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Everything posted by Chienmortbb

  1. Snap and Woof? It’s missing HEFT as far as I a concerned. Separate power supply on an amp? 45 watts at 4R? It does not address any market I can see but I will visit the optician tomorrow.
  2. Will allow more power into a lower impedance though,if the power supply is up to it.
  3. Ha someone has obviously fitted extra MOSFETs.
  4. Having gigged my cab for two years I can confirm it is durable.
  5. Hard to say as no manufacturer, that I know of, publishes battery capacity for non-rechargeable batteries.
  6. Who wants to be Technical? Well nobody does really but as others have said, there are too many other variables to take account to just say a 4x10 is louder than a 1x15. Efficiency, Xmax, impedance and many more impact the perceived loudness/volume of a cabinet. Is it sealed, ported or some form of horn? It is like saying a 3.5 litre car is faster than a 1 litre. Put the 3.5 litre engine in a Hummer and my 1.0 litre Turbocharged Suzuki will our accelerate and have a higher top speed. What you can say is that is 4 10” drivers should be louder than a single 15” if they are in similar cabinets and the drivers are of similar quality.
  7. PVA is not a great gap filler but works well if mixed with sawdust. However I suspect you will have few gaps. I also sealed the rounded corners with PVA as TuffCab adheres well to it. I fact I might well prime the whole cab with it when I build mine, although I might still cover it with some form of vinyl.
  8. Damp cloth over the top and an iron works as well. As for the clamping, ,you can over tighten and the glue does not need megatons of pressure. If you are short of clamps, put one in the centre with a sacrificial piece of wood stretching the length of the cab. This will apply pressure to both ends. Funkle, you can get a really good rounded edge just with a sander. I tried it first on the prototype and had the same results on the alpha builds that Stevie and I did. We both got really good results.
  9. I find Fender (mad by d ' addario) very muddy sounding esp compared to Picato. The must be made to Fender pecs as I found the .same with Fender made flats. They also manage to put the change in diameter from the wrap to full diameter n the E just at the machine head of my Fender bass, so are a bugger to tune.
  10. My Trustfire also measures a tad over 8.4V fully charged.
  11. The 361 head was rated at 200W, but no impedance was stated. It was sold as a system with the folded horn cabinet ( again no impedance stated). The secret ( in my opinion) is the folded horn cabinet. Compared to a modern ported/ bass reflex design it should be 3-10dB more sensitive. 3dB is the equivalent of doubling the amplifier power ( but not be significantly louder). 10dB would be twice as loud but equivalent to an amplifier power of ten times. The 361 would be lower powered than the 250W Trace Heads and ( possibly) slightly higher powered than the 150/130W variants BUT the difference would be barely audible.
  12. I will go to the forums but there is no magic.
  13. 45 Years as a Electronics Engineer involved lots of research but I am always willing to learn. Point me to your sources and I will gladly study it.
  14. Smoke and mirrors my friend, smoke and mirrors.
  15. I agree entirely the Sennheiser range as a whole are good the and 935 in particular, but the Sontronics SOLO is now my go to Mic.
  16. I found the sane thing when I had a BLX130? The board was just asking for another pair of mosfets and, if I remember rightly, two resistors.
  17. I managed to get in touch with Trustfire and their 9V batteries are nominally 8.4V too. Although lower than a real 9V battery the 550mah capacity is 2-3 times more that a NiMh battery. I also have one in order so will report back soon.
  18. I might very well be but I believe anything around the capsule will affect the axial response. I have recently been using a Sontronics SOLO. And it is great for cab mic’ing and vocals. g and vocals
  19. Haha I would not use a SM58 for vocals. It may be a standard but the standard was quite low when they were designed,
  20. Yes a MOSFET acts more like a valve and compresses when pushed ina pleasing way. I think some people that say they love Class A/B mean MOSFET A/B.
  21. I don’t anyone was deliberately trying to mislead and that includes Blackstar, I they could have chosen EL34, KT66, KT77, KT88 6550 or 6L6. The 6550 is probably more we’ll lnowm that any of the others all over the world ye to American influence and immediately gives the end user in indication of “valvey warmness”. I have not touched valves for years but from memory the KT88’s properly (or maybe improperly for hifi purists) biased could outperform all the rest but some preferred the way the 6550 sounded when pushed hard.
  22. Bigger market. For what its worth the KT88 is a monster and I don't like valves. Thanks for the mini review by the way. IT is a shame that some music shops stock the Blackstar guitar range but not the Bass range ( Absolute Music are you watching?).
  23. MOSFETS have as number of advantages over bi-polar transistors especially as they act more like thermionic valves in mnay ways. They are also inherently safe. That is as temperature increases, the MOSFET will become more resistive, reducing the output current and hence dissipation and heat. Bi-Polar transistors allow more current to pass as they get hotter and can suffer from thermal runaway until they go pop. The downside is that the power supply voltage for a MOSFET amp needs needs to be higher for a given output. So you need a beefier power supply but if there is enough available it might have a bit more real ,p[ower available at volume but as I always say, a watt is a watt so if they were louder then there must be some way to measure it.
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