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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='tomb' post='1154528' date='Mar 8 2011, 09:15 PM']no idea... i like the feel of it, i like the weight, i like how thin it is and how it looks, makes me feel all Cliff Burton/Lemmy like, but still its not the real thing. was it a bairgain if it was the real thing? hell yes it was, but again it was a 70 year old man selling it to me after being friends of my family for over 40 years, damn he held me in his arms when i was born... so yes, i would believe that we would pass on a Rickenbacker to me since none of his children ever liked music now i just feel like crap and have no idea what to do or think...[/quote] I totally dig what your saying now mate, its more of a moral dilemma. This fella may believe this to be an original and also feels he has done you an amazing favour by passing this onto you for a snip of the real price. By selling it on may hurt his feelings if he ever questions where it is or how your getting on with it. However you are now 250 less than you had and still dont have a Ric. I would just say to him and take it from there.
  2. regardless of it being a steal or a bargain..Its still a let down being he thought he was getting the deal of the year only to find out its a fake... What you going to do now Tomb?
  3. why didnt you show us pics of the fretboard or headstock? It looks like you have dots on the fretboard rather than the shark inlays, even though you have binding on the body. That I believe is a mismatch. Is the fretboard lacquered? The bridge is wrong and even if it had been replaced you are still missing the routed hole where the original ric bridge sits into it. Also the binding below the bridge is continuous whereas the binding on mine stops below the bridge. If your offered a ric for £250 then I think you should just assume its a fake. Bassassin (Jon) is the man on this matter though.
  4. [quote name='bassgurumonster' post='1153053' date='Mar 7 2011, 09:39 PM']Wow , People really want this ............!![/quote] not that much seeing its still here
  5. are you going to introduce yourself to the forum or is this just a means to an end?
  6. This is wild, I barely remember sticking this thread up last night. God damn a night of whiskey hahahaha
  7. I know theres forum rules about talking about a seller asking price, however I dont care and must say that this is the bargain of the century. I honestly cant believe how low this asking price is and I honestly can believe its not away yet!! I dont play 5's and I sold my Bongo not too long ago to fund my Ric, however at this price you just can lose. Even if you bought it here, you could re-sale this on ebay with a tidy profit even after fees. All the very best with the sale buddy.
  8. [quote name='ase_one23' post='1150353' date='Mar 5 2011, 10:17 AM'][url="http://glasgow.gumtree.com/glasgow/70/74350670.html"]here.[/url] looks like a good deal? think u can pick these up for about £550 now but still a decent price.[/quote] Hola buddy, long time no speak. You still got the jekyll and hyde pedal? I seen this bass advertised. I was quite interested but know nothing about them
  9. Hola all. As much as I like my markbass combo, I have serious gas for the Orange terror bass and SP210 or SP212 So I fancy doing a swap for the Orange terror bass rig. With my main bass (Ric 4003) I feel my current combo along with with this trebley (yes its a word)bass is a bit too clean for my dirty rock sound that I love so much. Maybe it turns out I should not have sold either of my ampeg rigs!!!! Updated for Ampeg combo or Portaflex rig. If you fancy a swap then get in touch and see what we can arrange. Cheers Steven Heres a wee pic (Bongo not included)
  10. yeah its a not bad price. I would hope for £250 to tell you the truth. However if you have the £300 and are comfortable paying it,,then jump at it.
  11. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1147210' date='Mar 2 2011, 03:08 PM'] LJ proving JTUK's point rather nicely there by bashing the living f*** out of that poor lil bass.[/quote] I bet that poor stingrays little heart sank that day when it found out who was playing him
  12. [quote name='buff' post='1094270' date='Jan 18 2011, 07:32 PM']Im finding at the moment the sound to my ear's is lacking a bit, ive heard people saying they sound similar to a ricki. But as yet i cant hear it myself.[/quote] There is no comparison to a Ric and an Epi JC. The Ric is a far superior beast with a totally different sound to it. I have owned a JC in the past and although it was a nice novelty to play with, I moved it on quite sharpish when I realised it just wasnt for me. Nice to look at however the novelty value wore off and I was left with an uncomfortable to play Epiphone.
  13. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1147265' date='Mar 2 2011, 03:47 PM']In the rectory? [/quote]
  14. [quote name='JTUK' post='1147057' date='Mar 2 2011, 01:15 PM']Talking about the vid...DK is normally pretty clean sounding but if you hammer into a P-Bass then you can get a quite scruffy sound. I put it down to the bass/pups used rather than the player. Pops and LJ used to have a peak-y sound whilst slapping as well, IMO...both used P-bass configs. Of course LJ also used MM but have you seen how hard he hits the thing?[/quote] Who's pops and LJ??
  15. Seen tis advert and I am now going to sell my Jag [url="http://www.gumtree.com/london/71/74692371.html"]http://www.gumtree.com/london/71/74692371.html[/url]
  16. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1146529' date='Mar 1 2011, 10:34 PM'] Actually it just makes me want to try harder. C'mon Steve unpack that [s]Tokai[/s] er... genuine Rickenbacker and give it some welly. [/quote] aaaaaaaarggghhh ITS A REAL RIC. Well so the seller told me before he disappeared in a puff of smoke after handing over the cash hahahahahahaha
  17. Aye nice one Rich, I have now had to stick ma basses away in their cases...........after watching that I feel like there is just no point anymore.
  18. I had the BK200 for a while. Its a really good combo and will do a small/medium gig possibly upto to 50-100 folk. However as Warwick says there are other combos for the price with alot more headroom. The versatility in these combos are great and will easily do the warm bluesy sound and then can channel in lots of top end for some slap. I found the switchable tweeter at tad fearce and not really usable with my Jag, in saying that I think that may have been the Jags fault with its poor grounding. The only real bad point of these amps is the resale. Even though they retail at over 400notes, you will find it hard to move on once your ready to try something else. Soundwise I think you will love these and ignore the bottom of the range talk as that doesnt even come into it. I never DI'ed it so not sure about the 1/4" jack question. The only real issues is the headroom that it kinda lacks and of course resale.
  19. Hey Andy, Never thought I would see the TE head up as I know how much you love the sound from it. All the very best with the sale buddy and im sure at this price it wont be up for very long. And to anyone who is interested,,,,Andy is a real top bloke and keeps his gear in showroom condition, so buy with confidence from this man. Cheers
  20. hey there, So did MM change the body as you were sayin in a previous post?
  21. I was having the logging in problem with my iphone. Just double checked and everything seems to be sorted now. Ta for that
  22. munkonthehill


    Had Mark set up my Ric 4003. He done a bang up and very professional job on it. If you want your bass to play like a top end bass regardless of what it is, then get it over to Mark to sort it for you. Cheers
  23. hey there, is this book still out there. cna i be added to the list please. Cheers
  24. Can I be added onto the list. This man makes being a country gentleman cool. I actually wanted to make some cheese after watching a show about him hahaha. Cheers
  25. everything from grit to all out metal heaven then you should buy my pedal. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=117476"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=117476[/url]
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