to gig in 2 months then happily walk away. I think I was spoiled by my first band as it was a pleasure to be a part of a 3 piece that really rocked, no room for short comings and no excuses and nowhere to hide if you didnt learn your part. Lets face it, not every band makes it out of the rehearsal room.
  18. I agree that letting it go at this stage is your best bet. You will never be happy and you will always look at it knowing its not what you wanted. 400euros will bag you a decent s/h jazz or p-bass. you would be able to buy one of the Epiphone EB basses. You honestly have loads of choices in the market. Regardless of what anyone on here says, do what you want with the bass however if it was me I would have got shot of it on the first day
  19. regarding the finish on the Jags, mine had no issues at all. I went through a stingray and a bongo quite quickly. Both had great finishes however my Jag looks just as darn pretty and tidy as they did for a fraction of the price. I to this date still havent touched the action or intonation on the jag as it was ready to play right out the box. I did fancy sticking a badassIII on it just cos they look cool. But I dont want to muck up the way it plays straight from the factory. We can A-B them all we like and we will have preferences. However for a bass UNDER £700, the Jag stands proud against basses that exceed its retail value. For a bass that has a simple EQ system I can get a thump or a twang out of it easily. a blend control would have been nice however for a bass that looks and plays as well as the Jag then I can forgive it. Im not too sure why a Big Al and a Jag are being compared as they are totally different beasts and im sure if fender had the Big Al price tag, they may have pimped it out a bit more.
  20. This fella clearly states this is a bargain price, on that alone im now interested in it. [url="http://belfast.gumtree.com/belfast/04/75517004.html"]http://belfast.gumtree.com/belfast/04/75517004.html[/url]
  21. [quote name='SisterAbdullahX' post='1155434' date='Mar 9 2011, 03:22 PM']Thanks for the sterling work, Mike. I'll take one.[/quote] Eude on here has the 1x10. If you need any info he is the man to ask, hes a top bloke so needless to say his input will be tip-top.
  22. [quote name='Born to Lose' post='1155366' date='Mar 9 2011, 02:25 PM']Hi - I'm new to the form, and to Ricks in fact, so please pardon my ignorance - why does this only have one pickup ?[/quote] because its the 4000 model and not the 4001 or 4003 that everyone is used to seeing.
  23. [quote name='jarvmasterc' post='1155207' date='Mar 9 2011, 12:53 PM']so i'll be looking for your expert knowledge from time to time![/quote] Why join this forum then hahahahahaha welcome aboard matey
  24. [quote name='tomb' post='1155209' date='Mar 9 2011, 12:54 PM']if i knew from the start it was a faker i would have been happy with it, like i said, im not unhappy with the bass itself but more with the situation and thats making me uncomfortable with the bass. like having a girlfriend and she has a twin sister and you ending up having sex with the sister... she looks the same but once you notice its not the girlfriend you get all kind of weird feelings about my tattoo, you can get tattooed in Portugal at 13 as long as the parent is there and permits it. about my english, my great grandfather on my mothers side is english and ive been attending english class since i was 6 in OTL, thats like and extra curricular activity that would translate into Free Time Ocupation[/quote] tattoos and talking about shaggin twin sisters! Glad my boy aint growing up over there hahahaha
  25. The jag is a one stop shop. they are fantastic basses and well worth their value. I nearly sold mine a few times, however thanks to a few good members on here, they jumped onto the thread to remind me how much I love it. That 900 s/h bass was just stupid. 400-500 depending on the market is a fair price.
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