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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. would it not be best running just 1 advert rather than a couple.... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=116234"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=116234[/url] it may be less confusing
  2. Met up with Kevin to do a swap with some amplification gear. This fella is a pleasure to do business with and I would highly recommend him for any future ventures. Great comms and easy to deal with. All in all this was an easy transaction and looking forward to keeping in touch with him. Cheers Steven
  3. could you possibly just give me the Ric due to it being the season of goodwill to all mankind?
  4. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1070641' date='Dec 27 2010, 11:27 PM']Hi folks - I just bought myself Stu Hamm's 'slap, pop & tap' DVD and despite his cheesiness, there's stuff I have learnt and more to glean from it. Any other suggestions of tip-top DVD's worthy of investment? I'd also really like a DVD to learn how to properly set-up a bass and/or a guitar. Cheers![/quote] you could get the Flea DVD. They are so oot their nut hahahahaha
  5. aye a think your footing the bill on this one Stephen. I wouldnt imagine a pub paying up! to tell you the truth im quite suprised you expect someone else to pay if it was your accident.
  6. this was from one of my previous posts. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='610704' date='Sep 28 2009, 10:52 AM']Ok chaps, Worst case senario, during my approx 7th song, my mb4210 300watt broke. It started 'farting' then finally began cutting out all together. We tried pushing on and hopefully it would kick back in,,,,,but as im sure we all know this was an empty wish and the lump of pish gave up. So a mad rush to my home to pick up my little 50watt peavey max115 which is my only other amp was in place. Now the marshall has great tonal qualitys and great output, so how did the peavey hold up, well im glad to report that it did the job, it wasnt amazing but by god the we fella saved the day, i could be heard(just) and the show went on. So well infact that the pub booked us for a further 2 gigs. So Sunday morning i got all the amps packaging together (it was only 2months old) took it back to the amazing guys in merchant city guitar and they did a straight swap for a Hughes & Kettner BK200 200watt amp. Not tried it at rehearsals or gigs yet but looking forward to it. If anyone has any experience on these amps, either the marshall mb4210 or mainly the hughes & Kettner BK200 then please add to this thread. Cheers for reading folks, oh and just to add, the peavey is now my hero and although it wont be my gigging bass I can highly recommend them. Steven[/quote]
  7. [quote name='LiamPodmore' post='1067324' date='Dec 22 2010, 11:08 PM']That is one nice looking bass there. I wish i could afford a Bongo, but a schoolkids bank balance doesnt alow for £1500 basses. I agree with the scratchplate change also, that was one pretty hideous tort plate. Liam[/quote] your bang on there, god knows what they were thinking dishing these guards out!!!
  8. Ok chaps, just a small update. Due to the most hideous pearloid scratchplate on my bongo, I really wanted to get shot of it. However after a bit of searching and a bit of a wait,,,,I finally got my replacement scratchplate. In my eye this really makes the bass so much better.
  9. [quote name='270degrees' post='1065863' date='Dec 21 2010, 04:16 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTFJ_R1VbLI&feature=player_embedded"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTFJ_R1VbLI...player_embedded[/url] That's a MUCH better vid.[/quote] that is just so bloody cool
  10. [quote name='MB1' post='1065117' date='Dec 20 2010, 08:53 PM']MB1. WTF? [/quote] quick Martin say something funny!!!!!!!! Cos I can see this thread getting angry very soon hahahaha.
  11. all sorted I think. Managed to get a custom high gloss pickguard made for me. So im now more than happy with the looks of my sapphire black bass and black pickguard woo hoo
  12. [quote name='Michaelg' post='1063162' date='Dec 19 2010, 01:25 AM']i sometimes use a compression pedal and i use a tiny bit of fuzz. generally speaking i avoid bass effects, i feel like its a cheap way of making a boring bassline sound interesting[/quote] thats an amazing song you added there mate. I dont know if you meant it was sh*t or not however it has my head swaying and getting rared up for rehearsals at 12
  13. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1063149' date='Dec 19 2010, 01:10 AM']Muse was just the kind of rubbish I was thinking of when I was considering how bad the over use of effects can be. Mind you, I suppose switching off the effects there wouldn't make it any better! IMO.[/quote]
  14. I own a snarling dogs bootzilla fuzz/wah. its possibly the best and funkiest pedal I have ever seen. However I never use it. My amp head has an o/d channel which is switchable. So except from that I dont use anything at all. I love playing about with pedals and if a multi-fx box turns up for a decent price then am on it like a rash at a whore house. infact,,,has anyone tried a damage control dual valve distortion pedal????????????
  15. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1057873' date='Dec 13 2010, 09:39 PM']Yep spoke to her ( well she spoke to me first ) Will hopefully start with her after new year time [/quote] your in for a treat with Jen my good man, she is a cool tutor. Only reason I stopped going is cos I wasnt in glasgow as much as I used to be. However she really helped me out and straightened my playing.
  16. its good to see 'thing' from The Adams family back playing organ Could you tell that lady that my sax is on fire
  17. [quote name='minkey1980' post='1056193' date='Dec 12 2010, 04:54 PM'].....................MUSICMAN BONGO!!!! I knew there was a bass I wanted to try. Whats that like? (for the record I forgot about my Musicman Sub bass - it was ok, very good value for money but wish I had gone for the active one).[/quote] the bongo is a different animal that I have encountered. It has such a wide and powerful tone variation due to its uber powerful 18v preamp. I have the HS pickup which is the humbucker and single coil setup. The bass is more modern in sound than im used to and quite 'hi-fi' like depending on its setting. In saying that, it has the ability to have ultra high mids with enough treble to make it sould like a stingray and on the other side of the spectrum it has enough bass to easily dislodge fillings. So it goes to both extremes whilst nailing everything inbetween. The quality finish on these basses is second to none. They are lovely in all respects. Quite a few folk dont like the shape of them, but its the shape that mainly brought these basses to my attention.
  18. I think my Jag is suites to my needs and I feel as though it spoils me with its tonal control. I love it to bits and itts easily my 'go-to-bass'. It has a lovely thin neck and looks cool. So for me its the combination of playability and looks that make this a winner. Not to say I dont love my Bongo, however I could easily swap or sell the Bongo without a 2nd thought. I think that easily answers this question for me.
  19. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='1055838' date='Dec 12 2010, 11:25 AM']Ah... oh dear... can of worms indeed. Pointless thread with all due respect from yours truly. If you find it in yourself to eradicate the evils of hype, hearsay and whatever crap you read on internet fora... then you'll realize that perhaps even a £50 nameless bass can be ace to a man, and that same man couldn't care less for... say a handmade Fodera or a Ken Smith even if he could afford it. Ok example: even in this thread someone said try a Rickenbacker, they are the dogs' blx, well I have tried many Ricks in as many models as they come, money not being an issue for me, they just don't do it for me at all! Same as Warwicks, I know there is a "cult" going on about Warwick basses, but they mean jack **** to me. Don't like holding them, playing them and even hate the sound they make. But at the same time I wouldn't dare diss them, I simply appreciated they are not for me and that doesn't mean they're bad. I am sure that some of the basses I rate might not be your choice and that some people wouldn't even touch with a barge pole. So I ask, why for threads like these exist? Do we all drive the same car, wear the same shoes? No, we do not! So how could we possibly agree on what is the best bass?[/quote] whats the problem with asking these types of questions,,,,,it looks like you gave time for a response!! let the fella ask his questions and let the masses enjoy answering,,,,its open forum after all!
  20. [quote name='minkey1980' post='1055862' date='Dec 12 2010, 11:42 AM']yes, i just removed it. The missus suggested the dreaded bay but didnt realise i would be getting so much interest here so now happily removed to save lining the evil paypal/ebay mafia. I can always put it back on.[/quote] this is some cool tech you have....what other toys you got in the stable??
  21. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='1055836' date='Dec 12 2010, 11:24 AM']I wouldnt worry about this shifting. If it doesnt go here it will go on ebay am sure [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/USA-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS...=item4cf3a27c7b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/USA-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS...=item4cf3a27c7b[/url] You sticking around buddy?? maybe stick a wee intro into the top thread to introduce yourself too.[/quote] its been removed...thats weird.
  22. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1055789' date='Dec 12 2010, 10:55 AM']You should make a youtube demo explaining the setup and basic functions. I think it may be hard to shift this without one.[/quote] I wouldnt worry about this shifting. If it doesnt go here it will go on ebay am sure [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/USA-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS...=item4cf3a27c7b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/USA-FENDER-JAZZ-BASS...=item4cf3a27c7b[/url] You sticking around buddy?? maybe stick a wee intro into the top thread to introduce yourself too.
  23. [quote name='minkey1980' post='1055669' date='Dec 12 2010, 07:54 AM']FENDER USA JAZZ BASS (with S1 switch) - £550 ovno This bass has been pro fitted with the amazing Korg Kaoss Pad 3 so that the built in screen on the guitar controls the korg effects (basically identical to Muse guitarist Matt Bellamys Manson guitar). The customisation was created by Sims Custom Shop in Kent so proper job. The MIDI Screen has been lifted from the Korg Kaoss Pad 3 and has a large group of Red LED'S behind the screen to light the bass up with a switch right next to the EQ controls. This is controlled by your fingers as you play the bass strings. The Kaoss pad effects include loops, voice and synth to drum settings. Due to the retro fittings this leaves two inputs so can also be used to wire up to two amps (think Yamaha attitude) which creates a stereo sound when performing. Everything you need to operate the system is included so that includes; Korg Kaoss 3 unit Stereo leads Purpose built lead from bass to Korg pad Strap lock and hardcase also included. Truly is a one off bass. Plays brilliantly with nice low action and all the original labels included - this is practically brand new. Change in circumstances leads to sale so grab a bargain - the total package is worth over £1400. Would consider trade if local to Nottingham - interested in Warwicks and Gibsons[/quote] Just checked these Korg units on youtube. Its a cracking tool to play about with. How useful is it in a bass situation though??
  24. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='1053390' date='Dec 9 2010, 09:38 PM']It is a nice bass that warmoth...(I dont think Peter has it anymore ??)[/quote] unless there is another bass that tickles my fancy like that.....then im afraid im out!!!!! Oh wait a minute, I forgot its a weekend of cider and no family, hmmmm im back in.
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