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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. am sure using the term weedgie will get the replies pouring in where is strung out???????? the guy down in southside music is the the one in govanhill?,,,,,,I didnt realise he did repairs, also does that chap ever do any business?
  2. yeah moos3h,,,,your right dude, its plays very well, prob best just leave as is. the intonation is perfect and as far as i can tell the action is low, as this badboy plays like butter. I think im always just after something different, hence my thoughts on setup and modding
  3. Ok my fender jaguar seems to play fine and sounds good. but the more I think about it the more i feel i 'should' have it setup. but im scared incase the setup changes the way it plays for the worse. I may as well continue this thread with thoughts on upgrading the bass. I have had major thoughts of sticing a badass3 on it along with some wizard pickups. I would appreciate thoughts on both these topics,,,,,,,,,, cheers steven
  4. oh dear,,,,andymartin and bigjohn have got different answers to the question!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyone else want to add in what they think it is,,,,,, I reckon Andymartin is right, you need a speific cable to run cabs in series,,,,,,you run them in parallel by either daisychaining or taking 2 line outs from back of your amp if it has them
  5. I was just told that that running 2 4ohme cabs in series will result in a 8 ohme load and thus my amp will only deliver about 300watts, that means that each cab will only have 150watts pumped into them (am i right?) hardly seems woth the hassle of carrying an extra cab!!! If im right of course hahahahaha
  6. Our main issues are......... A: he is a good mate B: he is singer/guitarist C: very moody D: doesnt listen as ive told him on many occasion about this issue put these all together and you have eggshells hahahahaha
  7. i was the same, i only ever used the distortions but liked using it at home as can plug headphones direct into it, but after remembering I had a line 6 toneport so kinda left the mb50 gathering dust. Anyway have a bump on me as Dan is a top bloke and very easy to to business with. all the best with the sale dude
  8. 50quid!!!!!!!!!!!! as this is the first offer i feel it should be accepted
  9. [quote name='Phil66' post='678457' date='Dec 8 2009, 08:58 PM']I kinda like the idea of the built in effects, i know it isn't ideal but I don't have much space any more lol and as i'm only learning Given all of your experience is it worth waiting for the Jan sales? Phil[/quote] stuff waiting for sales mate. if you have the cash get it now,,,,,a can never wait for these things
  10. hey dude, I have the lowdown 15watt and its an amazing little amp for practice, plenty of guts to it and the eq is very easy to use, the amp sims are the best features and I have to say the built in octaver, chorus and filter are things i rarely use if at all. but its really worth the 90-100bucks
  11. yeah redundancys have hit everyone, its a nightmare, im a sheriff officer and there was talks of redundancies in my work, the management were not specific who was getting let go, turns out it was some admin......turns out I was safe all along. horrible feeling though having that looming over you. And as I go door to door seeing people regarding their debts, it really hits home on how bad this recession is.
  12. its a good thing to do, im def going back after xmas for more lessons. nothing too serious just to give me more options and to keep my eyes open
  13. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' post='677976' date='Dec 8 2009, 02:47 PM']True, but bear in mind that most people's screens only run at 1280x1024 so there's really no benefit to uploading a picture at a resolution higher than this. By which I mean, it's annoying, please don't do it. S.P.[/quote] haha thats you told beedster, dont let it happen again!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. no way dude, I take it you didnt get the sound you were after with this pedal
  15. [quote name='bassjamm' post='677391' date='Dec 8 2009, 12:22 AM']It'd need to be able to handle a 2 ohm load firstly wouldn't it, and It probably won't offer any more output, you'd just be moving more air is all? You find a lot of the older SVT's go down to 2 ohms as the cabs back then couldn't put out the full power of the amps, so you'd have to get 2 great big 4 ohm cabs to sort out that problem. My old SVT II put out the same wattage at 4 and 2 ohms.[/quote] sorry ment parallel, I have now amended correctly
  16. [quote name='PaulWarning' post='677724' date='Dec 8 2009, 11:51 AM']These are marvelous amps for the money but make sure you have a back up for gigs[/quote] exactly my point, you will always be worried it will let you down. STAY CLEAR AT ALL COST, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. so heres the question, why do guitarists turn up their amps to the point of drowning out everyone else, is there something in the rule book about this. we set our gear up, usually do blackcat moan to get our levels, all is well. then during song number one i start noticing im not cutting through the mix,,,,thats strange i say to myself!! so i turn myself up,,,,song number 5 roles round and again im not cutting through the mix!!!!!!!!!!!!! i turn myself up a bit more and low and behold we now cant hear the bass drum. is it just me or is this the whole world over???????????
  18. i use the lowdown 15watt for practice, although dont really rate the effects on it, i do like the amp sim options, nice easy method of changing sound without the fuss of knob twiddeling (oh er)
  19. never tried an abm but i love my mag head, I dont understand why folk say its got a sterile sound as mine has plenty of top and bottom end sounds, going along with my ampeg4x10hlf i think it has an amazing array of sounds.
  20. ive had issues with impedence too thankfully the BC boys have sorted that out hahahaha. I actually fancy 2 350-400watt 8ohme cabs to run with ma 600watt head to get max output. hope santa is listening
  21. lol i was curious to what that was hahahaha
  22. kinda harsh comments on ones tastes dudes, however being a sheriff office(bailiff) i get worse comments during my working day. I love the 60's - 70's sounds, that bas sound is just spot on, howver i do like to mix it up using my bootsy fuzz wah. just tought i should mention it incase you all think i have one sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. sorry guys, I ment series rather than parallel, just got my words mixed lol so if i run the cabs in series it lowers the impedence to half its current output, hardly worth it then,,,,,thanks though chaps i appreciate the speedy replies
  24. gig went very well on 5th dec dudes.....we totally rocked the mic, my soul brother on vox even added a verse of 'rock DJ' into the end of bridge to better days by joe bonamassa. yes dudes it was awesome, and the 17 folk in the pub kinda liked it hahahahaha Hampden stadium here we come...........
  25. this thread is adding on from another thread i just replied to......any idea what my output from my ashdown 600h(575watts) would be if i ran 2x4ohme cabs in parallel? do you lose much power when you run in parallel?
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