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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. No more is needed I guess. Im so glad I managed to get a 51 style body though. So not only is it sounding like a dream....its looking like it too.
  2. So I have been getting used to my Fender Mike Dirnt bass for a few weeks now, If anyone has been following my trail of bass gear history then you will know I have been from Epiphone to Musicman and back again. I have been mainly into active basses because I thought I liked the multitude of bass tones that they give. Then I got a Rickenbacker and I loved its simplicity. No active contol, just 2 pickups to blend and 2 quite sensitive tone pots too. Since i got the Ric I found I wasnt using my fender Jaguar so that with a heavy heart was swapped for the MD bass. Now with an even easier sound control (1 volume and 1tone) I am finding I am using this bass even more so than the Ric There is something I didnt really expect with the P-bass compared to the Ric. The P-bass is much more cleaner sounding compared to a woolier sounding Ric. The amount of bass the ric puts out is bloody shocking for a passive bass. The Ric is an out and out rock bass. I love the looks and I love the sound. The P-bass actually kicks out more treble with the tone on 100% and it goes down to a nice Motown fat bass with the tone all the way down. My band members say the Fender sounds much better in the mix of our band and I should take that to our first gig next week instead of the Ric (which hasnt been gigged by me yet). I agree with the sound but I am also dying to show off my lovely Jetglow I cant actually remember where I was going with this post. I just started writing and thought I would post it anyway.
  3. whats this pile of sh*te about though?
  4. Im in Port Glasgow but work all over Glasgow......
  5. Well so far so good with the show...Im sitting here with my bass just lapping it all up. AWESOME
  6. My hours of work are 5.30 to when I finish bundle of people I have to visit. Courier just ain't viable for me any time soon I'm afraid.
  7. looks like the rig has already been traded dude......besides i wouldnt have like your chances anyway without a huge money supplement
  8. Nice one. Cracking singer and bassist. Really looking forward to this.
  9. What a short arse. No wonder the P-bass picks on it. Infact, I just realised I ain't played the ric since I got the P-bass hahaha
  10. I'm unsure of this short scale malarkey! I'm playing a MD sig p-bass and a 4003 ric. Are these basses long or short scale??
  11. Can't. Believe your selling this buddy. I know how much you loved it. The one I had also had the bridge pup swapped out and seems to be a common upgrade on these. All the very best with the sale and at 500 buck this won't be here for long
  12. [quote name='david_l_perry' timestamp='1328743735' post='1532177'] Spotted your cheeky song title.....:-) "Dave Perry playing with himself with the jam band" [/quote] Er...... it must have been corrective text or something ;-)
  13. I have a few more on my youtube page..http://www.youtube.com/user/munkonthehill?feature=mhee if anyone wants to stick them on here then no probs. there are still a few to get uploaded.
  14. Is this the bass you gave up your G&L tribute for?
  15. I also have about 10vids still to come...it just takes ages on youtube to upload.
  16. I have started the upload of the videos guys,,,however as there is about 18vids with about 13gb of size, then it may take a while.... look for munkonthehill on youtube for any updates. But I bet it may take until tomorrow until we start seeing them.
  17. ok chaps just a wee update. I managed to get cracking vids of the bassokey. I have started uploading them to my youtube account and I will get them linked ASAP (yes Rich that means tomorrow ) The good news is,,,,I wont be uploading of any of Dave Perrys....its not cos its bad,,,,its because the man is such a legend on bass he bloody shows the rest of us up for the charlatans we all are (love you man and that was some great banter going on over the weekend )
  18. It was a great weekend chaps. Alan and Dave did another amazing job at organising things. The band were fantastic and it was great seeing folk go up and play. I already cant wait till the next one.
  19. Nah, I think I will allow this one to stick around for a little while hahaha I kinda want a sunburst one though!!!
  20. I am here safe and sound just be careful on the roads once you come into Moffat
  21. Arrive safe guys
  22. Is anyone making it today? The weather could be an issue!!
  23. The gig is in greenock a wee place called the lorretto club. We are booked for the 25th. I ain't stuck any picks up as yet however I'm hoping a few pics will be posted during this Moffat bassbash
  24. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1328304925' post='1525404'] Right, that's me packed and ready for the road trip tomorrow: See you the morn! [/quote] dear god Matt,,,,how long are you staying for?
  25. yeah i should have went over my tunes too. I havent really sang and played at the same time so it should be interesting if not just plain embarrassing.
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