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Everything posted by munkonthehill

  1. nope, i only use my amp as my source of power. the marshall served me well in my first 2 gigs with it. im hoping that I will only have to use the amp and not DI it. Surely the 15inch speaker with 200watts should pack enough welly(fingers crossed). my crowds only range from 50-100folk. I would only di out if im playing a much larger gig
  2. Ok chaps, Worst case senario, during my approx 7th song, my mb4210 300watt broke. It started 'farting' then finally began cutting out all together. We tried pushing on and hopefully it would kick back in,,,,,but as im sure we all know this was an empty wish and the lump of pish gave up. So a mad rush to my home to pick up my little 50watt peavey max115 which is my only other amp was in place. Now the marshall has great tonal qualitys and great output, so how did the peavey hold up, well im glad to report that it did the job, it wasnt amazing but by god the we fella saved the day, i could be heard(just) and the show went on. So well infact that the pub booked us for a further 2 gigs. So Sunday morning i got all the amps packaging together (it was only 2months old) took it back to the amazing guys in merchant city guitar and they did a straight swap for a Hughes & Kettner BK200 200watt amp. Not tried it at rehearsals or gigs yet but looking forward to it. If anyone has any experience on these amps, either the marshall mb4210 or mainly the hughes & Kettner BK200 then please add to this thread. Cheers for reading folks, oh and just to add, the peavey is now my hero and although it wont be my gigging bass I can highly recommend them. Steven
  3. cheers dude, i gigged with mine last night and it crapped out half way through first set, so its off to the shop for fixing today. it actually works fine this morning so guess its this ommon thermo cutoff problem
  4. hey there man, sent you a wee pm.
  5. Mon' tha Scots
  6. what if i through a peavey max115 into the deal??
  7. fancy a bubinga vintage bass
  8. bump
  9. Hey all, just another wee update, we are booked into Dakota again in greenock on the saturday 26th september. Ive noticed I have had no replies to my thread so i can only hope that someone is reading these and maybe even turn up to show support. cheers dudes Peace out
  10. bought chris's Jekyll and hyde pedal. This man is a gentleman with great comms and I hope to do business with him again soon.
  11. yeah I think jam nights are a good think, it certainly gave me a bit of confidence when it came to me playing in my band as i couldnt imagine ever playing infront of folk. The jam i go to is in greenock in the argyll and sutherland bar on a friday and sunday, me and my brother in law who is also ma drummer enjoy going up, me and a few mates did: good times bad times, come together and hard to handle last night and it was really enjoyable mucking about. So i give jam sessions a massive thumbs up, but only if the host band and crowd appreciate the punters doing a turn on stage
  12. oh oh, i may be asleep also
  13. got a vintage bubinga and a peavey max115 for swaps mayeber a few quid too
  14. hey there, im looking to sell my peavey amp as i recently bought a mb4210. the amp has sat in my house and never gigged, its in perfect condition and a bargain at 120quid. Im also open to swaps. im also looking to sell/swap my vintage bubinga bass. cheers Steven
  15. ok looks like im getting desperate hahahaha both items still here
  16. [quote name='deaver' post='592393' date='Sep 7 2009, 07:41 PM']Not at the moment thanks. Looking at cash sales for the time being. I quite like the look of those Vintage bubinga basses mind you[/quote] well let me know dude, i think your bass looks wicked but my wife has a 2 bass max limit in my house. where are you based?
  17. interested in a swap, i have a vintage bubinga fretted bass or a peavey max115
  18. marshall guvnor may be a tad steep at 40 notes as they are brand new for 43quid online, just bit of helpful/unhelpful information dude
  19. the bass and amp i will put a swap or cash value of about 150quid as im looking to clear space, the pedal was 120quid so something of equal value on this.
  20. [quote name='Kev' post='587746' date='Sep 2 2009, 05:45 PM']perhaps something with similar retail price when new, as per usual etiquette [/quote] exactly Kev, thanks for the help
  21. [quote name='sweeneyjimbob' post='587707' date='Sep 2 2009, 05:14 PM']i wish i had gear that people would want. id give owt for a jag [/quote] what does "owt" stand for? also what does "WHY" stand for in this forum???? kinda off topic but hey ho
  22. just a feeler to see whats open for trades for a fender jaguar in mint condition. pm with whats on offer folks
  23. the bass and amp are swap or sell as im having a clearout but the pedal is purely swap as i dont have to get rid of it and just want to see what is on offer.
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