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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='davydisco' post='1077373' date='Jan 4 2011, 02:48 PM']yes its a beauty those photos u put up wherent very good it didnt do it justice its a lovely bass thankyou mate,did u get your new sax i didnt know u where a pro but there u go see u later davy[/quote] Yeah I checked both threads and its 2 different colured basses hahahaha. But if you think the pics didnt do it justice and its a beauty, then how come your flippin it so quickly?
  2. [quote name='fraff' post='1077490' date='Jan 4 2011, 04:39 PM']Steven, good luck with it mate. As both Fretmeister and I would attest, a great head this.[/quote] Thanks Ian. We have discussed how good these heads are and although I would will be sad to see it go, im also looking forward to trying out some orange and markbass gear. I dont gig nearly enough to have a large ampeg rig to be setup in my backroom. I am also changing car in about a year which will be a nighmare for carting about an ampeg rig and the majority of the PA system. Plus lets face it, playing with new toys keeps us young hahahaha.
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1075216' date='Jan 2 2011, 12:43 PM']I had a Terror 500 for a while. Having not been able to put both volume and gain on more than 2, in gig situations, I can`t see why the Terror 1000 has been made. It would probably cause the O2 Arena to collapse![/quote] and heres the pun wow, that really speaks [u]volumes[/u] about this amp. Jokes aside its a really tempting purchase.
  4. [quote name='ahpook' post='1075128' date='Jan 2 2011, 11:22 AM']i'm getting seriously tempted by the 500W model... shouldn't...really shouldn't...[/quote] yeah I think the 1000watt is way overkill for my usage, but that 500w is calling on me.
  5. [quote name='Rasta' post='1074260' date='Jan 1 2011, 11:33 AM']Anyone interested in an SP210 i have one for sale in ther for sale section, great speaker ![/quote] I cant see it in the sale section rasta!!
  6. [quote name='cameltoe' post='1074011' date='Dec 31 2010, 08:45 PM']Get the bass terror 1000w! [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Orange-Terror-Bass-1000~ID~13655.asp"]HERE[/url][/quote] no way is it only a 100bucks extra for a further 500watt output,,,thats so bloody tempting. Plus the option of 500 or 1000 output and 4 or 8ohm impedance. Damn thats got my debit card nervous!!!!
  7. we will be watching it at ma brothers house, viva la bells
  8. [quote name='Bassmonkey' post='1073722' date='Dec 31 2010, 02:44 PM']Ha - my band members are just shaking theit heads in a "I knew he wouldn't be able to resist" kind of way. Just shortened the 30FT Speakon and it all works. I went for the 2x12 purely cos I have a 19" 1U case with tuner and transceiver in it that has to fit on top of the cab and 2x10 was a bit narrower. It may have to go underneath the lot yet. Here's a couple of pics. Yes, I know I am a bit over excited !! Happy New Year all Andy[/quote] thats a lovely Les Paul, wish Gibson made their basses that pretty. Im really considering the orange head with 210. I dont overly enjoy the prospect of luggin the ampeg gear around at gig time!!!!!
  9. [quote name='tom1946' post='1073537' date='Dec 31 2010, 10:37 AM']Steven! how are you? hope you had a nice christmas mate. I used to think 2 tone sunburst was dull but as I matured into a man I realised that it's really a very cultured combination for those in the know I'm trying to buy a bongo that's on here.[/quote] lovely choice mate. Mine is a monster and cant rate them high enough. But then again, you have already broken my heart over the jags,,,so I dont want to set myself up for another fall
  10. [url="http://www.cashgenerator.co.uk/drum-accessories/boss-me-50b-bass-multiple-effects-hu214"]http://www.cashgenerator.co.uk/drum-access...e-effects-hu214[/url] prime example here. who the f*** would buy a 2nd hand fx box for 160notes when its 185 at dolphine music!!!!!! its killing me to find out how much they gave the fella for the unit????????????
  11. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1073555' date='Dec 31 2010, 10:57 AM']'pretend offended' I don't think anyone was offended. It just seemed a little out-of-place in a civil discussion. That's all.[/quote] exactly!
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1073515' date='Dec 31 2010, 10:19 AM']Err... that was aimed at bassassin, not you...?[/quote] ah im sorry, reacted without thinking properly. Too many late nights and far too many early mornings. post edited mate. I realise I now appear to be a grumpy git who cant read properly.
  13. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1073265' date='Dec 30 2010, 11:16 PM']With all due respect - bollocks! If this had been a 5-year old Squier the worst it would've got is a bit if pointing & sniggering. J.[/quote] dont get cheeky mate A thought we were past folk being smart arses on here. Turns out we are lined up for it again in 2011.
  14. [quote name='tom1946' post='1073411' date='Dec 31 2010, 05:26 AM']Reduced to £625 delivered.[/quote] Tom my good man. hope you are well. I have never liked liked sunburst, always thought they looked a bit old fashioned (its fine for you seeing yer old ) However this is simply lovely, the finsih on this thing is pristine and it just oozes class. God I wish I had something to trade or cash to buy this. All the very best with the sale. I dont think I have to tell anyone that Tom is an absolute gent and keeps his gear mint!!!! Oh wait a minute, I just did.
  15. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1073162' date='Dec 30 2010, 09:08 PM']but without the kudos (less kudos these days (in my book anyway) now people have hiked their "sell on" price all of a sudden). Sustain? Who knows. Who even cares. Do high mass bridges make any tonal difference? Well, yes. Is it the tonal difference that you were looking for? It would be nice.[/quote] sustain on a bass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if you need sustain then your just being lazy and not playing all the tune hahahaha.
  16. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1073181' date='Dec 30 2010, 09:35 PM']At the poor taste, certainly. But I wouldn't react as though a sacred relic was being desecrated - it's just a mass-produced bass, there are thousands exactly the same. Different story if someone had decided to do this to a '72 Jazz in 2010, though. That would be incredibly crass. J.[/quote] a dont think anyone really cares what it was to start with,,,we are more disgusted at what its become.
  17. ah sh*t ive slevered all over my keyboard.
  18. out of curiosity, what is the head and cab?
  19. [quote name='Blademan_98' post='1072563' date='Dec 30 2010, 10:58 AM']That looks really cool I like them a lot, and perhaps one day I will have enough to buy a real EB-1 Is it the build quality or just the general feel of Epiphones you don't like? Brian[/quote] The feel of the Epiphones are pretty good in my eyes Brian. You have made a good purchase in that respect. Its the electrics and hardware that let them down IMHO. One of the main reasons I got rid of the EB-1 was that I felt it looked a bit daft on me. Im quite a big chap and I felt it looked a little too small on me. However, in todays market you get what you pay for and im sure you knew that spending 200bucks wasnt going to get you a classic. So again, you have got a bass that you like the looks of, you have played and are happy with and feel its iconic in the respect of Jack Bruce playing something similar. To me thats a win, win, win to you mate. I hope you have years of fun with it.
  20. Aye the gibson Jack used was the EB-1 which is approx 2,500 plus change.... The epiphone copy was again the EB-1which is what I finally found after hankering for one for a long long time. However it wasnt with me long and after a few epiphones after that I decided the brand just isnt for me.
  21. ha, just informed that its my little cousins pal Jemma thats on keyboard on this show. How did I miss that!!!!
  22. [quote name='geofio' post='1071873' date='Dec 29 2010, 04:05 PM']sorry if i have confused you , not intentional, just wanted to add more info and more pics plus inform folks of the price reduction, i am not an expert on these kind of web sites so sorry for my ignorance. george[/quote] I honestly meant that as a bit of help George, if it came across as snooty I apologise:-) Or maybe subconsciously it was ment to be snide due to me really wanting your bass and not being able to afford or having anything to trade for it hahahaha. Either way, all the very best with your sale.
  23. Hola all. Ok I just took ownership of a markbass CMD102P combo. I have been hankering for some markbass gear for a while and jumped at the chance when this came up. So first feelings on the combo is that its powerful and very articulate. every note rings true and I feel I may have to polish up my technique a tad to be able to use this live, it turns out me as a player may not be good enough to use this amp hahahahaha. All joking aside of course this is a monster of a combo. I used it for a little while with both the bongo and jag. I was blown away with it funnily more so with the jag even though its half the price of the bongo. Goes to show price aint everything. I was also foolish enough to crank it whilst I went into another room,,,,,lets just say I may have some structual damage to my spare room with this little light combos awesome voice. I would consider the ampeg gear I have still my main sound, however I cant wait to take this to rehearsals. I havent had to much time to get tore into the eq and the VLE and VPE dials, so hopefully I will get a cracking sound quite easily. Does anyone have any EQ settings for rock/blues type sounds to get me started. I will no doubt be playing with its dials for weeks as I always do, but a bit of a starting reference would be cool. Wee pic as always:
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