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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='MB1' post='1014253' date='Nov 6 2010, 01:37 PM']MB1. "Tonight Matthew im going to be Mr Indecisive! I think?" Trying to beat Munkonthehills Bass Turnaround record eh Oli? [/quote] WTF!!!!!! No way am i getting more stick and i havent done anything silly in a while Martin
  2. well looks like im the first to say that im a member of both brotherhoods then. Its funny though using this comparison. As I honestly feel the same kind of co-operation and helpfulness on here that I expect and have found from the brethren in any lodge I visit. That really is a huge compliment to this website and all members who subscribe to its rules and regulations and just the good folk in general.
  3. Hola all, I posted this in the technical section but thought i would try here too. I am using a Fender Jag that has 2 pots which are the master volume and the tone pot. I seen this item on ebay and was thinking of removing the tone pot which I rarely use as its not overly effective and replacing it with one of these. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Artec-VTC-Onboard-Active-Tube-Sound-Overdrive-Tone-Pot-/390258527769?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5add388e19"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Artec-VTC-Onboard-Ac...=item5add388e19[/url] Does anone have any knowledge of these or if this upgrade would be possible. Cheers Steven
  4. I am using a Fender Jag that has 2 pots which are the master volume and the tone pot. I seen this item on ebay and was thinking of removing the tone pot which I rarely use as its not overly effective and replacing it with one of these. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Artec-VTC-Onboard-Active-Tube-Sound-Overdrive-Tone-Pot-/390258527769?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item5add388e19"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Artec-VTC-Onboard-Ac...=item5add388e19[/url] Does anone have any knowledge of these or if this upgrade would be possible. Cheers Steven
  5. i would suggest this would be an overly excessive practice amp. the LD15 would probably be more up your street. But remember there are multi-fx boxes like the boss and pandora ranges that can be used by plugging your headphones diretly into it plus you could add Aux music or stick in pc speakers to the headphones socket if you fancied getting loud. There are plenty of options for you so do a bit of research to see what you really want and need. the research is half the fun.
  6. [quote name='webby' post='1014084' date='Nov 6 2010, 11:03 AM']Ok, thanks, which one have you got, your sig just says lowdown.[/quote] I have the babyLD15 matey. its the 8" driver with 15watt output. Its fantastic for rehearsals when my drummer uses his rolands electric drum kit and my guitarist used his wee peavey. However past this it would be useless as the litle speaker is no match for the output of my basses. Your amp I believe is 75watts with a 10" driver. No way will this keep up with a full acoustic drumkit, guitarist and PA system. as its been said above this is a practise amp, the peavey is a nice big 150watts getting pumped out through a 15" driver. I wouldnt be shifting the peavey until such times you acquire a new gigging combo/rig.
  7. why not think about getting one of the pandora boxes!!! or one of the boss multi-fx boxes. you can plug your headphones and aux music direclty into them and they will emulate many many amps and effects for you. plus if you want to play without headphones, then you can just use pc speakers or something to play loud and live in the comfort of your bedroom.
  8. [quote name='4 Strings' post='1012961' date='Nov 5 2010, 08:54 AM']It looks really nice though. Does it come with a dolly too?[/quote] doubt it,,,but im sure ashdown offer a no return policy as they are also aware that this item will be mainly useless and overpriced
  9. [quote name='webby' post='1014061' date='Nov 6 2010, 10:37 AM']Been reading a lot about this amp. Seems to be a favourite amongst the forum, but is it enough to gig with, both in terms of FOH and as my monitor? I've been thinking about getting a practice/home/headphone amp, but if the Studio 110 could do it all then that would be great! Could it replace my TNT150? Thanks[/quote] I would expect not mate. the line 6 aint known for being overly loud. The Peavy 150tnt would spank its bottom all the way to the bank.
  10. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1013910' date='Nov 6 2010, 01:00 AM']I can pretty much get any sound I need from what I have! It's time to enjoy what I have, rather than hunting for the next best thing... [/quote] Ah Shep, im soooooo guilty of this myself. With both my basses I have pretty much everything covered that someone at my level needs. The ideal of having 2 ampeg rigs would have been laughable 3 years ago, however here I am. Im going to start enjoying my gear and start concentrating on playing rather than 'the next best thing' or 'chasing that sound' that just doesnt exist. Well done Shep in showing the way forward. I may jump on this bandwagon. However I can never say no to a nice new pedal at the right price hahahaha
  11. these are great basses BB. This model was my first ever 'real' bass. amazing eq and looks the part too. Mine wasnt setup too well however im sure BB's is a dream to play. Mine was not too heavy if I remember correctly although feels sturdy enough to cage fight with. I bought mine purely on looks, however realised at my early stages of playing that this bass was more than just a looker. This gets said alot on sales threads, but these are really basses for both the starter and veteran bass player. Very good price for a shitload of bass. I hope this sale goes well for you BB and I hope you dont regret letting it go at such a small price brother!!!
  12. Burritobass is bang on with the 'turbojazz' quote. I have one and I love it to bits. Its my go to bass and I feel guitly having my bongo sitting alone sometimes. The tone is bassy and aggresive and is freakin sweet. However all you have to do is have only the bridge pickup selected and boost the treble and its a lovely thin and punchy sound.. Keep in mind it has all those lush tones inbetween!!!!! Its sex to look at and sex to play. These really are a 1 stop shop and although the electrics get slated I must admit I must have got a goodun cos either being in passive, active.....parallel or series,,,,, these basses deliver on every avenue.
  13. [url="http://glasgow.gumtree.com/glasgow/27/67689627.html"]http://glasgow.gumtree.com/glasgow/27/67689627.html[/url] why was this not available when I had money. What a freakin deal.
  14. [quote name='tom1946' post='1000744' date='Oct 26 2010, 05:44 AM']Sold in this country by JHS, I used to be a dealer and these are great basses for the money and they retail at £299!! If I wanted a stingray copy I'd buy this over just about anything else, complete no brainer for the money So buy it or I'll send Munkonthehill round [/quote] just read this Tom hahahaha. However heed warning BC'ers get this bought up now or else
  15. ok so just a little update on the singing front chaps. Our singer at the time of the OP has been punted from the band by me due to his v-poor communicational skills and lack of team playing. So we have a new singer in his place and his first ever rehearsal with his first ever band went really well. He has a decent voice but needs to work on it along with his confidence. However all in all it was an extremely promising rehearsal. To guide and help him along I had a mic (infact all 5 of us had mics) as I am becoming more familiar with the lyrics. So between all of us we all did some backing vocals and I managed to hog the limelight for 2 songs which were hoochie coochie man and fire. I reckon I will assume position of dedicated backing vox and thankfully I have all the guys in the bands backing too. I know this doesnt seem a big deal, however although I dont really have any confidence issues, I really just didnt think my voice was good enough. Goes to show how when situations send you a wee curveball, depending on how you deal with them they send you on a path you thought best to avoid.
  16. oh damnit.........musnt do a munk......musnt do a munk......musnt do a munk..........musnt do a munk.........musnt do a munk
  17. [quote name='dan670844' post='1006999' date='Oct 31 2010, 08:55 AM']But i reckon it weighs about 60Kg or more, Portaflex hehhe no!!! portable no, the only thing that will flex is your back when you lift it![/quote] hahahaha
  18. [quote name='MythSte' post='1006867' date='Oct 31 2010, 12:32 AM']If it sounds good it might be useful for someone wanting a nice home/studio setup? They're definitely filling a niche with the small valve models.[/quote] Yeah I see where your coming from. But I really think folk will buy them cos they are new and cool. Then after about a month of looking at it and using it in the house they realise that it serves no real use outside the home or recording studio. Then they will realise with all the recording or practice gear that could have been purchased at a fraction of the cost they have been done out a small fortune. Then of course it will be the rush to try get them sold before everyone else realises or catches on that they aint of any real use. My 50p of course folks.
  19. my main gigging rig is my ampeg B5R head along with B-4x10HLF cab, serious rock god sound with plenty of bottom and top end sounds. I have been really wanting a backup lightweight rig and was aiming for markbass combo and ext cab. However I seen that ampeg did a lighweight selection which is now discontinued. So imagine my delight that I managed to snap up an ampeg 250portabass head ALONG with the ampeg 2x10portabass cab, FREAKIN sweet. I used the portabass gear at last rehearsal and loved it and I will be rehearsing the portabass cab along with the ampeg B5R head today at rehearsals to see if the cab would be suitable for gigging. Fingers crossed, however im sure a 2x10 400ohm ampeg cab will be more than adequate for any situation I would ever be in.
  20. needless to say it will be small output for large retail price tag. We will be seeing these on the for sale section on here in due course if they go on mass production just like the little bastard. Save yourself the bother now and dont buy one.
  21. i would think that 165 notes would be better off on the purchase of a good supply of cider!
  22. [quote name='essexbasscat' post='1006261' date='Oct 30 2010, 01:26 PM']Keep it unless you need the money to save your life. Simple.[/quote] +1 just keep it. if your cash strapped then thats different, but if your selling for the sake of selling, then dont bother.
  23. [quote name='parker_muse' post='1006080' date='Oct 30 2010, 09:33 AM']Also drifting into some smoke at the same gig[/quote] That looks like a great gig mate. What was the night??
  24. [quote name='parker_muse' post='1004154' date='Oct 28 2010, 06:04 PM']I know! I tried to find one. Hens teeth i tell you![/quote] well regardless with the footswitch this amp is superb. It's pure ampeg through and through. I love mine and I'm sure whoever buys this will feel the same. I think it's a very fair price too, so all the best with the sale tom.
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