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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='TimR' post='948054' date='Sep 7 2010, 10:24 AM']What size combo are you looking for and why? You would get a 2x10 that would comfortably handle the Ampeg B5R.[/quote] im mainly looking for a nice high powered combo for portabilty and space saving. I may be getting a smaller company car, so I thought i would get in and see what kind of combos I could get. Also, my band only seems to gig 1 every 1-2 months these days, so i feel the 4x10 is just a tad overkill in my rock'n'roll life style. I had the combos in the past and the were fine, but as gas gets to us all I really fancied a rig. So although I love it to bits, I think a combo would be fine and a bit more practical. I have adjusted my advert though and now states im looking for a 2x10
  2. [quote name='TimR' post='948078' date='Sep 7 2010, 10:48 AM']OK, I just got the specs from the Ampeg website. Thinking about it logically and in my experience. If a combo can have an extension cab fitted then it is unlikely that it will be at full power with just the cab supplied. Otherwise why have an "extension" cab? If a combo cannot have an extension cab fitted then it definately will be at full power on its own. Unless you have an example to the contrary?[/quote] yeah, my old hughes and kettner bk200 combo had an extention cab port. however adding this would have lowered the wattage.
  3. [quote name='TimR' post='948054' date='Sep 7 2010, 10:24 AM']I see you're currently running a 500W head into a 4x10 also 500W. BUT according to the manual the 4x10 is 4ohm and at 4ohm the amp runs at 300W. To get the 500W out of the B5R you need an extension cab. But two 4x10s would give 1000W. How did you come to make the choice of the ampeg gear as to me the speakers seem massively oversized for that amp? What size combo are you looking for and why? You would get a 2x10 that would comfortably handle the Ampeg B5R. OK so you were up late last night posting and fed up but you're coming across as quite grouchy [/quote] the ampeg b4x10hlf is 400watt at 4ohmes, so having 2 of these would give me 500watts from my head, thats 250watts into each cab. i wouldnt say im grouchy(maybe a tad) it just scunners me sometimes that a view on this forum can be squashed or trodden on. your bang on about a 2x10 cab though,,,,,im looking into this as we speak.
  4. [quote name='Musicman20' post='947993' date='Sep 7 2010, 09:38 AM']Im still intrigued with the Bongo....very intrigued.[/quote] well brother if your in the neighbourhood i will have the kettle on
  5. [quote name='KevB' post='948008' date='Sep 7 2010, 09:47 AM']Other information that might also give a prospective buyer a 'feel' of the item being sold is the context which the amp is being used. For instance if I'm in a 4 piece rock band that mainly plays pubs and I'm looking for a replacement combo and someone put something like 'I use this in a 4 piece rock band for pub gigs and I've never needed to have it above volume 3 to be heard' I'd have more confidence about buying it that just raw output specs alone. Not suggesting anectdotal evidence should replace specs but that kind of additional info (assuming accurate) could also help.[/quote] aye thats a good point too, as we all know you get loud and quiet amps at the same wattage. personally,,I like the loud ones hahahahaa
  6. [quote name='TimR' post='948005' date='Sep 7 2010, 09:46 AM']Isn't that telling you anything? or do you just not want to hear it? Watts don't mean anything anyway. I've had 120W combos that have been louder than 200w ones.[/quote] it appears I dont want to hear it....thanks for your input though
  7. [quote name='Clarky' post='947961' date='Sep 7 2010, 09:16 AM']You are all missing the obvious point which is that you can't go wrong buying an Ampeg [/quote] hahahaha, think I may be better of keeping my rig, what you think Clarky?????? It may save folk reiterating what the previous person had said in this thread
  8. all very valid points, however would it be so hard to see the output at a glance??
  9. [quote name='JTUK' post='947940' date='Sep 7 2010, 08:50 AM']I'd think anyone who has brought and sold a bit of gear would know that combo's typically run at 8 ohms and to get full power out of an amp requires 4 so another cab would be needed. I don't understand peope who buy on a whim and don't know the ins and outs of the the thing they are buying. It is all there in the spec, IMO.[/quote] aye and thats all fine,,but AGAIN,,,wouldnt it be quicker for the buyer to see exactly what they are getting in their sale!!!!! sorry,,,,,,IMO
  10. [quote name='krispn' post='947925' date='Sep 7 2010, 08:37 AM']You make a fair point - wonder if the for sale pages could have a useful guide for newbie and old hands alike stating what people would want in a for sale ad - similar to the way harmony central has a guide to reviews. A guide mean that ppl know what is being asked before they are asked right ? I know it could get right down into the minutiae but might be an idea. It's not something that could 'imposed' but a gentle reminder to 'posters' that there is a guide for advert might mean less to and fro? I'm all about democratic process but it might be interesting to hear the views of others. Might be an idea and areas such as listed below? With a combo things like: Tube/Solid State pre - Combo Output - Output with ext cab - Speakers size and Ohm's - D.I out - D.I. Level - Weight - Additional features:[/quote] yeah that kind of thing would be cool.
  11. [quote name='skej21' post='947930' date='Sep 7 2010, 08:42 AM']Pretty simple, you kind of answered your own question really.[/quote] no I didnt, if I answered my own question then there would be no need for this thread!!!
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='947919' date='Sep 7 2010, 08:18 AM']Hmm.. fair enough. It's never bothered me, though.[/quote] well if we were all the same it would be a boring world now wouldnt it
  13. please buy with confidence from Chris, he is a really top bloke and an amazing bass player too. If he looks after his basses half as much as how well he plays them,,,then you are in for a treat with this
  14. just incase none of you know me,,im not a novice at buying or selling gear, I have had many amps. I just think it may save my time in telling me if an ext. cab would be required for maximum output of an amp,,,,,,simple
  15. [quote name='Machines' post='947880' date='Sep 7 2010, 06:57 AM']Do most combos actually detail what the wattage is into the combo alone ? To be fair, a lot of manufacturers don't tell you what the wattage for a stand alone head into one cab so the fault isn't really with the seller.[/quote] aye and that's fair enough, I have checked most sites and seen that it wouldn't break down the output on 8 ohmes, 4ohmes etc..... What I'm mainly saying, is that a heads up on the requirement of an extention cab would help alot and possibly reduce my 'homework' time and leaving me more time to look through more suitable ads.
  16. [quote name='chris_b' post='947853' date='Sep 7 2010, 01:13 AM']Yep. If anyone wants to buy an amp or cab or any bass gear they should do their homework and find out all the technical details for themselves, including reading reviews and user experiences.[/quote] is this school??? Why can't the info be there for me?
  17. Ok I am currently in the mood for a combo, however im sick and tired of folk posting amps for sale and using the max wattage that they can manage, even though to get this max wattage, an ext cab is req!!!!!!!!!!!!! As we know combos either manage their full outputs on their own or some need an ext cab to drop its impedance for its maximum output. Now technically its not false advertising as combos that do require an ext cab to maximise its output do actually go to whatever watts, however, would it be possible to actually give the combos output as it is?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or if thats not possible, to at least give us the heads up that an ext cab is required for this!!!!!!!!!! I feel that folk use this grey area of information to try show that their amp is more powerful than it actually is and some people could be very easily misled into thinking they are getting more bang for their buck than they actually are!!! Is it just me????
  18. by adding an ext cab,,,does this decrease the overall output, or does this bring the amp to its maximum impedance and deliver 307watts?
  19. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='947509' date='Sep 6 2010, 06:57 PM']Jokin aside Steve, it`s a really nice bass. It`s a unique shape and if it kicks ass, put me down for a shot! Jez[/quote] the kettles always on Gerry just don't forget to bring yer status
  20. Thanks for the cool reply folks (except Gerry and Pete of course hahahaha), yeah this is a lovely bass, I just hope I get on with it better than its predecessor!!!!! The main differences I have noticed with my limited use: much lighter than the ray, which may be down to it being made of basswood. Greater output, posibbly as its a 18v circuit and extra pickup. Easier to get a useful tone thanks to the EQ and pickup selection. So watch this space folks and fingers crossed for me hahahaha.
  21. aye i moved the big flightcase with the sale of the stingray, however I have now aquired this nice big flightcase with the purchase of this Bongo.
  22. Ok chaps as you know I loved the feel and play of the stingray, however if you read this thread you will know I didnt like the glassy mids. So arrived today is my new Bongo. I had a wee blast through the ampeg earlier and it was magical, the output on this bass is mindblowing. So I now await the comments from my good friends on BC (be gentle brothers). Oh aye,,,just a wee pic.
  23. [quote name='Hutton' post='946617' date='Sep 5 2010, 08:13 PM']Just a post to offer apologies for my earlier nonsense. I got what I deserved and regret my post. All the best with the sale![/quote] Bravo, well said.
  24. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='946622' date='Sep 5 2010, 08:20 PM']Takes a big man.[/quote] Too true Wayne.
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