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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='merello' post='895970' date='Jul 15 2010, 08:52 PM']I might wait until you open your own PG Bass Swap Shop and come down...... [/quote] am in at the weekend matey. theres an aerodyne with your name on it hahaha
  2. [quote name='merello' post='895959' date='Jul 15 2010, 08:42 PM']Oliver Twist Type Bump! I'd go £100 above or £200 below in my search for a wooden life partner who will bring depth, warmth and a slight buzz 12 frets up my board. :wub:[/quote] a think these look wicked mate. im suprised its not gone
  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='895828' date='Jul 15 2010, 06:00 PM']Ten Points to the Hammers Man![/quote] me and the wife google transleted it too hahaha
  4. no way is this not shifted yet.......have a bump on me
  5. was just checking your youtube links on the ebay site...really loved your playing brother,,,very cool
  6. I reckon if you throw in the original neck you would have more of a chance of shifting this
  7. [quote name='12stringbassist' post='895186' date='Jul 14 2010, 10:48 PM']I love mine - the Classic 4 bass on the left. [/quote] do you gig it much???
  8. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='895161' date='Jul 14 2010, 10:25 PM']Yes, me too as I wanted (want!) to be Rick Danko[/quote] i want (wanted) to take a load off franny
  9. [quote name='OldGit' post='893735' date='Jul 13 2010, 02:07 PM']or possibly as you seem to be kissing a guy in that other picture .... [/quote] if anything i think alan carr should be outraged hahahahahahah
  10. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' post='893572' date='Jul 13 2010, 11:41 AM']Same with me regarding the Gibson Thunderbird. Loved the look and sound of them until I got one. Not nice basses to play at all.[/quote] Yeah i don't think I will get a riki until I try one. Anyone out there fancy doing a short term swap of my stingray( or either fender of course) for their rik??? Say about 2-4 weeks????
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='893858' date='Jul 13 2010, 04:03 PM']I know this is obvious but has it got a fresh battery? I had a crap sound at my last gig with my pre EB and had a brainwave at practice last night that the battery might be shot as I have played it loads and sure enough popped a new Duracell in and the bottom end is back and its Funkalicous once more! Also +1 for the punch rather than distortion thing, Although the 3 eq EBs seem to have a little bit more than the pre EB (and possibly the 2 eq EB,I have never tried one but it has the same preamp as the pre EB?) That said if you add some valve grind into the mix the Stingray loves it![/quote] not sure I have a battery issue as the output is loud and proud, however sating that it wouldnt hurt to fire a new one in jjust to make sure. yeah using the OD channel on my B5R head makes the bass sound so sweet, I love having my sound a bit distorted and this has the best sound ive heard yet through this channel,,,,its just a shame I only get a gig once or twice a month though hahaha
  12. i know Matt is selling this, not sure if its what your after,,,, but he is a right good guy so thought i would put it forward for him [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=92402"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=92402[/url]
  13. [quote name='Musicman20' post='893116' date='Jul 12 2010, 07:54 PM']That EQ is VERY powerful IMO. you can go from big fat warm pumping bass to aggressive pick punk. The Humbucker is not there to give you a distorted gruff tone, more like a very powerful punchy tone which cuts through a mix. Personally I love it.[/quote] oh I'm by no means giving up. The playability on the bass is wicked. It definitly sounds better through the ampeg though, so looks like I will be keeping it away from the 8" driver in my lowdown hahaha. Can't wait to play it in a live situation though
  14. [quote name='martthebass' post='892747' date='Jul 12 2010, 01:15 PM']I notice that your other 2 basses are Fender offerings - the MM is a different beast and the sound isn't for everyone, against your 2 I'd expect you to find it trebly/glassy to start with but it can be tamed (to an extent!).[/quote] yeah that was the problem, i felt at times i lost quite alot of bottom end although I didnt lose volume which was strange. and the glassy sound was very prominent. It really is just a different bass to what im used to. I just assumed with that big MM humbucker I would get a loud gruff distorted sound. The main thing thats throwing me is the mid eq, back to the drawingboard with my sound I guess, however the playability is wicked and once I learn where to anchor my thumb I will be laughing
  15. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='892432' date='Jul 11 2010, 11:57 PM']Sorry mate, I assume you are not getting what I am trying to tell you... best leave it at that. Good luck[/quote] aye cheers anyway
  16. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='892379' date='Jul 11 2010, 10:58 PM']Nah you wouldnt with a decent compressor, something like this... Read the review of it here: [url="http://www.markbass.it/risorse/allegato_pro.php?id=152"]http://www.markbass.it/risorse/allegato_pro.php?id=152[/url] [/quote] seems cracking however at 180notes I would expect someone to play the bass for me from markbass. would tweaking the eq on both amp and bass not give you all the tonal and sound control you need?
  17. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='892362' date='Jul 11 2010, 10:47 PM']Well the ones which are included in combo amps are usually of little effect, more of a limiter than a true and true compresson, whereas a decent deicated compressor pedal will help gather all your sound propulsion into a definite aural range, without allowing your sound to be despersed in the room behind the bass drum beat and the singer's pa. In other words imagine it as a huge tube in front of your speaker that funnels all your sound and project it directly at the audience. Actually a very useful tool for any type of audience[/quote] would i then not start losing some of my sound?? by that i dont mean volume I mean the decided sound i have dialed into my eq?
  18. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='892344' date='Jul 11 2010, 10:24 PM']do you own a decent compressor? if you do it will help defining your "presence"[/quote] theres a compressor on the amp, but I never use it and have never owner a compressor pedal as ive never seen the need or certainly have an idea on how to use one
  19. so tried the stingray at rehearsals tonight, it was ok but felt a bit odd. having to remember that there is only one pickup and only 1 place to really anchor my thumb. so a few times i kinda lost my place whilst playing because i was overthinking about tone, positioning of the bass on my body and of course losing my anchor from time to time. I also hadnt really factored in the mid boost on the preamp and as i usally have my high mids quite high on my lowdown, it souldned a bit too thin and glassy. So I had to start tweaking and fannying about with my amp settings which i rarely do. as it wasnt a full live rehearsal ( we play in a basement with practice amps and a rolands electric drumkit, we play quiet enough for the singer to sing with no PA) and as it wasnt with my ampeg rig its kinda hard to suss how it will fit into the mix of my band. I unfortunatly came away a little under whelmed. HOWEVER all is not lost as it was a small practice and not our full tinnitus causing sound.
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='891897' date='Jul 11 2010, 12:18 PM']We will have to see if you move it up your list on your signature!? :brow:[/quote] hahahaha. Keep tuned folks
  21. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='891813' date='Jul 11 2010, 10:28 AM']Nice one Steven. Don't worry about that fret buzz - it's kind of part of the 'ray sound. To my ears it adds a glassy/ceramic quality to the tone. As for the strings? I only ever use Sadowsky Blue Labels on my 'ray (have to buy them from the States) they have light blue silks on them. If you are very lucky you may have inherited a set of these. I'll post a pic later so you can compare. Rich[/quote] ah right well just to add to this,,, they seem very bright and light although to look at them they are probably 105's but although look like them and gives the same depth, play alot better!!! Does that sound about right????
  22. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='891803' date='Jul 11 2010, 10:15 AM']Heh, that will be the 'ray Glad you like it ![/quote] hahaha cheers Al
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' post='891765' date='Jul 11 2010, 08:47 AM']As cool as it looks, the EB1 isn't hollow body though.[/quote] no but it is very light and theres no chance of busting it up if you look at it wrongly
  24. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' post='891778' date='Jul 11 2010, 09:26 AM']Another convert then! Some people worry to much about the stingray neck width for no reason,Maybe more of an issue for a five stringer but for fours its proper comfy compared to any of the fender profiles that I have tried/owned.I still like both in there own ways though.What about the sound you did not metion it?[/quote] SOUND????????? YOU WILL HAVE TO SHOUT PETE IM A BIT DEF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sound is massive. I had the 3 basses seitting beside each other yesterday. I played superstition and hard to handle on all 3 one after the other. I didnt change my eq on ma head between playing them. The ray was by far the loudest and warmest, the mid eq on the bass really makes the sound fill the room. its clarity is wicked and although im a fender man through and through,,,,im swaying over to the MM. I dont think the onboard eq is as diverse as my jag but then again the 2 sounds are totally different and the sound of the ray is very well matched with my ampeg rig, it loves the OD channel and seems to be an all rounder
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