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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='1032248' date='Nov 22 2010, 09:23 AM']Lots of Mark bass gear to try out Stephen, but so far No Ricks that I can see. 4000 cant make it up this year (Shame, as he is a massive Rick fan with plenty of knowledge on the beasts....) of course plenty of time for the list to grow for the sunday bash and if anybody has a Rick no doubt it will get pressed into service..... I remember the very first Rick I picked up to play in a shop...I just [i]new [/i]I was going to sound like Geddy Lee/Chris Squire......quickly found out I didn't Dave [url="http://www.moffatbassbash.co.uk"]www.moffatbassbash.co.uk[/url][/quote] Nice one Dave, I know I will just sound like myself playing it,,,,but hopefully look cool doing it hahahahahaha (again,,,,,very doubtful hahahahahaha) [quote name='skelf' post='1032975' date='Nov 22 2010, 05:57 PM']One of my friends should be there and he has a Rick so you are still in with a chance.[/quote] That would be cool Alan. Now on a serious note, does your pal mark his gear incase its nicked
  2. [quote name='sk8' post='1032981' date='Nov 22 2010, 06:03 PM']plenty of MB gear was there last time...................... The room was full of bumble bees!!![/quote] i was just a wee bit too shy last time though. As it was ma first time at one of these bashes its a bit overwhelming,,,plus i didnt realise how easy going everyone is.....
  3. [quote name='slaptone' post='1031093' date='Nov 21 2010, 01:24 AM']Well i bought a Bongo today.Dropped out the miller route.Could not resist it.The orange colour bongo it is.Wont have it for a week and a half,cant wait now.The bongo seed was just growing bigger and bigger,they do look very cool indeed and as many say the musicman sound is huge.[/quote] bravo sir, the bongo is a monster of a bass. Now can i also persuade you to purchase a fender jag hahahaha. so whats the config on the bongo???? 'i have the 4 string HS. I have been wanting a Ric for ages now however I can only have 1 high end bass at a time. So the Ric is on hold as the bongo is just too good.
  4. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='1029864' date='Nov 19 2010, 08:21 PM']Paul have you been hanging about with Munk or my good self? You`ve only just got it set up!! Really nice looking and tempting but I have nowt to trade with you, so have this bump. Jez[/quote] How dare you Jez!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no wait a minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nah fair play hahahahahahahaha
  5. [quote name='slaptone' post='1027286' date='Nov 17 2010, 08:34 PM']Well put deposit on a Fender Miller in sunburst,looks very retro,got to wait 4 weeks now to get it fully paid for.I hate waiting for gear.Looking forward to getting it for keeps.It played great when i tested it.[/quote] I think you made the wrong choice there. The Bongo is far superior. I have the Fender Jag which is a wonderful creation, I love it to bits. However the bongo looks, plays and sounds so much better. The Marcus Miller is a decent bass, however as we know its Marcus Miller in name only as the man himself doesnt play this model with the same electrics,,,,,bit of a cop-out if you ask me. Bongo all the way brother (still love my Jag though).
  6. [quote name='skelf' post='1030110' date='Nov 20 2010, 07:18 AM']If you want a room I would suggest you book it pretty quickly there are not many left.[/quote] am sure Dave perry mentioned only about 2 or 3 left. Glad a booked mine asap. i better have a room reserved,,,,cos no way am I sharing with the likes of Rich (ou7shined) with the knowledge of his snoring hahahahahahahaha
  7. Looking forward to it Alan. Cant wait to see some of the chaps again and hopefully meet some new ones. Loads a basses to be playing too. Hopefully I will finally get to try a rickenbacker and some markbass gear too.
  8. [quote name='Hutton' post='1021005' date='Nov 12 2010, 09:01 AM']You just had to show my old gretsch didn't you. I'm now a wee bit sad. Wait a minute. What's wrong with me? That photo warms my innermost being. To hell with the gretsch! I can also testify to Jimmy Moon's work. It is always of the very highest standard. Good luck with the sale Andra.[/quote] That Gretsch is lovely Hutton, cant beleive you let it go,,,,especially before letting me have a pop at it
  9. you lucky bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i mean that in the best possbile way my man. very sweet indeed.
  10. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1023212' date='Nov 14 2010, 10:10 AM']Does anyone know why Jar Jar Binks won't just **** off!?![/quote]
  11. [quote name='TommyK' post='1022641' date='Nov 13 2010, 05:21 PM']Munkonthehill.....Where are you????[/quote] ive already asked for a swap Tommy and Gaz can sell mine. However I was sadly declined
  12. picked up a mint condition gigbag that Gareth parceled very well for me. Thanks buddy.
  13. check this [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Gibson-1970s-SB400-Bass-case-/220693030851?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item33625467c3"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Gibson-1970s-SB400-B...=item33625467c3[/url] Im not a massive fan of the the EB-0,1 or 3 however this really appeals for some reason. Beautiful.
  14. watching with excitement to any edits he may make to all us watching
  15. im even more interested in the person behind Matthew in the show. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57Cnz2Xa9gY&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57Cnz2Xa9gY...feature=related[/url] who is that and why is he there?
  16. i think your main wuestion should have been....Why is this marshall range so sh*tty?????????????
  17. [quote name='tom1946' post='1015215' date='Nov 7 2010, 01:08 PM']Any fretwear?[/quote] Do it Tom, come on, you know you want it!!!!!!!!!!
  18. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1016960' date='Nov 8 2010, 09:59 PM'][/quote] Hola brother,,,,,,how was your transitional period from electric to upright???????????? Are you gigging the DB yet?
  19. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1015600' date='Nov 7 2010, 07:42 PM']Yep, an outsider's view, by definition. I appreciate the secrecy thing, hence my use of quotes. The guys I knew were definitely nobs, but I appreciate it's unfair, possibly, to put that down to their mason's membership.[/quote] In all honesty Flyfisher, I went in with my eyes closed to what I was joining. However my brother-in-law (my drummer), his father and his uncle are all in it. These 3 fellas are all top of the pops in my book plus I had the chance to meet a few memebers at burns suppers and stuff. After these factors I thought to myself 'i want in' due to the warmth and friendship I seen at this distant point. Since ive joined ive met loads of great guys and can honestly say its one of the better choices ive made in life,,,(there has been many many bad ones hahaha). Plus I want to apologise if my previous reply was sharp.
  20. [quote name='flyfisher' post='1015491' date='Nov 7 2010, 06:19 PM']I've known a few freemasons in my time, firemen, policemen, salesmen. I was even invited to join a worshipful company of city somethings once upon a time, but politely declined. I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something a little bit creepy about 'secret' organisations. Plus, in my experience anyway, they would seem to be populated by people who seem to need the status of belonging to something as an antidote to their lack of individuality or accomplishment. But I'd hope that wasn't always the case.[/quote] thats definetly an outsiders point of view. The masons are not a secret society, but a society with secrets. Nowt 'creepy' about a bunch of good guys enjoying nights out either. I certainely dont 'need' any status either. Maybe the guys you knew were just nobs
  21. [quote name='skej21' post='1015463' date='Nov 7 2010, 05:42 PM']Maybe ritual was the wrong word. What I meant was, you need to signify you are a fellow brother in more ways than JUST the handshake. Which means the learning the handshake alone would be pretty useless, because you would fail to respond correctly to the additional elements, such as the questions and phrases?[/quote] bang on matey.
  22. [quote name='skej21' post='1015444' date='Nov 7 2010, 05:15 PM']I know quite a few masons and they always tell me that even if you know the handshake, it wouldn't get you anywhere because it's just the first step in a series of rituals to show that you are in fact a member. This might not be true, as I'm also not a Mason. Maybe munkonthehill could clear it up for us? [/quote] yip the handshake is there, but there aint no process or ritual. Certain words, actions and phrases would direct you to a fellow brother. So yeah your pal is 100% correct on this one.
  23. I think the Fender in the title is a bit misleading as we have seen in previous threads though. As this aint a Fender, can you really tout it as one even though you have the (bravewood custom) at the end? Would it not be 'Bravewood custom 56 telecaster precision bass (fender replica)'.
  24. [quote name='charic' post='1014863' date='Nov 6 2010, 11:14 PM']i can only add to the above. as a monitor it may cope. Mine coped fine at any rehearsal i threw at it. fantastic practice amp, great for rehearsals, for gigs its a monitor at most. the di is fantastic di though and it may do what your looking for. my honest advice is go and try one, ask the shop owner if they would mind you cranking it. i use quite a treble heavy sound and it was bloody loud imho.[/quote] was yours not the 300 though C????
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