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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. Stag and wild.frog,,, I think pics are required guys
  2. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='889063' date='Jul 7 2010, 10:45 PM']Its nice to get a bass that you feel you cant put down. Ive had a few recently that i didnt want to pick up. I know loads of people use flats on Rays but i think they sound better with rounds. Ive had EB flats on my Ray34 and didn't really like them. Ive just today put some Chromes on my CV Jazz and love them. Ive used flats a few times before but always go back to rounds. Flats sound good for some things but i always miss the overtones and so tend to swap them around ever so many months.[/quote] I have rounds on my jag and flats on my aerodyne. both sound amazing the way they are so im torn what to do with the stingray. best thing i guess is try it at next gig with the rounds and once i have that then stick flats to see how i get on. bloody impatience hahaha
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='889018' date='Jul 7 2010, 10:04 PM']Nooooo, you should get some playing in anyway. This bass deserves to be played not stored away :-)[/quote] its cool dave,,,,,i was noodling all night(oh er). only thing is im now fighting the urge to stick flats on it. Can anyone shed some light if thats a good idea????????
  4. [quote name='merello' post='887537' date='Jul 6 2010, 05:16 PM']I'm thinking about it - just the P-bass is too wide for me. Might do it for fun though - you are less than a mile from me![/quote] lets all meet up and have a miniture bass day......i will provide the curries
  5. I have to say it,,,,,but Rich IS a great guy. Very relaxed about buying my JC and easy to chat with..my only downside about our dealings was i didnt get a chance to meet Rich and get to hear him shred on the fretboard great guy. absolute pleasure to deal with you matey
  6. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='888400' date='Jul 7 2010, 01:31 PM']I've only had a wee noodle at it Al. Just like rich had said it's broader string to string than I'm used to however it's not too deep. It feels ok and looks amazing. Rehearsals tonight to try it out properly though, can't wait to hear it in the mix...[/quote] rehearsal was cancelled tonight. owell time to stick the bass back in its hummer styled case.
  7. yeah I noodle in the house whilst watching the tv unplugged all the time. I doubt my wife would allow me to amp up everytime i pickup the bass and I doubt my 11month old boy would sleep as well as he does either hahaha
  8. [quote name='Doddy' post='888943' date='Jul 7 2010, 09:11 PM']You can get a very bassy sound out of a Ric if you mainly use the neck pickup. I've only ever played one once for a recording,and it was really deep sounding,very unlike the 'classic' Ric tone. Having said that it was all neck pickup soloed,tone rolled off,flatwound strung,tuned BEAD with the bridge mutes on,and played with a pick!!! It wasn't a pleasurable experience,but it was certainly bassy.[/quote] oh no,,,,my illusions are crushed hahaha I dont really have anything to swap a ricki for anyway but I reckon I would def have to try one before I consider this now.. I think its just that iconic look that makes me want one, Jack Lawrence and Lemmy have a lot to answer to!
  9. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='888839' date='Jul 7 2010, 07:19 PM']They are amazing sounding things. Sound similar to a Thunderbird, the TB Ceramic pickups are great. Thing is, they don't sound overly 'bassy'. Lots of midrange going on, think Rickenbacker honk. Very cool.[/quote] just out of interest, are rickenbackers not too bassy then???? I aspire to own one. However I think i mainly want one because I like the idea of owning one though! So what would I expect if i got a rickenbacker??
  10. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='888733' date='Jul 7 2010, 05:52 PM']Why are there some many great basses around the now that just arent shifting? EG this one! C`mon, get yer cash or cash plus trade out! Don`t be shy. Jez[/quote] im sure it will shift Jez,,,,all you have to do is throw in a cuppa tea when folk come to collect
  11. [quote name='Jamesemt' post='887724' date='Jul 6 2010, 08:08 PM']Slight thread hijack but what do they sound like? Or are they pretty unique?[/quote] no idea matey,,went with a musicman stingray instead.....
  12. [quote name='tombboy' post='888582' date='Jul 7 2010, 03:46 PM']You'll be hooked. Best neck I've ever played. Sound wise, it's a bit of a one trick pony....... but oh my, WHAT a trick!!![/quote] fingers crossed. or my next post will headline,,,,,,,FOR SALE MINT CONDITION EB MUSICMAN STINGRAY hahahaha also chaps, im curious, the body on the stingray is glossy as with most basses. however the neck appears to be non-glossy and natural wood. The fretboard and neck appear to be the same cut of wood. is this normal for MM basses?
  13. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='887965' date='Jul 7 2010, 12:04 AM']oh thats sweet, a natural ash ray, i'll take the one on the left, ta. tell me, is that the best bass neck ever?[/quote] I've only had a wee noodle at it Al. Just like rich had said it's broader string to string than I'm used to however it's not too deep. It feels ok and looks amazing. Rehearsals tonight to try it out properly though, can't wait to hear it in the mix...
  14. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='887767' date='Jul 6 2010, 08:45 PM']I think that you will enjoy it. Are you gonna see sense and stop buying Epiphones now? Jez[/quote] to tell you the truth jez, with the little talent I have it doesnt really matter what I use hahahahaha
  15. Ok chaps as a rule i guess i have to share some pics I was using the dampner on the bridge for a while and loved the 70's styled sound it gives. the main thing about this is the original hardcase that weighs about 11kg and i would imagine would be used in the army to courier delicate items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='886908' date='Jul 6 2010, 12:26 AM']Finest necks I ever came across, the Stingrays, and I'm a big jazz Bass fan. My eq (3 band) is incredibly powerful - if i have bass turned up behond halfway it distorts the amp, so for me, bass on half, mid a bit off half, 3-4, and treble on 4. It is very punchy with a lot of mids (Hartke 410 cab = lots of punchy mids too) so i roll back a bit of mid. the action is sublime on this bass, i hit it hard with my fingers and get a bit of grit going on. Hard going back to any other basses now, this one is so great to play.[/quote] well AL you have sold me....i will have a shot tonight and i have rehearsals tomorrow with it,,, although its in the basement and we use practice amps and the drummer uses a roland drum kit.... hope it does it justice
  17. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='886828' date='Jul 5 2010, 11:04 PM']You might be pleasantly surprised Steven. Yes the neck is P width(ish) but the front to back measurement is less, making for a very comfy fit imo.[/quote] fingers crossed Rich, I have it the noo, but i have to do the house chores before my wife will let me play with it
  18. [quote name='tombboy' post='886733' date='Jul 5 2010, 10:06 PM']Did you win the bass off ebay and was the auction No Reserve (NR) by any chance? Similar neck to a P Bass.... width tends to vary on models between 39-41.5mm. Have a wander over to www.ernieball.com and duck into the forum. Careful there though, don't mention other brands.[/quote] looks like we have a winner hahahaha, yip your bang on about the no reserve. cheers Tom a bit gutted about the p-bass neck. im a thin neck man myself. DAMN however i will wait and see how it feels when i get it.
  19. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='886731' date='Jul 5 2010, 10:04 PM']No idea what the NR stands for, but you have active treble/middle/bass on a Stingray 3eq. The basses seem to sound best with the bass frequency max'd & just a little added treble over the centre point & the mids flat. That's your classic ray sound [/quote] nice one Rich. im looking forward to playing about with it. Having never played one or know anything about them im walking into this venture a tad blind.
  20. Ok chaps I need some insight. I have coming to me very soon an EB musicman stingray NR 3band eq. made early 90's. This is my first bass from the EB family so kinda curious about them. Im looking forward to getting it however due to my recent turnover in basses im worried about the ribbing i will get from my band hahahahaha. Whats the EQ on them? Is the neck more p-bass or jazz bass? with this bass any idea what the NR stands for? Are they desired basses and easy for resale? What is the sale value of one of these in mint condition with EB hardcase?
  21. oright matey, did you have this on ebay a while back...I had my exact same rig on the same time as you (if it was you of course)....mine didnt sell either. I was curious though seeing we are in opposite sides of the country and whos would sell for the same price. Good luck with your sale.
  22. I enjoy going on stage and playing my very clean and shiney fenders through my ampeg rig. Yes I probably went for them due to the names. However..... My first real bass was a 4 string vintage bubinga. It was a decent bass for the price although I had no real knowledge of basses, so lets face it,,a cricket bat at that point would have been fine. I then made a huge jump to my Jag then finally my aerodyne. the bbuild quality is much better, the active preamp on my jag is much better than the vintage and the tone pot on the aerodyne really makes a huge difference in the......well tone..... My pals boy wanted me to show him a few thing on bass and he is using a eb-1 copy by shine. the neck is nice and thin and it plays decent.....however what would you walk on stage with,,one of my fenders or the eb-1 copy??????????? lol when I plugged the shine into his peavey amp thats when you can hear the sound quality is night and day with my higher end gear.... heres a wee story that I think fits well here: For a wedding gift my uncle bought me crystal wine glasses. I said to him "I would never imagine a time i would use them"..He replied and said to me that when he has a glass of wine in the house he uses his crystal glass and he (kinda jokingly) said it makes it taste just a little better. We joked about this, however on my next glass of wine, out comes the crystal. I think this fits here, lets face it,,, YOU having an amazing bass or amp isnt going to make you any better. However stnading infront of an audience with your cracking gear makes you feel good gives you a great tone and thats whats important.
  23. aye details,,,,i need gigs too hahahahaha only jokin buddy,,well done
  24. nice one chaps, i think the most important thing is to get a demo sorted, or at least get something on that website with us doing something rather than looking sweaty!!!!!!!!!!! Jez, my guitarist plays in a band called Lie detector who play clutha vaults. He said he aint sure about us in there. However as they mainly play sunday afternoons im sure it would be different on a friday or saturday night. Ok then chaps main thing now is a demo, I think there are a few placed in glasgow doing 8 hours for 200bucks. does this seem right???? how many tracks could you get for that and also what kinda setup is the norm for recording i.e live playing recorded, getting recorded individually????
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