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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='sk8' post='990852' date='Oct 17 2010, 07:22 AM']withdrawn[/quote] have you tried gumtree Mike?
  2. [quote name='tauzero' post='990835' date='Oct 17 2010, 02:43 AM']I am generally happy to share gear. I try to avoid buying fragile amps like Ampegs[/quote] Ampeg!! when theres a nuclear fallout, only cockroaches and ampeg will roam the land my friend!!
  3. [quote name='Bidd' post='990826' date='Oct 17 2010, 01:53 AM']Thanks for everyone's views - it makes me feel more comfortable knowing that a lot of you not only feel the same, but are prepared to say no outright. Anyway, my amp seems to be fine, but somehow my kettle lead has been misplaced through the night - great. The soundguy had no idea so I presume that some f***er (sorry for language but I'm tired and angry) has nicked it. So now I'll need to buy another one (I havea couple of spares lying around the house but they're not very long). What annoys me the most however is that I've basically provided a service and equipment, and not even received a simple thankyou. That's the last time I'm ever amp sharing at a promoters' request (unless I'm in the headline band, then I'll expect a deposit) Rant over, goodnight y'all[/quote] if nothing else,, its a lesson learned brother. Its true what they say,,,,good guys finish last.
  4. Hey chaps,,, if you have read any of my previous threads, I am now a massive bongo fan. Only thing is, I really want the stealth version. Mine is sapphire black 4HS with the pearloid pickguard Does anyone fancy a swap? Im not fussed if its the 5 string or the HH version on offer. Cheers Steven
  5. that just looks amazing, gotta love the 2ohm heads brothers and sisters. Fair price for possibly the last rig you would ever need.
  6. man thats lovely, if I wasnt too in love with my bongo i may have offered that! Just love those Ric basses!!!!!!!!! still aint tried one,,,,,I wonder if im gonna be heartbroken when the day comes hahahaha
  7. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='990468' date='Oct 16 2010, 06:32 PM']I'm going to go against the flow... Play it in E and play the main riff on the bass inc' the horn section! [/quote] damn tootin brother, i play in a 3 piece, its up to me to keep the main riff going and play the horn section part to keep the song going at all times, especially when the guitarist does any solos.
  8. [quote name='bartelby' post='990176' date='Oct 16 2010, 01:30 PM']Yeah, I'd rather not have lessons from him... [/quote] lovely bass though,,,just not sure about the colour
  9. I think you nailed it by saying the promoter should hire one,,,,im sure this guy is making more money than all the bands. Why shouldnt he hire a rig,,,or even better yet, hire yours if you want to do it, plus with a nice tasty deposit. All of which is paid before you set your gear up. what kinda rig will you use? what age is it? No way in hell would I be the one supplying any of my ampeg gear, I have all my stuff in pristine condition and I intend to keep it that way. Its just sheer cheek that this promoter Knob expects it to be ok, plus not even saying thank you, thats the nail in the coffin for me. Advise him your rig is not for the whole of Manchesters music scenes workhorse. You spend too much money on your gear just to have some yahoo treat it with the same respect as a 2dollar whore.
  10. hola dude, My little practice lowdown is wicked mate. the amp sims are bang on, so although I dont find the line 6 has its own sound, it definetly delivers on what it promises. In fairness the onboard effects aint great, however they are good enough to be getting on with and if your a novice, then its a great place to start. The 300watt combo would be freakin sweet in my opinion and if it wasnt for my stock pile of ampeg gear I would take this. These amps are proven to be work horses and have great reliability. Im quite suprised this aint been snapped up yet, i think this would be an amazing amp for a person just starting out gigging so they have a variety of amp sounds to try out. Although in saying that, our veterans could also be in for a treat with the versatility these amps have to offer. Just my 50p folks, hope it helps though.
  11. [quote name='Stewart' post='989784' date='Oct 15 2010, 11:01 PM']Have a form of luck with your sale[/quote] I think we all know which form of luck you mean brother hahahaha. Lets face it Nick, (and please let me know if im out of order here chaps) you are probably a good guy,,,,but this sale aint been 100%truthful since your first edit on it once the BC'ers started to ask questions. Your 'nearly a grand bass' is now down to about 700bucks of parts at best. your parts aint what they say they are and your prices are well off when questioned!!! I think £450 is very hopeful. However, like so many BC'ers I wait with bated breath to see how this all pans out!
  12. [quote name='ElCapitan' post='989566' date='Oct 15 2010, 07:17 PM']It's a lovely looking bass. I hope the doubters are proved wrong. I'll reserve my judgement until we see the photo.[/quote] Dont you just love the newbies
  13. is it also possible to confirm which wizard pups are installed, a reciept or ref No would help and we could contact Andy ourselves,,,,,cheers
  14. [quote name='Nick449' post='987531' date='Oct 13 2010, 10:59 PM']what can i say, it builds suspense? i'll have a picture ready for tomorrow, thanks guys [/quote] how are we gettin on with the pics of the body??
  15. [quote name='Mr Bassman' post='988526' date='Oct 14 2010, 10:16 PM']Glad you like it Steven[/quote] Yeah, love it more and more Keith, I am just suprised at the output it has. Plus I got the oppertunity to meet you and your good lady. I really think it makes the deal a bit more enjoyable when you meet up. Thankfully my genre is rock blues, so I dont have the issue as MacDaddy was having as my drummer (my brother-in-law) is pure blues and only goes crazy once in a while, which is something i wish he would do more of!!!!!! As soon as I get gigs lined up with my new band I may use this as my main head at somepoint, however I will have the B5R with me just incase
  16. so whats all this nonsence about not playing this in E hahaha. Best not have weetabix either as I know alot of people who eat that!!!!!!!! whats the point in being different just for the sake of being different!
  17. we went ahead and played the beck,bogert and appice version. It suited our style more, plus it was the best and simplest song in our setlist.
  18. Ok so i thought I would add the new addition to the family. I recently purchased an ampeg portabass 250H and matching 2x10cab. love them to bits and heres the pics. Goes to show you can never have enough ampeg hahaha
  19. I know this is an old thread,,,,,,but guess who I seen on the telly again this afternoon......hopefully Jen can stick a link up if I cant find one of her playing the DB with horse. Again though its a fantastic bit of playing by Jen aned Co, I only had one real concern though,,,,,,,,,no smiles or laughs!!!!!!!! and I know Jen has a lovely smile;) Oh thats how rumours start hahahahaha
  20. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='986180' date='Oct 12 2010, 08:21 PM']A couple of USA's have gone for that on here recently too. I'm not saying it isn't but the body doesn't look like a Warmoth in these pics. As I said earlier, it looks more rounded and less slab-like than standard offerings. Maybe new pics can allay this?[/quote] goddam the knowlege of these bassheads hahahaha
  21. [quote name='Beedster' post='985879' date='Oct 12 2010, 04:24 PM']Mmmmm, missing the point a bit aren't you mate [/quote] hahahaha
  22. [quote name='indiegrungesound' post='985913' date='Oct 12 2010, 04:49 PM']I had a full Ampeg Portabass 250 combo a few years back after my old Trace Elliot Commando died a sudden death. Dead light. Nice tone. I like the head more than the cab though, as the 2 x 10's only went so far. Ended up part exing it for a Hartke rig as I wanted a louder rig. I think Hartke's heads are fantastic. That said, I'd be more than happy to get a Portabass head if one ever turns up 2nd hand somewhere! Anyway, just my own opinion. Hope you enjoy it![/quote] Yeah im very suprised with the tone from the head.....love it to bits, although i would kinda disagree about the cab matey, I think the 2x10 has a wicked sound. In saying that i aint gigged it yet so I totally disagree......YET hahahahaha
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' post='985906' date='Oct 12 2010, 04:44 PM']Well ive finally sorted my order. Big Al 4 Single H, and Big Al 5 SSS along with a Sterling 5 HS. Got rid of lots to get to this point, and now need to save like mad....but im very excited![/quote] Hey Gaz,,,,did nobody tell you theres a recession on!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. [quote name='BigAlonBass' post='984166' date='Oct 11 2010, 10:33 AM']I recommend lots of reverb and delay on the desk, as it covers a multitude of sins! [/quote] 4 hail mary's and 6 hows yer fathers wouldnt hide my sins hahahaha
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