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Everything posted by Chienmortbb

  1. Anyone got a modeled patch for Vestigal Sideband distortion?
  2. I put elioxirs on my Washburn Jumbo and that put me off. I found they did noy play well much like myself) I might give them a whirl next time though.
  3. 26th fret? Busted you are really a guitard.
  4. Interesting. THe TH500 uses the ICEPower 250ASX2 module wheras most bass amp manufacturersuse the 125ASX2 for their 500W amps. The main difference is that the 250ASX2 can deliver 500 watts into 8 or 4 ohm wheras the 125ASX2 gives approx 250 into 8 ohms and 500 into 4 ohms.
  5. The Rode looks like a very good mic. The reason I suggested the Sontronics is that is hase switchable responses, making is a more all round performer.
  6. You are probably refering to ICEPower and if so that is an unfair jibe. The real problem is manufacturers overstating the power output of various ICEPower modules.
  7. Look at the Sontronics range I use their Solo dynamic mic on stage but would go for the ST3-X. http://sontronics.com/stc3xpack.htm
  8. I think you have hit the nail on th head with Bose. Everything they do is heavily processed.
  9. Slightly off piste but I needed new cans but could not afford two sets. My phone only has bluetooth unless I use an adaptor (I lost is ages ago) so I needed bluetooth but I needed wired for practice. I chose the Panasonic RP-HTX90N and am very pleased. The sound is neutral but there is a bass boost when using bluetooth that helps when learning a song without soundding like you traped two 8x10s to your ears. Of course thery are a bit dearer than the Beyers but they are capable of being driven well by portable devices, something that the Beyers at 80 ohms impedance might not.To go wired you just plug in a standard 3.5mm cable and you are good to go. The question is how long could you wear them? For health and safety reasons, all day really is not an option. Ignoring the possible hearing issues, the ear canal is designed to be open so ferquent breaks should be the order of the day.
  10. I suspect most of his business comes from the US as he always quotes prices in UD Dollars and they like that shouty fast inyaface type of delivery. I must admit it slightly rankles with me but his videos are good.
  11. And use DuckDuckGo for searching then Google can't track you(tube).
  12. So I got, and put on the Olympia Flats. They have been on for 10 days or so now and were used at a 4 hour rehearsal last Sunday. Firstly the value for money is first class. Whether £16 OR £13 you cannot beat that. The strings are made in Korea and each string is sealed in its own packet. On first look the A,D & G strings look fine but the E looks a little suspect. The wind is not as even as on the other 3 strings. I put them on anyway and could not be sure whether the E was deader than the other strings but I reported it to the seller and got a new string by return. The following impressions are compared to the Fender (d'addario) flats on my Peavey Precision clone and the rounds that the Olympias replaced. Tension, much closer to the rounds they replaced than the Fender flats. Nothing needed changing on the bass, action and relief spot on. I cannot really compare the two sets as the Fender's have been on several years but both the old Fender flats and the D'Addario Fender Flats on the Peavey are higher tension and the E went off very quickly. Only time will tell with the Olympias. I had read that there was a stickiness to these strings and at first I did not understand. Going up and down the fretboard felt no different, however after a while I did feel that there was a slight grab when finger plucking with my right hand. I am not sure whether this was just my imagination but it seemed better once I had wiped the strings with an industrial wet wipe. Tone. Definately brighter than I expected although the zing of a new set ofrounds was missing. Ten days on and a lot of playing does not seem to have dulled them at all. The only downside so far is the visually suspect E string. However the customer care fronm Advanced Music was first rate and I have had duff flats form Fender more than once. I have not played Chromes or Cobalt flats as they are too expensive to just take a punt on but these Olympias seem fine and I will be replacing the strings on my Peavey with them.
  13. As Phil says the amp topology is not the problem. TC were notorious for exaggerating their power output in a subtle way.They named the model after their “algorithm” that estimated the equivalent output power with their magic processing. Firstly it was not magic and secondly it was cheating in the same way as say the sister brand Bugera “estimated” their class D amps at 2000 watts. Despite this amps were not bad per se and I have one of the Bugera’s. 2000 watts it ain’t but it is bloody loud and probably outputting 700-800 watts. Secondly the position of the volume control is no indication of power output. Depending on the output level of the bass, maximum output could be at 12 o’clock or even before. The “ magic” in TC heads is a form of compression and the TC 500 is actually around 300-350 watts into 4 ohms if I remember correctly.
  14. Sounds like a good description of my playing too.
  15. Do you have the make? They are like side cutters but some are £5 and useless, my Lindstroms are 40 years old and still sharp.
  16. I found the EB Cobalt and the Rotos most to my taste. They both seemed to be bright enough but still have enough low end to enhance the subtle passages. The DRs in particular were not to my liking. Incidently I was listening on my new Panasonic RPHTX90N headphones wired review to follow.
  17. Yes the power rating is a thermal rating 25% would be my maximum.
  18. I hate to be the one to say it but based on the comments at the press conference on Thursday, the maximum of 6 people for will be in place for weeks maybe months. I think that we are now looking at next April!
  19. We had a wireless mic for the PA at the football club working on the 863-865MHz free band. Once 4G became commonplace, several or so phones close proximity made it useless. We bought a Channel 38 mic and a licence and have not had a problem since.
  20. I just bought some from Tayda. They take a couple of weeks to arrive but AVE a fair selection https://www.taydaelectronics.com/potentiometer-variable-resistors/rotary-potentiometer.html?p=4
  21. Oh dear I have always avoided seeing Beeb bashing on Basschat.
  22. OK I will guess £500 for the pair.
  23. I sold a Westone Thunder 1A and an HH VS to someone about 15 years ago. Wish I still had the Thunder.
  24. Back in the day I had an Orange staggered 4x12. Wimps that complain about 8x10s should have tried carting those around. They were the same style as the cab shown above. I also still have an HH VS Bassamp and an HH Bassamp 100, both working well.
  25. I could not see that in the BBC article, where did you see it?
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