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Everything posted by Chienmortbb

  1. Ironic as ThevMusic Group ( Bugera, Behringer etc) bought TC last year. Some say it is more like the Genz Benz Streamliner
  2. I use the BD!21 and almost suggested it.
  3. In my opinion, it is probably both the BB2 is a fairly HiFi cab with no baked in sound. To get a baked in sound from an amp you need to boost the 100-150 hz area, The TTE tone stack spec is Bass =/- 6dB @ 80Hz, Mids +4-6dB at 800Hz. This misses the sweet spot of 100-150Hz. So either change the amp or cab OR add an EQ pedal or separate preamp. Th
  4. So at just over £200, I could not resist the Bugera Veyron BV1001M. I suppose it is discontinued as it is not available anywhere new now. Despite my reservations about the Bugera's power rating, it is a reasonable powr and has almost everything you need from an amp. It gets good reviews on the "Other Place" so as there was only 1 in stock at Gear4 Music, I went ahead. The unit was in stock at Gear4Music's Swedish warehouse and I had ro pay almost £10 postage but that still left me change from £220. I was mucked about by DHL a bit but it did arrive when promised so I won't bore you with that. I opened it this morning and found that the power lead is a fitted with a continental Shuko plug. I phoned G4M and they are putting a UK lead in the post. So far almost so good. First impression, from the outside the amp is as solid as a rock. 3Kg/6.6lbs so not super lightweight but the built in hande is a nice touch. I think the mids option is a bit high (I like something in the 100-200 range) but I use my amps flat as often as not. I will report back after I have tried it live tomorrow (Thursday night).
  5. Wish I had looked there first. It won't take long till it looks used.
  6. I got the last one on Gear4Music but trey still had some of those with th e valve preamp in stock but I see they are now shown as available to order on both showing end of year as likely availability. https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Bugera-Veyron-BV1001M-2000W-Bass-Amp-Head/1WNV Mine is shown as being delivered Tuesday and I will do. NAD thread when I get it.
  7. Money where your mouth is time. I have one of these arriving on Tuesday.
  8. A long way from you but these might fit the bill https://www.gumtree.com/p/guitar-bass-amplifiers/2-x-eden-ex112-8-ohm-bass-cabs-cabinet/1315199271
  9. I don't think they do. Semi-parametic is cheap and easy to design, fully parametric is more complex and so takes time to design and is probably four times the number of components. The pedal option is probably the only option to be honest unless you are using some kind of modelling software.
  10. I agree but with a fully parametric control (one where you can adjust the Q (quality or width) and frequency parameters with a pot, you can cover a lot of the mids and not have a notch or peak at the crossover frequency where a high mids/low mids semi parametric system meets.
  11. Sorry to resurrect this thread but I have just read the spec on these and it is quoted to consume 110W at 1/8 power. So Max power consumption (not output) is 880W. If we take the M version, that probably has an efficiency of approx 85% (assuming both power supply and power amp being are over 95%. I am giving Behringer the benefit of the doubt here.). Then the real power output is a tad short of 750W. Now it ain't the 2000W the Uli's bad-boys claim but it is a powerful amp. Even with a more realistic overall efficiency of about 80% the max output power is over 700W. Of course we have to add the caveat that there are no distortion figures but it should output some serious power. I have also realised a slight bias in the way people (including me) view baked in compression. It is seen as a good thing in valve/tube amps where is is merely a chariteristic of the valves. In solid state devices it is often mocked despite the fact that it is probably this valve compression that gives the impression that valve watts > solid-state watts.
  12. As i see it there is no need to go to 50Hz. 30 or 35Hz is ideal but the real thing is that the filter must be steep 18-24dB per octave.
  13. Perhaps I should have said any type of boost below 100Hz that can be added to the existing preamp bass/low shelving, plus graphic/parametric EQ and sub bass/octavers that go an octave below. Not grammatically correct but hopefully clearer.
  14. My only concern would be that slot port. Looks like ease of manufacture may have overridden absolute performance?
  15. There is a gentle slope with no EQ but not quite enough IMHO for a decent HPF. The 30Hz at -15dB is more like it but you are affecting the sound as the 100-150 region is also affected. This is where the old school, hump is usually found. A good HPF will leave the area above 70Hz untouched. However in Ashdown's defence there is a degree of protection for speakers with that roll-off with the EQ switched off. Now if only they and others would ditch the deep or Sub switch.
  16. I was of course tongue in cheek. However it really makes little sense for anyone to design their own power sections. iCEpower, PowerSoft and others have have it cracked and have the volumes of scale to be both cost effective and reliable. Propriety class D design nearly crippled Ampeg with the PF 500. Another reason for me not to buy MarkBass.
  17. I am sure I read somewhere that MPT is Marketing Piffle and Tosh but I am finding it hard to find the link having been blinded by looking at a Ninja.
  18. Duke le Jeune of Audio Kinesis says that a -3db point of twice the fundamental frequency works well. That coincides with your figures for the SVT. I must admit though that I would prefer a bit lower and then dial it out electronically if needed
  19. I ask myself whether they screwed up and meant to release it on April 1st. On a serious note, it is a Pre-Amp with a DI output.
  20. Here are cone extension and max power graphs.
  21. It models well at 30L tuned to 50 Hz.
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