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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='tom1946' post='935597' date='Aug 25 2010, 06:11 AM']That's right Steven, I could hit 'em over the heed with it eh? Have you still got yours [/quote] of course I do matey, in fainrness I have nearly offloaded it a few times, but when it comes to the crunch I dont think I could ever let it go. damn gas though get me everytime,,although I now have 2 other basses I would offload before i let the jag go.
  2. [quote name='tom1946' post='935134' date='Aug 24 2010, 06:43 PM']I really wish people would stop doing this! Send a PM or something, stop dragging old sales threads up, just wastes time.[/quote] well Tom if you still had your jaguar you could go beat up these bloody newbies Sorry but I aint slagged you in a while buddy
  3. thanks for that guys, any more insight would be brilliant,,,however I dont think its for me for m what ive read so far
  4. hola all, I posted this in the amp section but have had no reply, so hoping in here it will get more of a hit...... I have did a search on the PJB gear and the info is a tad old and a bit inconclusive. So now its been on the market for a while and hopefully had a wider road test by the forum, I was wondering what folk think. So if you dont know me, I play rock/blues in a crackin 3 piece. We play loud and dirty (in small to medium gigs). Im in the market for lightweight and portable rig and I may be moving my stingray on for the suitcase and ext cab. So before I go for a road test I was hoping for some insight. Cheers Steven
  5. hola all, it has been brought to my attention that due to the very helpful No5 post on my thread saying about how this bass was 621bucks it may look as though im trying my arm for my resale at 760notes. Just to clarify that the ebay auction went into a bidding war with me and said poster and the final bill was 720 + 40p&p(due to insurance and ridiculous weight of the OHC). I asked the mods to remove post No5 as it may hinder my resale or trade possibilty, however I was told it was fine and wouldnt be an issue. So I hope this clarifies things cheers
  6. Hola my good people, I have did a search on the PJB gear and the info is a tad old and a bit inconclusive. So now its been on the market for a while and hopefully had a wider road test by the forum, I was wondering what folk think. So if you dont know me, I play rock/blues in a crackin 3 piece. We play loud and dirty (in small to medium gigs). Im in the market for lightweight and portable rig and I may be moving my stingray on for the suitcase and ext cab. So before I go for a road test I was hoping for some insight. Cheers Steven
  7. 5.3ohmes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats just being awkward
  8. [quote name='Bassnut62' post='932112' date='Aug 21 2010, 06:42 PM']i hopy are both very happy together and that you never have a cross word without making up before bed time!!![/quote] hahahahahaha this is a quote im going to have to tattoo onto my wifes forearm
  9. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170530421824&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:GB:1123"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...E:L:LCA:GB:1123[/url] thought i would stick it on evil bay with buy now or best offer.....it means i can pull it if I get to grips with it ovver the next 7 days, also added I want a swap and to get in touch before buying (hopefully to avoid ebay fees ).
  10. [quote name='cameltoe' post='931898' date='Aug 21 2010, 01:53 PM']I used mine last night at a decent sized pub gig. Coped fine. I had to run it up to break up point where it's loudest (which is only about 4 on the output, pesky gainy preamp valves) but we are a fairly loud 5 piece, and the pub was a decent size and packed out. It coped well, but some headroom would be nice. it sounds AMAZING! I'm in love with Valves.[/quote] so what kind of sound do you get past 4??????? is it too saturated with the valves?
  11. [quote name='Truckstop' post='931894' date='Aug 21 2010, 01:49 PM']So yeah, I once went to a shop and I tried out like 10 EBMM and a couple of bongos, but none matched the awesome power of the OLP I tried out. I bought it there and then. However though, I had to swap it for some yellow bentines and some cake eventually. Truckstop[/quote] sounds like a sound deal to me
  12. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='931115' date='Aug 20 2010, 04:42 PM']I'd be upset if you thought the bass playing was gash [/quote] the bass playing is gash,,,,,,now let me see those tears bigboy
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='931872' date='Aug 21 2010, 01:26 PM']munkonthehill-Lovely basses these stingrays, however im now waiting for someone with an OLP to come on saying how they tried a million stingrays BUT the cheapest OLP or of course stingray copy was the best in the shop hahahahaha -------------------- Calling mcnash! [/quote] McNash????????
  14. I may as well jump in here. I bought a 3eq not long ago, now as much as I love the look, feel and playability....I just cant get a tone im really into. However im pushing on with it and hopefully get what I want with some EQ tweaking. Lovely basses these stingrays, however im now waiting for someone with an OLP to come on saying how they tried a million stingrays BUT the cheapest OLP or of course stingray copy was the best in the shop hahahahaha
  15. im the same with gear,,,i dont fancy shipping cabs or basses. this unfortunatly does hurt the sale of gear. however on a plus side it means you get to keep your gear for a bit longer hahahahaha
  16. i know they aint brand new,,,,,,but the raconteurs get my vote. jack white and jack lawrence, now thats just cool
  17. this may already be in here
  18. oh if i had this i wouldnt need my stingray or aerodyne. very nice
  19. heres a thought!!!!!!! keep this warwick and swap your bongo for a natural finish stingray 4
  20. hola matey, so what are you planning on replacing this with?
  21. let me be the first to say top job mate. unfortunatly i cant really coment on your recording standard as I have no idea about that,,,,but the tune is wicked. Very RHCP orientated and I love it. the bass lines are very nice mate and nicce funky guitar riffs going on. Well done mate and sign me up for the EP (as long as every EP comes with a free pingray of coursehahahahaha)
  22. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='930097' date='Aug 19 2010, 05:57 PM']C`mon noo. No local love for a Yam? Jez[/quote] i would take it Gerry,,however the slagging you already gave me has gaiven me a complex...............hahahahahahaha All the best with the sale, to all who dont know Gerry, he is a right stand up guy,,,,buy with confidence.
  23. Matt this looks amazing, I love to see the progress in these threads and this has been a real treat. Needless to say once Rich has worked his magic with the paint this is going to be a monster. I sit here with bated breath chaps.
  24. my stingray is still up for grabs, maybe we could do a 3 way swap if someone fancied my stingray then you could take their P-bass and I get your bongo or something???
  25. [quote name='fraff' post='927014' date='Aug 16 2010, 10:35 PM']I do use it a fair bit - usually for just a bit of blended OD, leaving my pedals to tackle the distortion heavy lifting. Use the octave a bit too, for giving the odd chorus a great 70s lift! I'd vouch for the GK cabs too - it's great to have from no horn to 2 horns on full, depending on what you're needing[/quote] yeah i find in a 3 piece band the octaver really fills up the sound without me actually having to try anything complex hahaha. I find the OD and blend useful pretty much in every song we do,,, however I do a lovely gritty sound,,,i cant imagine what it would sound lke with a distortion pedal too though!!!!! i find with the OD boost on and gain right up i get enough distortion
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