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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. [quote name='derrenleepoole' post='800212' date='Apr 8 2010, 08:56 PM']It's an electronic real/fake book, just with chord charts though. Most official fake books don't have the melodies for copyright reasons and this is the same. Each chart can be transposed to any key too making it more useful than a paper version. You can search by title, composer, genre etc. There's also a user forum were users can add their own charts and you can download more that aren't featured in the original app. A very useful tool for the gigging bassist when knowing the melody isn't important.[/quote] ah right,, i just read the website again there....it does seem awesome,,,apart from none of the songs on it are on my setlist haha
  2. so what does this do exactly,,,,does it have the chord structure of songs in it or is it a programme for ou to do it yourself?
  3. i have a full head of hair,,,,i chose to be baldy sorry, just like to rub it in hehe
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='786501' date='Mar 26 2010, 12:50 AM']Paypal OK?[/quote] Al made me a pedal and it is awesome,,,im just waiting for him to start doing pedals with valves in it (hope your reading this Al haha)
  5. just a few pics of a few gigs of my big baldy mug (baldy through choice ) first pic is my awesome little lad rocking out with elmo........
  6. I am the bass player in a little trio band playing in inverclyde... we are called the licks and play blues/rock covers. out list include joe bonamassa, black crowes, zz top, frank zappa and even britney spears. Our lineup consists of my brother-in-law Mark on drums, my good pal Steven on guitar/vox and yours truely on bass. This is my first band that started 1 year ago (im 31) and cant believe how well ive landed on my feet. website [url="http://www.thelicks.co.uk"]The Licks[/url] Im currently starting up a 2nd project which consists of vox, guitar, keyboard, bass and drums which so far appears to be more of a lighter britpop kinda band including, small faces, beatles and shed seven....we aint really got things together yet but just learning our own bits first before rehearsing as a band.....
  7. hmmmm, it looks like it needs to be finished
  8. [quote name='The inglourious bass turd' post='787533' date='Mar 26 2010, 11:17 PM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHE6hZU72A4&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHE6hZU72A4...feature=related[/url] Hey! I can play funk![/quote] ok maybe he cant do instruction vids hahaha
  9. [quote name='neepheid' post='787516' date='Mar 26 2010, 10:43 PM']Dress conservatively? [/quote] haha, check my avatar,,,,i could do with some stage clothing help, my polo shirts hardly scream rock 'n' roll baby hahahaha
  10. [quote name='Doddy' post='787508' date='Mar 26 2010, 10:32 PM']It's off the Standing in the Shadows of Motown film.[/quote] i know, thats where i seen it initially
  11. stand in amazement brothers and sisters. OMG [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoTtLxQmZKY&playnext_from=TL&videos=pJKtxa70UtU&playnext=1"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoTtLxQmZKY...&playnext=1[/url]
  12. [quote name='Rasta' post='781957' date='Mar 21 2010, 07:12 PM']It's closer to the equator down here If you can find a courier??? [/quote] Nah, if you couldnt get that 6x10 to me then im not going to bother with a 8x10 haha
  13. damn your distance haha
  14. ok guys, 260bucks delivered to your door in all its original packaging. you could re-sell this as brand new as its mint condition
  15. looking for anything at 600watts at 4ohmes. Or also looking for 2 cabs at 300watts at 8 ohmes each. Willing to travel within reason
  16. again im another one who would attend but due to starting up my second band, workload of about 10 men and a 7 month son, I have zero time to scratch my erse never mind organise this hahaha
  17. Hola matey, Im coming up to your neck of the woods at noon the morra. heading to the sheriff court to get commissioned. So just make sure your council tax is paid up hahaha
  18. you could always swap it if your not happy with it. It just so happens I know a person looking to swap a mint condition b-series ampeg 4x10HLF
  19. [quote name='Rasta' post='748943' date='Feb 17 2010, 09:03 PM']Fancy a swap for a GenzBenz 6x10??? [/quote] rasta i would love your genz benz, why do you have to live so far away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. [quote name='Bankai' post='744764' date='Feb 14 2010, 01:34 PM']Would you consider selling and if so how much for?[/quote] its a new head and I would probably look for about 260 Plus p&p, I dont want to lose much cash on it as i will have to buy another head to replace it. however you can get the same head without the compressor built in for the same price im asking for mine if you check the web.
  21. [quote name='andy67' post='744647' date='Feb 14 2010, 11:33 AM']Hey Steve, Get another cab! I have the lead here that will enable you to connect to 4ohm cabs in series - it's yours free! It will reduce the volume in the ashdown head to around 400watt. When I used it it reduced to ampeg from 450w to 300w. andy[/quote] Hola Andy, Still have the cab and love it to bits, I just wish I was a bit wiser when chosing the head to go along with it. I probably wouldnt use the cable. If I use the ampeg on its own I have to watch my levels but still get 400watts, If i use the cable and use 2 cabs, I still get 400watts split between 2 cabs which means I get 200watts out each cab (I think im correct hahaha). So wouldnt really gain in sound out of the extra cab. I really fancy a 2ohme head that will go to 700-800watts. once I get that all my worries are solved. failing that a 400watt head with tubes in it. When I was speaking to Chris I said to him also that I was really happy with the sound, however inexperience of rigs has left me having to watch levels at every gig. Owell, you live and learn I guess. Cheers Steven
  22. ok chaps, still looking for a 400watt head at 4 ohmes or 600-800watt at 2ohmes
  23. I have the bootzilla fuzz/wah by snarling dogs. best fuzz and wah you can get. definetlyworth a punt with one of these
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