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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1053354' date='Dec 9 2010, 09:12 PM']That was Pete's (Greeneking/Sanemancured) Warmoth P with Darkstar and ACG pre.[/quote] pretty sweet looking bass. Looking forward to trying out lots of gear out in February.
  2. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1052654' date='Dec 9 2010, 12:44 PM']This one? That's now mine, so it should be there... assuming this bloody snow's shifted by February. [/quote] what bass is far left in the pic???
  3. [quote name='MythSte' post='1051338' date='Dec 8 2010, 09:05 AM']Fair cop but Wayne doesn't do any of those things [/quote] I didnt say he did, but as waynes last sentence is this. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1049651' date='Dec 6 2010, 05:47 PM']Can people give me some idea what they sound/play like?[/quote] So fair cop right enough, I was just adding my thoughts and views!
  4. [quote name='King Tut' post='1051745' date='Dec 8 2010, 02:47 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7UUxuE3TcU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7UUxuE3TcU[/url] That's me in full flow - Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll![/quote] very nice ma man.
  5. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1051013' date='Dec 7 2010, 08:45 PM']I`m neither a good singer, nor would I attempt lead vocs whilst playing bass (except at rehearsals, for a laugh),[/quote] this is how I started singing. Our old singer didnt show up,,,so i stood in as singer/bass player for the session. I will never do a full gig singing, however I will happily stand in at rehearsals. Thanks to this one session brought on my confidence to do alot of backing vocals and I asked the guys if it would be ok to do 1 song as lead singer. Thankfully they said yes
  6. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1050925' date='Dec 7 2010, 07:30 PM']Apropos of nothing - that ad's a month old, there's no way on Earth that Rick's still for sale at that price! I'm quite surprised at the suggestion that this one's not "the real deal" - while the original 60s version of this might have been intended as a no-frills budget Rick, that's really not the case for the 4003S. These have neither been made nor sold in the same quantities as the full-fat 4003, and I would expect this - plus the original RM1999's association with players like Squire & McCartney - to make ones the Gumtree bass very desirable. Even copies of the 4001S model (very rare in themselves) have been known to sell for £700+. J.[/quote] yeah I think the gumtree one is long gone. I dont want to take anything away from that model of bass. But having the binding and the block inlays make the bass look that much bit sweeter. Im not overly fussed on the stereo jack but I love the extra trimmings of binding and inlays.
  7. these are lovely looking cabs. I was gunning for one of these not too long ago. However due to the purchase of ampegs lightweight stuff i am sorted now. In saying that,,,,these are very tempting
  8. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1048181' date='Dec 5 2010, 01:08 PM']I had one of these - exactly the same. Mono output (shame) and the lack of shark inlays (big shame) made it feel somewhat lesser than an ideal Ric. That perception coloured my enjoyment of the bass to the extent I thought it didn't sound 'right' either. For me, I'd find the extra ton or so and buy the stereo out variation every time.[/quote] I think your right andrew,,i will hold out for the real deal...I dont want to finally get one and then feel as though its a let down due to the extra cost of a few hundred notes.
  9. The Fender Jag I have is freakin awesome. they are as BB says 'future classics' 'jazz turbo'. Honestly though they are great, full of character and sound. They look great and they play even better. The neck on these are smooth thin and fast. I have threatened to swap or sell mine over the 3-4 years ive had it. However thankfully I have had a few BC'ers get to me before I went ahead with any deals. Its a one stop shop for P-bass and jazz bass sounds. It can rock, it can funk and it can slap. They are the future hahaha.
  10. I love singing and playing the bass. However im sure nobody else would agree with my ability hahahaha. I sing 1 song in my band and do backing in most songs. Its a great feeling behind the mic however I hate singing with no bass!! I feel naked.
  11. No2 for me too buddy. I will be monitoring this thread as I know this is going to be awesome.
  12. [quote name='tom1946' post='1048974' date='Dec 6 2010, 06:42 AM']NEIN NEIN!! you cannot sell zis Jaguar! we will hunt you down [/quote] aaahhhhhhhh mods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im being cyber bullied. Until I feel safe again I feel the Jag will be staying with me
  13. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1049466' date='Dec 6 2010, 04:00 PM']...? Since when did this become "the rule"? You're hardly likely to mistake what someone is talking about simply because they call it a Ric rather than a Rick. On the subject of these instruments though, Geddy Lee did get a nice tone from his Ric, although I noticed when I saw them live the jazz the jazz sounded better, so Iw as glad the Ric only came out for two songs![/quote] i agree with both points Chris...... but mainly about the ric, its so iconic to see one,,,ive said it before, I just hope im not disappointed when I finally try one. I love the sound of my Jag (basically a jazz) through my ampeg rig, but as Barny said above in a previous post, the sound of a ric through the rig would be awesome. I think the various tones these basses have is brilliant. But as I love my Bongo so much, I dont know if I could sell it to fund a ric.
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' post='1049143' date='Dec 6 2010, 11:50 AM']Man that was a cheap price...Im shocked it didnt go before. I think its just a sign of the times...for the next year im going to try not sell anything[/quote] damn tootin G... that really is alot of bass for the money thats asked.
  15. [quote name='Kraken' post='1049208' date='Dec 6 2010, 12:56 PM']Just as an Aside to this, spent an hour or so with Robocorpse running his Ric's through my SVT 4 Pro at the south east bass bash, based on that I reckon it would sound awesome through your B5R[/quote] nice one Barny,,,,,in no way has that helped my gas for a ric though mate But I can only imagine how sweet it would sound due to never actually playing one. hopefully I will have a shot at the moffat bassbash woo hoo.
  16. [quote name='Bassassin' post='1049202' date='Dec 6 2010, 12:52 PM']Can I just take a moment, while there's a general atmosphere of bloodyminded intolerance here on BC, and while I'm sitting here looking at the 4 inches of f@cking snow that has fallen this morning, to point something out that bugs the living tits off me? RIC, or Ric: Acronym for Rickenbacker International Corporation, the company which manufactures Rickenbacker instruments. [b][u]Rick: Abbreviation of Rickenbacker.[/u][/b] Thanks for listening, I feel better now. As you were. Jon.[/quote] well a dont see any reason to bring that nonsence into a thread where we dont need bloodyminded intolerance.
  17. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1048765' date='Dec 5 2010, 09:34 PM']He's definitely a monster player but definitely a bit of a creep too, not sure if I'd want him around as a band leader![/quote] hahahaha +1
  18. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1048181' date='Dec 5 2010, 01:08 PM']I had one of these - exactly the same. Mono output (shame) and the lack of shark inlays (big shame) made it feel somewhat lesser than an ideal Ric. That perception coloured my enjoyment of the bass to the extent I thought it didn't sound 'right' either. For me, I'd find the extra ton or so and buy the stereo out variation every time. FWIW, if that happens to be the one I owned, I sold it for £650 around 2 years back [/quote] wish I had knows you 2 years ago, for that price I would have swam to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. [quote name='allighatt0r' post='1048173' date='Dec 5 2010, 01:03 PM']This is him, in a more serious environment, still with his 8 string though: [/quote] also a great advert for H&K amps. hope this may sell the ones in the for sale section.
  20. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1048172' date='Dec 5 2010, 01:02 PM']Do you need a photographer to come down and photo basses and to capture the flavour of the event? It's a gig I'd happily do for free [/quote] plenty of beautiful basses however also plenty of ugly bassists
  21. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1048043' date='Dec 5 2010, 10:38 AM']It's also worth mentioning the neck profiles of Rickenbackers range dramatically. My old one was like a baseball bat but there are ones from the same era that are like Jazzes.[/quote] i like jazz necks due to that bloody Jag I have,,,It may have ruined me for all other basses hahaha. If I do go for this (or more to the point if the guy who owns the ric goes for it) it means I would have to swap out the bongo that I love,, however the lure of a Ric is just too great. I am exactly 50-50 on this and not sure if I would be cool letting the bongo go. bloody gas
  22. [quote name='cd_david' post='1048034' date='Dec 5 2010, 10:17 AM']4003s model was a continuation of the original RM 1999 bass (60's UK export only), same as USA 4001 but no binding and slight body contouring. As far as I'm aware the only difference between a 4001 and a 4003 is that the 4001 was designed to be used with flats and 4003 re designed 4001 to accommodate round wounds, both models can appear with binding and triangle inlays. The "s" indicates no binding and dot inlays but the lack of stereo was an option available on all Ric basses and not just a budget thing so it may or may not have it? Ive got both styles and much prefer to play the S version it is much more comfortable to play and this is a bargain of a bass with quite a rare and retro look Id jump on it. PS Niether the 4003 or the 4001 or their respective "s" versions had set necks, all had Thru neck construction. Cheers Dave[/quote] Well in Dave, thats much appreciated info mate.
  23. [quote name='Macko1968' post='1047988' date='Dec 5 2010, 09:05 AM']Whilst it was useful for someone to flag up that the bass sold a week earlier for a lot less I don't see where in the rules anyone is prevented from trying to turn a profit. If someone had bought the bass though & then found out it went for considerably less a week earlier the only person they could have any issue with is themselves, no-one forced them to pay the inflated price & they had equal opportunity to buy the bass at the original price but didn't take it. Buyers take responsibility for determining if something is worth the asking price to them & as long as what they pay for is what they receive, they can have no complaints. I'd also take issue with some comments about member's standing - how long you have been here, how much you contribute doesn't excuse anyone their obligations when it comes to manners. The seller only became arsey after after some pretty arsey messages were directed at him, as mature adults we should be able to disagree about prices without being disagreeable. I find the community "looking out for it's own" a little difficult to swallow at the moment when there are some members whose own practices are questionable. I know of one for sale add at the minute where a long-standing member is asking £x because "that's what I paid for it" - I happen to know they paid less for it. I've not taken them to task over it because I figure the asking price for the bass will decide if it sells or not. I also see numerous adds stating "pay pal, if you pay [b]the[/b] fees. That should read "if you pay [b]my[/b] fees". The fees are the sellers responsibility yet some members expect the community to bear the costs of pay pal when buying & selling so they can use it for free - hardly in the spirit of a community. Talkbass is ahead of us in this respect, requiring sellers to abide by their paypal agreement & not pass on fees to buyers. It's an entirely laudable approach that the community is trying to take but, without explicit instruction in the rules, the situation around this sale will continue to arise. I would like to hear from the moderators on this subject, if profiteering is allowed then many of the comments on this thread should be removed, if it's not then the rules need updating & the seller informed of their transgression in a constructive manner by PM.[/quote] You do have some points I agree with, however this paypal fee topic is nowt to do with 'community spirit' its to do with losing out on YOUR asking price as the buyer cant do a bacs transfer or any other method that would not incur fees and losing out on your full asking price. I think giving the option of paypal is a decent thing to do, however as this is a fee option, then surely as this option is selected by the buyer, then the buyer should foot the bill!!!! I recently bought some ampeg gear from this site and paypal was the easiest and quickest method of payment for both parties....I happily footed the bill and when the seller offered to split the difference I refused his money. Now thats 'community spirit'
  24. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1047934' date='Dec 5 2010, 01:09 AM']nabg[/quote] NABG?
  25. [quote name='jonsmith' post='1047930' date='Dec 5 2010, 01:01 AM']Basically it's a glued in neck. This page here tells you a bit about different neck types. [url="http://www.jamorama.com/blog/tag/necks/"]Neck Types[/url] Probably not the best page, but I was trying to find a photograph of a Rickenbacker set neck. Not easy to find, but some 4001s and 4003s basses have set necks (and some 4000 basses too). The set neck in the photograph on that page is a Rickenbacker set neck, but not from a 4001 or 4003. Most Rickenbacker basses are neck through. The necks on the 4080 doublenecks look like they are bolt on, but although both have neck plates, the bass neck is actually set.[/quote] perfect answer, cheers buddy.
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