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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='Musicman20' post='951532' date='Sep 10 2010, 09:47 AM']I think despite the fact its a very 'marmite' look, the Bongo (and the Big Al) will always be around due to the fact they are incredibly powerful basses. I personally like the style of both of them, but im leaning towards the Big Al again as I want 3 single coils.[/quote] yeah I started looking up the big al basses. what kind of tones are coming out of the single coils???? I cant help but think its going to be more trebly orientated.
  2. [quote name='dub_junkie' post='951380' date='Sep 10 2010, 01:50 AM']+1 on your summary of the Bongo tone. If I plug in my Stingray 5 straight after the Bongo I'm always left a bit underwhelmed and wondering why all my volume and tone just dropped out. Its only after a few minutes of noodling on the Ray that I remember why I love them too. On the Bongo I blend the pickups 90% of the time. Its not that I dont like either pickup solo'd but panned dead centre it is one of my favourite bass tones ever. The 18v, 4EQ preamp and neodynium magnets give a much more expansive sound than a Ray which sounds mids focused in comparison. The playability of the 3 Bongos I've owned has been outstanding. My only gripes are the painted neck and the front pickups too close to the edge of the board but I've learned to live with both those niggles because everything else about them is top notch in my estimation. I even like the look of them nowadays,it took me a long time to get used to them but no worries now. your looks the same finish as mine,sapphire black which is one of (if not the) best colours on a Bongo imo [/quote] yeah saphire black mate, I love the look of it. its a mans bass. It wouldnt look good on a girly. I really like the HH models, however the HS i have throws up so many tones and immense power, plus I think I would kill myself or damage people in close proximity with a HH's output. im loving this bass so much I think it may be my main gigging bass for a while. I know the looks of the Bongo (and possibly the duff name) put people off, however I would suggest this as one of the basses that should be tried before you die. However if you leave it too late, you will kick yourself for not getting one sooner. Love them or hate them folks,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this really is an amazing bass.
  3. [quote name='PeteBassMan' post='950973' date='Sep 9 2010, 07:34 PM']I have just got a new one of these due to the unfortunate demise of my eons old GP12 smx combo. I hate to say it, but the sound is totally different to the old stuff, and a LOT more difficult to get a decent noise out of. Pretty disappointing IMOH given the excessive price of the beasts.[/quote] wow, thats not the sales pitch you want to hear hahahahhaha
  4. [quote name='MB1' post='950948' date='Sep 9 2010, 07:05 PM']MB1. ....Now That Would Not be a good idea!.... [/quote] how dare you Martin , what are you insinuating hahahahahahahaha
  5. Well I had the bongo at a mini rehearsal on Tuesday (basement with practice amps and rolands drumkit). This bass is a monster, its got amazing depth to its sound and is very growly indeed. The setup on it is perfect with that slight buzzing on frets that I had with the stingray. The blend between the H and S pickup give the bass 2 lovely voices with of course a blended 3rd voice and then there is the EQ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,WOW. having the 4 band EQ is overboard for me, however if you try and take it away from me,,,,I will fight you. I didnt like the mids on the stingray as i found them too powerful, but hey,,,its a stingray, this is what stingrays do. The Bongo is a different animal altogether. The mids are more managable with the option of the hi and low mids. I found I used the low mids a bit more due to my preference in bottom end growl. The bass and treble settings are easily used and managable into getting a sound I like instantly. I have said it before,,,I loved the stingray I had, it looked lovely and played brilliant. However I just didnt like the sound once plugged in. Such a shame from a cracking bass. The Bongo 'fits' me. It has the same plug in and play factor that my Jaguar has. So my good good people of BC I think I am finally happy. Ever since seeing the stealth that shockwave was selling, I really wanted one of these. As his was a 5'er it may have thrown me a bit as I only play 4's..However this bass was worth the wait. I love it to bits and cant wait till I get it into full band rehearsal next Sunday.
  6. [quote name='jamesugster' post='950743' date='Sep 9 2010, 03:48 PM']Hi all, I'm thinking of revamping my rig and going back to separate heads and cabs for more flexibility. I've got a 102p 2 x 10 Markbass combo with a LMK head. This was never a standard model and had to be ordered from Italy... I'm open to offers on this... Cheers JAMES[/quote] is this for sale or swap mate? If its for sale then you have to stick a price on it. Any pics?
  7. Just a wee bump and a bit of help buddy. I had the H&K BK200 combo, these unfortunatly arent that well known in the land of bass, however if my combo was more than 200watts, I would have kept it. H&K do amazing amps with fantastic sound and depth. Anyone who ventures into buying this amp is in for a real treat.
  8. [quote name='flyfisher' post='950278' date='Sep 9 2010, 09:33 AM']I'm guessing here, but I can't see it being an "output power" issue - that's not (normally) the purpose of a pre-amplifier. I've always assumed it makes it easier to provide positive and negative voltage rails to the preamp circuitry, which allows the output signal to sit at 0volts and therefore not require a dc blocking capacitor. In this configuration, the batteries are connected as -9 , 0 , +9. There are other ways of achieving +/- voltage rails from a single +V source, but it makes things more complicated and might introduce unwanted noise into the output signal. Could be wrong though.[/quote] yeah I thought it may have something to do with the current that needs pushed around the circuit hence the extra 9v. some sort of Thévenin's theorem or ohmes law, but as I said its been a while since I studied this i cant be sure on the answer
  9. [quote name='mart' post='950215' date='Sep 9 2010, 08:30 AM']That's why you have a volume control on your bass.[/quote] volume control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! am not with you!
  10. [quote name='Lozz196' post='950198' date='Sep 9 2010, 08:02 AM']Hi Tim, yep thought I needed to join up, hope all`s well. Re the OP, to me, it don`t matter if for the last number "proper" guitars were swapped for cheapo ones, in order to smash them - I just find trashing guitars etc wrong, irrespective of value.[/quote] yeah guitars through amps and drums reduced to skelves. Brings a wee tear to my eye
  11. so whats the diffence between 18v and 9v active circuits???? About 9v............. Ba Boom All joking aside, is the extra voltage purely to keep the circuit active as it needs 18v or is it to give the circuit extra power? Im a lawman myself so have no real or very little knowledge of electronics (except having an NC in electronic engineering, however that was 12years ago!!!!!!!!!!!! god am getting old ) So just checking this bit of info,,,,,the bongo im using just now seems to overload my preamp a bit more than the stingray I had or either of my fenders. This may of course be down to EQ settings, however im sure some BC'ers may have more info for me. Cheers Steven
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='950111' date='Sep 9 2010, 12:00 AM']What do I think? Townshend claims to have been influenced by the concept of 'Auto-Destruction', while simultaneously admitting that accidentally breaking a Rick one time got an interesting reaction from an otherwise sleepy audience. Bit like the windmilling arm, the feedback and the stage jumps. Moon just did it for a laugh. Daltrey and Entwistle just stood and watched. Whether it was a pretentious 60's 'Concept' or a bit of showmanship doesn't really matter. It was [i]40 years ago[/i], it's what they did at the time, it helped their career, punters liked the sense of 'occasion', it was their money and their equipment to do what they liked with. No offence intended to the OP or anyone else, but as for whether it was 'acceptable', if you don't get it, you don't get The Who. As for gear smashing, well, it's your gear, do what you like with it, polish it or trash it; no one's holding a gun to your head.[/quote] no offence taken,,,it wasnt my gear,,,,I dont do it,,,,,,,,,,your right, its theirs to do what they like!
  13. So im sitting watching The Who.... the kids are alright. Now am sure we can all agree that John is a monster on bass, but what I really love is the he takes care of his gear. I couldnt imagine for one second whacking any of my basses to death. Whilst the other 3 are destroing everything on stage, John keeps playing and makes sure his gear is untouched, what a gent in my opinion. What do you chaps think?????????????
  14. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='950036' date='Sep 8 2010, 10:42 PM']So my 2 colour sunburst can be improved? [/quote] nah,,,,,,,just tell the bass its 3 colour,,,it will believe you
  15. [quote name='guzzibass' post='949959' date='Sep 8 2010, 09:48 PM']Wot - wearing that friggin cap???? lol[/quote] specifically because of the hat hahahahaha
  16. No sure of value, however this setup screams rock'n'roll
  17. [quote name='tino' post='948523' date='Sep 7 2010, 05:23 PM']If in the mood my son is off to the States and is selling a mint walkabout scout with extension cab a Fender USA P Bass minter and other odds and sods[/quote] whats the cost of the walkabout?
  18. [quote name='xgsjx' post='948480' date='Sep 7 2010, 04:49 PM']Sorry, I misread an earlier post where you said the 4x10 was 400w @ 4ohm & mistook it for the head (problem with trying to read at work! lol). You're quite right with your figures (I didn't know that your amp went to 2 ohms).[/quote] to be honest I bought the cab first and the head 2nd. It was bought specifically because its 2ohmes. took bloody ages too. I think again I have just talked myself into keeping the head and just getting a couple of 4 ohme 2x10's
  19. [quote name='skej21' post='948448' date='Sep 7 2010, 04:22 PM']I'm just trying to help the people who might want to find out how to find the possible output of a combo amp, like your thread was supposed to. Not everyone on here is an expert in buying, selling and owning lots of amps like yourself.[/quote] hahahaha ok no problem, i dont think you are trying to help. So dont let the door hit you where the good lord split you when you leave this thread matey. Unless you can contribute helpfully of course!
  20. [quote name='Merton' post='948447' date='Sep 7 2010, 04:22 PM']Yes. Sorry [/quote] yip I think your right!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha
  21. [quote name='skej21' post='948437' date='Sep 7 2010, 04:12 PM']I thought this thread was discussing whether sellers should highlight the possible power output of a [b]COMBO[/b] amp, not a head and cab/s set-up?[/quote] if you dont like it you dont have to contribute....
  22. [quote name='xgsjx' post='948418' date='Sep 7 2010, 03:53 PM']Erm, I'm not getting this. If your B5r runs 400w at 4 ohm & you have a 4 ohm, 500w cab, you're only gonna get 400w into it. Adding a 2nd 4ohm cab won't give you 1000w, but is more likely to blow your amp up.[/quote] B5R head runs at 300watts 4ohmes, 500watt 2ohmes. my cab runs at 400watts 4ohmes. adding a 2nd 4 ohme cab takes the head to 2ohmes and gives 500watts. Im not sure where your getting your numbers from.
  23. [quote name='TimR' post='948117' date='Sep 7 2010, 11:20 AM']I bought a new Warwick 211pro cabinet for £300 two years ago. 400watts might go nicely with the Ampeg. There don't seem to be many secondhand ones around which indicates to me that either not many people bought them or no one wants to sell theirs. I'm quite pleased with it. Depends on how loud and what sound you're after.[/quote] i play loud and like a rough dirty sound. its the usual blues/rock i play. this is why the B5R head suits me. It has an OD channel, so thanks to you Tim I have convinced myself to keep it and try getting a 2x10 or a 2x10 and a 1x15 to get the max 500watts if need be. both 4ohmes of course
  24. [quote name='Musicman20' post='948110' date='Sep 7 2010, 11:14 AM']To be fair, as much as a Bongo is an EBMM, it sounds very modern and 'new' to my ears in the demos....quite a big departure from a Ray. Youll still get that EBMM tone in it though...[/quote] yeah it feels and plays like the ray i had, but has a different sound. I loved the ray, so i really wanted something like it but with a different voice.
  25. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='948103' date='Sep 7 2010, 11:05 AM']I nearly brought a bongo from the states, but then I looked at it... I don't understand your reasoning behind buying a bongo after you decided you didn't like a standard RAY.[/quote] because its not a standard RAY.
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