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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='1047960' date='Dec 5 2010, 02:59 AM']makes me jealous of his ability...and his legs..[/quote] clearly the quote of the day hahahahaha
  2. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1047913' date='Dec 5 2010, 12:32 AM']So are these like the cheapo buget line next to the real deal, shark fin inlaid stereo output Rics?[/quote] I doubt cheapo budget at 900bucks is the term I would use hhahahahaha.
  3. I know of a thru neck and bolt on neck. but whats a set neck?
  4. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1047891' date='Dec 5 2010, 12:05 AM']The thing is, unless people are a bit more specific in what 'their' thread title is about other folks don't bother looking at the other threads. I should know, I started a thread on the same bass because I hadn't read the existing thread with the title 'MMM Tempting!'... that thread could be about anything, how is the casual browser meant to realise that is about an overpriced Ric (not a direct dig at [u]that[/u] thread starter but it does help if the thread title actually gives some kind of clue)? [/quote] either way, its still bang out of order
  5. [quote name='jonsmith' post='1047892' date='Dec 5 2010, 12:08 AM']Mono output only.[/quote] I like the idea of having all the bells and whistles that come with a Ric, but does anyone use the stereo output. When would you use this option???????? Its something I actually look for in Rics when I go to shady dealers...I just assumed they all had the ric'o'sound output...........bloody ignorance!
  6. [quote name='bumnote' post='1047879' date='Dec 4 2010, 11:49 PM']I am no means a rickenbacker expert but these were available with the dot inlays in the 90s. I used to have a fireglow one, which was a special order from academy of sound in Norwich. Beautifull quality bass, I just couldnt get on with it[/quote] so except for the looks did it have any other difference????
  7. [quote name='Chris2112' post='1047876' date='Dec 4 2010, 11:44 PM']That looks dead snide! You'd at least clean the headstock of a bass like that if you were trying to sell it![/quote] ta for that.
  8. There is a Ric on gumtree [url="http://glasgow.gumtree.com/glasgow/27/67689627.html"]http://glasgow.gumtree.com/glasgow/27/67689627.html[/url] Is there any other difference between the Ric basses with the bindings and triangle inlays compared to this one???
  9. [quote name='merello' post='1047795' date='Dec 4 2010, 09:41 PM']Can you turn up without a bass as I'm shy at my Yamaha 414? (Obviously I'd buy a ticket!)[/quote] give me a PM if your up for the weekend Paul. Im heading down so I could pop in and pick you up.
  10. are there different models of Ric??
  11. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVThmL2u1Ig&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVThmL2u1Ig...feature=related[/url] is it wrong i like the wiggle at the start? damn looks like ive had too much gin and its not even 8!
  12. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1047515' date='Dec 4 2010, 04:33 PM']Sold pending payment.[/quote] well done in the sale Stephen. The fella who got this is surely getting a well setup bass. I love mine to bits, however even im starting to consider swapping/selling mine as im hankering for a 51R.....damn gas
  13. well done Platypus and great comments beedster. If this chap was honest why didnt he re-sale the bass in talkbass rather than jumping forum!!!!!!!!!!!! Its just a qucik buck to be made in this bass. Fair play if you got away with it matey,,,but you were caught and THEN decided to keep it. HHmmmmm!
  14. surely this is over priced [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-Bass-Guitar-/250732506989?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item3a60d26f6d"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Rickenbacker-Bass-Gu...=item3a60d26f6d[/url] I honestly cant see a time where paying 5grand for a bass is exceptable.
  15. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1043149' date='Nov 30 2010, 11:30 PM']I'd love to! When is it - I know Moffat well [/quote] [url="http://www.moffatbassbash.co.uk/"]http://www.moffatbassbash.co.uk/[/url]
  16. [quote name='Lysdexia' post='1042907' date='Nov 30 2010, 08:37 PM']See the next time there's a basschat get together in northern England - I'll come along and photo basses for others and give some tips on how to make the best of what's before you. One proviso - Tom1946 also attends and gives a demo/tips on setting up a bass. i've paid for pro-setup jobs that aren't close to the wonderful work he's done with this jaguar.[/quote] what about the moffat bass bash???? thats quite north of England.
  17. oh Chris I really love those basses. All the very best with the sale my friend.
  18. Hey buddy, your making a good choice in thinking ampeg fir your setup. I'm really lucky in the fact I managed to get 2 quite different ampeg rigs that can be mixed and matched at will depending on gig, volume and how lazy I'm feeling( god bless you Keith and the ampeg portabass gear). Not that I'm knocking valves or hybrid heads, but remember that tones you can get out of solid state heads can be super sweet too. Don't limit yourself and keep your eye out as I'm sure you will get a right good trade as the markbass has a very good rep. In saying that,,, I would snap up that swr head in a second haha.
  19. Just to let you know,,,,this pic was taken at a rehearsal at 12.45 on the Sunday, I was drinking all night and got home at 8.30am. As you can imagine it was a long and painful 3hours after only 2 hours kip hahahahaha. Its all rock'n'roll baby.
  20. [quote name='bubinga5' post='1036959' date='Nov 25 2010, 09:11 PM']It's a shame to see your instrument sold, thinking it's going to a good home, only to see it for sale again at an inflated price. like P said.... its just not what i would call... "in the spirit of musicians".. i would expect this from shops, etc, not individuals passionate about electric bass... am i old fashioned?[/quote] Not at all B,, just sounds like your a right good guy with a right to voice your opinion.
  21. Im not overly fussed on making a profit, however I hate losing money on gear so ideally i would like to break even,,,,,,,,,a profit wouldnt hurt though
  22. [quote name='___---___' post='1035668' date='Nov 24 2010, 09:50 PM']The reason I'm selling is because I'm sick of its racist slurs...[/quote]
  23. [quote name='MB1' post='1035530' date='Nov 24 2010, 07:53 PM']MB1. Go On! Steve!... Ahhhhh! ya will, ya will ,ya will!.[/quote] honestly Martin I have enough ampeg gear to be a certified dealer hahahaha
  24. [quote name='___---___' post='1026389' date='Nov 16 2010, 09:16 PM']Sorry, I'd rather keep the amp in the UK. Thanks.[/quote] does it not have a passport? or can it be a tad racist and you dont want to offend the buyer hahahahahaha
  25. [quote name='andy67' post='1035481' date='Nov 24 2010, 07:23 PM']Withdrawn - Please remove.[/quote] thats a shame, somebody could have got a great deal from a top bloke on this sale.
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