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Jonnyboy Rotten

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Everything posted by Jonnyboy Rotten

  1. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1390403119' post='2345017'] Couple things: * If you haven't already perused it, thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/193-badass-bridges/"]here[/url] about Badasses, the different types and the need to get the right one. * I stuck a Gotoh on my Jazz bitsa and it worked fine. Cheap, well-made and they come up S/H in the BC marketplace every so often [/quote] Thanks for the comments. Yeah I had read that Badass thread but TBH if I was going to spend that much on a bridge I would probably get a babicz.
  2. First you should think about if you got a new bass - would it replace your existing one or would it be in addition to it? You may find that answering that question may help you look at the options. A replacement may be something that is similar in most ways to your EB0 but gives that extra range of tones you want. An addition might be something completely different that you like for a whole heap of reasons different to why you like your current one.
  3. Lovely looking bass - I got a (non Tony Levin) OLP 5 and I love it so I won't be buying this but GLWTS. Out of interest - from the pics it is quite hard to tell what colour it is - looks like it could be any thing from pink to orange depending on what the light is doing!
  4. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1390317106' post='2343958'] Why are you doing this? Are you seeing a problem with the original bridge, or lack of sustain or problems in the tone of your bass? [/quote] I originally replaced the stock Squier Affinity model in the summer with a black one bought from China via Ebay that is ok but basically pretty rubbish - it cost me about £3,50 new. One of the screw heads has also popped off through merely tightening and loosening once. So.. I need to move the bridge forward or back by 5mm or so and use the saddle adjustment to keep the bridge point in the same place (makin' sense?!). I thought while I am at it, I would get a decent bridge. So I am not really looking to change anything other than something that is more secure and looks the mutts dangly's. I am also going to take this opportunity to do a refin on the body and it would be a shame to have a cheap, sub-par bridge with only 4 screws when the rest of it is going to be lovely. Kind of a thorn in the side...
  5. A couple of friends of mine are in the dodgy spelt 'Indefinately'. They are fairly well known around the Bucks, Herts and Oxfordshire area and Paul, their bassist is a very talented guy who can even play keyboards at the same time as bass guitar when the situation calls for it! They played at my wedding and even my great aunt and uncle were bopping along to a somewhat censored version of 'Killing in the Name' by RATM! However they do loads of rock, modern pop, classics, original medleys with unexpected twists etc! I love them. Their demo video is a little outdated with some new and ex members since it was shot but you get the idea! [url="http://www.indefinately.com/weddings_cdoffirstdance.html"]http://www.indefinately.com/[/url]
  6. Hey guys, I am about to replace and re-fit the bridge on my P build (see thread here:[url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209842-squier-precision-mic-re-birth/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209842-squier-precision-mic-re-birth/[/url]) And I was wondering if you have any advice about which to get. I am considering Badass, Schaller, Gotoh 201 and Babicz. I will be getting a black one to fit with the rest of my hardware. As far as I can tell each one of these will be a straight swap with the same screw hole spacing etc as the factory fit unit. As far as I can tell the most favoured aftermarket one is the Gotoh - seems popular and has good reviews. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141150883953?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141150883953?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649[/url] Babicz for me looks great and all things being equal (including the price) it would be my choice. However it is more expensive. It says it strings through body but from what I can tell you can also top-load it if you prefer (?) [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Babicz-FCH-Full-Contact-Bass-Bridge-4-String-AM-Black-American-Model-New-/231139232016?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item35d0f8c910"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Babicz-FCH-Full-Contact-Bass-Bridge-4-String-AM-Black-American-Model-New-/231139232016?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item35d0f8c910[/url] Schaller seems to get good reviews and offers more adjustablility than some other brands but not many people on here tend to talk about it. Any particular reason for that? [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-SCHALLER-HIGH-MASS-BLACK-BASS-GUITAR-BRIDGE-ADJUSTABLE-WITH-ROLLERS-/121142972656?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item1c34af10f0"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NEW-SCHALLER-HIGH-MASS-BLACK-BASS-GUITAR-BRIDGE-ADJUSTABLE-WITH-ROLLERS-/121142972656?pt=Guitar_Accessories&hash=item1c34af10f0[/url] Badass seems to be the 'go-to' (not gotoh! ) upgrade though many people think gotoh is better not just for the price but period. Any ideas, advice etc!?
  7. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1389660878' post='2336786'] You have to send copies of your passport , why ? Gotta say that's definitely not something that I'd fancy doing. What do they do with it when they've finished with it ? I don't like them, and I'd just be reluctant for them to have a copy of my passport and a utility bill. [/quote] No different to taking out a mobile phone contract etc....its a fairly standard request.
  8. Engine size is not the only thing to consider to keep insurance premiums down. Diesel cars are usually cheaper to insure than equivalent petrol ones (I think because they are potentially less boy racery) Lower spec models without the spangley alloys etc may be a bit cheaper. If you can find something that has no potential as a hot hatch this will help too. So something like a Vauxhall Meriva or Audi A2 may be a good choice? Honda Jazz, Fiat Idea and Ford Fusion are all very practical and cheap to run (some are a little less glamourous than others but this is good for keeping insurance down)! Hope this helps! *Edit - Volkswagen Fox, Vauxhall Agila or Suzuki Wagon R+ would do the job at a good price too.*
  9. Ok I played this bass today at church and is the first time I have used it with the new SD Quarter Pounders. My word...it sounds great. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, I choose the Seymour Duncans after using the Basschat Baton and (no offence to Stagg) loving the way it sounded! Being somewhat of a noob I wasn't sure What I was listening for or even if I would hear any difference compared to the stock pups (even if they are stock Affinity). Well it sounds more like the bass is it's own instrument and is punchy, aggressive and 'phat' sounding where as before it sounded ok but a bit muffled and thin and not able to stick up for itself in the mix. I would not consider it derailing the thread if other people want to describe how changing their pickups affected or improved their sound!
  10. [quote name='Immo' timestamp='1386966681' post='2307058'] Two screws for bridge broke when almost totally screwed into the body. Project needs to be postponed until I'll buy a new bridge with other screw layout, as the broken ones are unmoveable. EDIT: I guess "unmoveable" is not a word in my dictionary. I removed the most problematic screw and I can continue. [/quote] How did you get the embedded screws out in the end? I got the same issue with my Squier P build and have had several very helpful suggestions but want to have as many options as poss when I come around to doing it!
  11. I heard that Bruno Mars made his name 'backstage' by writing material for loads of [s]other artists[/s] pop singers. Eventually he thought he might as well get the money for writing AND performing together with the fact that I imagine his boyish good looks don't do him any harm at all!
  12. Probably this: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/226278-yamaha-bb1024x-caramel-brown-l525-not-l600/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/226278-yamaha-bb1024x-caramel-brown-l525-not-l600/page__fromsearch__1[/url] It is quirky and doesn't 'compete' with any of my other basses!
  13. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1387630416' post='2313970'] I think I wear my bass slightly higher than I used to, but there's not much in it. [attachment=150768:1978.jpg] 1978 [attachment=150769:2013.jpg] 2013 [/quote] Imagine if you were playing the same bass too! IMHO it is more about where you feel comfortable. However lets not forget if you saw a \m/ METAAAAL \m/ bassist with massive hair, massive beard and dressed in black and he was playing some lovely burled/ birds eye maple Alembic or Ritter under his chin it would look a little odd. Like wise if you saw a jazz bassist on Later... who was dressed in a lounge suit and playing some technical stuff, swinging his matt black Warlock or Flying V bass round his ankles - again - it may raise a few eyebrows. It is all about stereotype and what people expect - its not wrong so long as you can play! On a related note - I always thought Tom Morello stood out from the rock metal guitarist crowd because he wears his guitar higher than is typical and whilst I love RATM the guitar solos were the weakest part for me!
  14. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1389169528' post='2330744'] IMHO there seems to be a widespread religious-cult style patriotism love out there for Fenders. It's a following that I would otherwise only expect to see for following of a sports team. [/quote] Or Apple? They seem to have enough fanboys. Ohhh hang on...'iFender'!? *Runs off to patent office*
  15. Is that the western with Lovejoy in it? I can pick it up from you next time we are in Notts? We have family there and we will probably be up in March if you still have it then!
  16. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1389083711' post='2329595'] Singer had one foot out of the door anyway as he is also a performance poet, and that had been taking up loads of his time recently. [/quote] Thats what singing is isn't it?! Oh well - GLWTNB!
  17. Says its a 2 litre petrol engine? That can't be right? Should be diesel? They don't even make them with petrol engines do they?
  18. It has a bid on it for £400 by some 'c***s'. (That's their username). That was quick. . Someone should tell the vendor to take it down and relist it for £500!
  19. I really like the 5 string style pick guard!
  20. The bit that made me laugh was the 'knobs slightly melted' bit. Talk about 'hot' pickups if they can melt your knobs!
  21. [quote name='Donnyboy' timestamp='1388787106' post='2326179'] Steady now .... another in the the series of handsome young chaps handover pics with Beer of the Bass and me. I think I've got beard envy. [/quote] Yep! +1 for the beard envy.
  22. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squier-Korean-Jazz-Bass-/291046179635?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43c3b44333"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Squier-Korean-Jazz-Bass-/291046179635?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item43c3b44333[/url] Not seen this done before - I can see why!
  23. [quote name='Jimryan' timestamp='1388669858' post='2324554'] Well, happy new year relayers! For those unable to see the Facebook post, justgiving have sent me an email. The bass relay page is in the top 5% of the most successful justgiving pages of 2013! So well done, congratulations and thank you for all of your ongoing help and efforts. [/quote] Great News!
  24. There is that amazing blues jazz guitarist who played with only two fingers due to a burn injury to his hand. He would support the use of whatever fingers you damn well please. Sure he may have good advice so dont ignore him for the sake of pride but there are more tactful ways he could have spoken to you! Like not doing it when you are doing a mate a favour!
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