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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. swap the cab for my 4x10hlf, can the cab be posted?
  2. [quote name='riff raff' post='737099' date='Feb 6 2010, 12:35 PM']just a feeler here.perfectly happy with it.sounds great with my svt.i have a vintage 8x10 that needs a bit of a recommission.so keeping that. got an open mind.[/quote] why are these things so far away aaaarrggggggghhhhhhhh
  3. good to see a new scots on the mist...... now lets see about you getting my band playing in glasgow
  4. c'mon the jag players ya dancers......best basses on the market
  5. it is a very sexy rig.... how much gear have you got moosh hahahaha
  6. interparcel are quoting 33.86+vat www.interparcel.com
  7. [quote name='gafbass02' post='734064' date='Feb 3 2010, 02:05 PM']Ill sneak this in quietly here, and see who spots it before I make a thread about it but wizard now also make a pbass style split humbucker in a jazz sized casing. It's amazing and solo'd in a neck position can make a jazz sound like a big punchy p bass and if you roll back the tone a smidge... Instant 70's funk tone. In the bridge location it adds beef and punch and bite. A great pickup, called the 'Gaffer' might be worth partnering it with something the the wizard trad or even the area 51 stealth for massive snarly badness![/quote] i cant see this on the website!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. i could add some cash to del for courier so he can take my 4x10hlf, I can take his 8x10 and then you 2 can arrange the courier stuff with a cash suplement from yours truely, or failing that.....me and del can take a road trip to Lincs
  9. is my 4x10 of interest or you, if so what kinda swap do you want to do?
  10. i have a gretsch 6string guitar in for swaps, would that interest you/your daughter?
  11. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='726904' date='Jan 27 2010, 09:21 PM']Words of wisdom on bass. From me? Wrong guy!!! You are quite welcome to come down and have a blast on mine on saturday. It`s a Highway 1 but it`s near enough! We are playing in Elderslie. Jez[/quote] we arent gigging till the 3rd of april in greenock so have a few weekends off although im sure im on babysitting duty as my wife did it last weekend as i was gigging. are you lot getting a gig in Dakota anytime soon?
  12. well I think im selling my gretsch for about 350, so may go for the sale rather than the swap. Not 100% sold on the P-bass though jez, any words of wisdom?
  13. yeah its all original and candy red/metalic red. Im using a jag which im assuming has a jazz styled profile neck and lots of tones. Are these basses 1 dimentional?
  14. Can anyone give me a rough price on a P-Bass MIM circa 92 Cheers Steven
  15. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='725913' date='Jan 26 2010, 11:48 PM'][i]The H185 "Artist" Bass is a faithful reissue of a long (34") scale Hofner bass model produced in the 1960s. It features two pickups, and black scratchplate, and individual volume and tone controls for both of the humbucker pickups. [/i] What a load of bollocks. This is anything but a "faithful reissue" ... it's a cobbled-together Chinese-made bass which bears little resemblance to the original Hofner 185 (known in the UK & Commonwealth as the Artist). For all I know, it's a great player and fabulous value for money. But as a description, that link is so wrong that it's almost funny. If you want to know what a real 185 looked like, check the link in my signature or visit [url="http://www.vintagehofner.co.uk/"]http://www.vintagehofner.co.uk/[/url] By far the biggest and most important difference is the scale. There is no way that bass will ever feel, play or sound like a real Hofner. For that, you have to have the original 30.5" scale, preferably strung with flats.[/quote] nice one jack, thanks for the info
  16. has anyone seen or tried one of these basses H185 Hofner link here [url="http://www.voxshowroom.com/northcoast/hofner/hofner_guitar/artistbass.html"]http://www.voxshowroom.com/northcoast/hofn...artistbass.html[/url] going for 200 on ebay.....whats your thoughts?
  17. No way Andy. You will regret this, you love this bass!!!!! I have had a shot of this and can guarantee its perfect condition and playabilty. Good luck with sale dude.
  18. [quote name='The Marlin' post='723753' date='Jan 25 2010, 12:58 AM']I might be tempted to swap Yamaha RBX 774 bass if you're interested. I need a 5th Gretsch......ahem![/quote] no thanks dude, not my style, thanks though
  19. [quote name='joegarcia' post='723291' date='Jan 24 2010, 05:07 PM']Not interested in guitar swaps I suppose? Never left the house Schecter PT: [/quote] no thanks joe, but i will take your ampeg off your hands haha
  20. scrap that,,,,,,,,,,,,,your a lefty
  21. WHATS IT CALLED ...................? HAHAHAHA hola from the coast dude. my brothers g/friend stays in your neck of the woods. Next time hes up am coming too to get a shot of your ric
  22. ah, the gig went awesome last night. We were ment to be playing new songs maggie may, sex on fire, superstition and you really got me. however due to ,dare I say heated rehearsals we changed the new songs to , heard it through the grapevine, superstition, really got me now and hush. only with 2 days to get the new ones was a pain but all came together very nicely. we got booked up quite quickly and are playing 3rd april in the same plae,,,dakaota greenock. looks like this pub is the only place that actually like us hahaha
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