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Everything posted by Chienmortbb

  1. MOSFET is just a different type of transistor it stands for Metal Oxide Silicon Field Effect Transistor. Like valves and bipolar transistors, it can be used in class A, A/B, B, D G or H amps.
  2. DI out would have been great but apart from that it looks lihexaxstrp up from the B1On
  3. Neutrik have kindly sent some airtight connectors to help with the project. The current idea is to put the mains input and Speakon out on the back but all the signal in/outs on the front or top front. Neutrik have supplied some of their new Powercon connectors but we will still need a fuse, an indicator and possibly a switch. The powercon’s are safe to remove while the unit is powered and do not really need a switch. So the question is, do we just need a mute switch rather than a power switch or is a power switch needed? I looked at my current MK2 cab and it is not easy to modify a built cabinet so I am going to use the flat pack when. It comes. I will build and test the circuits outside the cabinet initially and fit the modules into the flat pack when it comes. I checked the output of the Zoom Multi effects units and they are unbalanced but still output 0dBu ( 0.775V) the same as a Helix. So the jack input will be switchable between line and Instrument.
  4. 80 Hz is very high. There is no spec on the Thumpinator so it is hard to guess but I suspect it is something below 50 Hz.
  5. Depends when it isand how well I get on with the design. It is October so should be OK.
  6. nd I wa The orientation of the horn has been designed tso that you can hear yourself with the cab vertical. Unless you need to use it as a floor monitor you should be OK. Hopefully Stevie can elaborate.
  7. Funnily enough Charlie, neither am I. What have I let myself in for?
  8. The grille that Stevie is proposing is full height, So rather than change the grille I would suggest top front! In that case the Speakon output would remain on the back, as it is on the passive cabinet, it simplifies the connector plate too. I will look at the position of that once I get my flat pack.
  9. I have now added an HPF to the outline spec in the OP.
  10. OK I have always prefered an HPF myself so I will add it in. The DSP option is for later and I may just go for an analogue active crossover in the second phase. DSP is more versatile but I worry that the extra prpopagation delay ( usually wrongly called latency) caused by the processing may not work well if you use a digital modeller and digital wireless system.
  11. We need opinions now. Just to be certain, I am not looking at designing a combo or a DSP driven multi purpose cabinet at this stage.. This is an active speaker with inputs suited to bass players. Your help is needed. The current thought is for the following facilities. Balanced line input, XLR with sensitivity of 0dBm(0.775V). Balanced line output for DI or to feed a second cabinet. Jack input instrument level/high impedance.* Speakon output to passive cab. Volume control. I do not intend to put any EQ on the unit. The amplifier module will be an ICEPower unit. My preference is for the 700AS1 but this is not easy to get. The prototype will feature an ICEPower 125ASX2. Not such a high power module but easily available. Owen has already requested an HPF and this is under consideration but as I said before, I do not want to over complicate matters. There is limited space on the panel unless people are prepared to modify the cabinets themselves. So let me know what you think is important and also if anything I have suggested is not important. * For example the jack/instrument input has been the subject of discussion between the three of us offline. Is it needed or not?
  12. I agree than an HPF would be useful and one of the options is a fixed frequency HPF. I have a lot of respect for Francis Deck's designs.
  13. Of course it would not be that hard to fit another piece of wood in to allow the orientation to change but it does rather defeat the flat pack idea.
  14. When digital microphones were first mooted, the 5GHz band was alocated but non of the manufacturers took it up. The reason a separate band was alloctaed was that analoge and digital siganls could not co-exist in the same band. If multiple digital units were allowed inside the Ch38 band, would that not preclude the use of analogue systems. Also the AT and ULXD do not seem to have published delay figures. Are they any better than the Smoothhound?
  15. I am a mac user and some Windows programmes will work with playonmac. I will try it later but one problem is sometime USB comms.
  16. A couple of questions. Firstly no-one seems to have it in stock. Where did the ones shown on this thread come from? As a satisfied B1on owner, the editing software is great, something I missed from my old Korg AX3000B. So the tuner on the B1on is great, if it shows in tune, all my other tuners agree but it does not work the other way around. How good is the tuner? When I am feeling lazy and can't be bothered to take a tuned down bass, I use the pitch shifter on the B1on. It is adequate but not great. Is the B1four better?
  17. That looks a good deal. At the original proce it is a bit steep but AT is quality equipment.
  18. Of course the other problem is that the UHF units us ethe consumer 863-865MHz band amd that has probems from two directions. ON one side, 4G moble signals and the other Digital TV. At Poole Town FC we used a radio mic on those frequencies until two years ago when the wide use of 4G phones in the stand where the PA is housed, kept causig the signal o cut out. Th stand holds 250 and many of them are getting on but yhere was still enough 4G a around to swamp the signal. We now use a Ch38 mic (yes we pay our licence fee) and it has been fine ever since. Gettinr back to digital wireless, I have my Smoothound on my pedal board and due to laziness have been just taking my Zoom B1on to Open Mic. While it is an easiy carry the cables are driving me mad.
  19. It is only really when you concatenate a number of digital devices that you notice the difference. However in a live situation, it really does not cause a problem at 5 or even 8mS. That equates to lower than one cycle at low C. Two cycles at an octave above. As you mention, put in a digital mixer (2mS) then a modeller and it is starting to get a bit more serious. Many of those cheap plug and play models are 15mS or more. In addition we have found that one of the ones our guitarist has swamps the WiFi signal to our digital mixer causing a loss of control.
  20. You can set it to a lower setting and all those mentioned above have a much longer propogation delay. I have been using a Smoothound for twoyears and never noticed a problem.
  21. Funkle, I am looking at whether the amp could be easily retrofitted to the cab although it would be easier to do it as the cabinet is assembled Moonbassalpha Yes we are looking at a bi-amped system with DSP but not until after we have the amplified passive crossover done.
  22. Many of you wil have followed the Basschat 1x12 Cabinet threads over the last few years with sterling work from Phil Starr and Stevie. The latest version has been compared favourably with boutique cabs such as Fearless. The MK2 cabinet design is just about complete and with the availability of a flat packed cabinet kit, has attracted a lot of attention. The cabinet has a Full Range Flat Response but many people like the idea of an active FRFR with the amplifier built in. This thread will follow the development of the active version. Initially we will add pre-amp and power amp to the exiting passive design. Unlike FRFR PA speakers the circuitry, the inputs will be limited to those needed by us bass players. Maybe, if there is interest, a fully active system will be considered. The current spec is: The current thought is for the following facilities. Balanced line input, XLR with sensitivity of 0dBm(0.775V). Balanced line output for DI or to feed a second cabinet. Jack input instrument level/high impedance.* Speakon output to passive cab. Fixed HPF tuned to the driver/cabinet combination. Actual Frequency and filter order TBC. (Added 4/05/19) Volume control. ICEPower 125ASX2** or 700AS1 power module. (Added 4/05/19) **The 125ASX2 wil output over 280W into this cabinet at 1% THD+N more than enough to power this and one other BC1x12 and is easier to obtain. However the 700AS1 is an even better module but much harder to get. (Added 4/05/19) Apart from the mechanical differences the electrical interface is almost the same.. I do not intend to put any EQ on the unit as that would be a combo.
  23. It has long been true that many electronic circuits are cheaper to replace than repair. Manufacturing and testing is done by relatively low cost labour, whereas fault finding is often carried out by highly paid people using expensive equipment. TVs etc have been repaired by panel/PCB replacement for years and ironically may of the older ones used similar technology to Class D amps. The ASX range from ICEPOWER has been around for some years ( 10 I would guess) and are likely to be around for longer. The problem with the trace stuff is that many of the components are now obsolete so they also are becoming irreparable. Oh and of course there are very free valve manufacturers left. Those that are still going are using machines over 50 years old and when they fail, or valve amps are deemed to be the cause of global warming ( not really a joke) then those factories will close.
  24. The Markbass 12 I HR I heard the other day sounded like poo. The speaker looked like it had baby pop all over it. Seriously though the baked in sound on that cab was really not to my taste but you may like it. There are enough Markbass uses out there to suggest that I might be wrong.........nah.
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