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Jonnyboy Rotten

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Everything posted by Jonnyboy Rotten

  1. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1388312222' post='2320567'] This works if you're talking about the bolts on an engine, or similar, but the screws on the bridge of a bass are far too small for this. As this is a re-worked bass and new holes won't be a killer, I'd be inclined to move the bridge. Take a look at the bridge as it is with the intonation set up and ask yourself if the saddles could be moved back away from the neck by 7mm. If the answer is "yes", then remove the bridge and re-drill the holes 5-7mm in front of the current ones. Otherwise you could move the bridge back towards the foot of the bass. If you've never fitted a bridge before: You need to make sure, when you fit the bridge, you get the side-ways position right. The back-forwards isn't critical, but the side to side is. First get some masking tape and put this on the bass round the sides of the existing bridge as a guide for the position. It may also be useful to remove the pups and put tape from the neck to the bridge on each side of the neck to each side of the bridge. You can then get a long straight-edge and mark the line of the sides of the neck as they project towards the foot of the bass. This will give you the line for the outer edge, so we can make sure the strings won't be pushed so far to one-side as to go over when you're playing. Another note to the wise - fit the bridge using 1 screw at first, then check the line up and drill 1-2 more and keep checking. Filling holes - matchsticks are softwood. They're ok if you're screwing a wardrobe together. Fill the ones on the bass with cocktail sticks. It's a harder wood and will be better for long-term use - secure them in place with PVA glue. Good luck. [/quote] A thousand thankyous! You sir, are 'the man'. Will give it a go and report back.
  2. Thanks guys. We managed to sort the buzzing/crackling by resoldering on of the pup wires. However, I didnt manage to fix the deheaded screw. Am I right that if it cant be drilled out I can make a slightly larger hole and glue a matchstick in there? Then redrill the hole for the screw??
  3. My view probably doesnt count as I have never played either. However I own a Squier P and an OLP MM3 5 String. Between those I much prefer the MM3 for looks, build quality & general feel. However the P is a simple enough workhorse which sounds great now I got quarter pounder pups in it. If I only had to choose one, it would be the OLP for a good all rounder that stands out from the crowd and is more unusual than your average P.
  4. For my first foray into bass effects I am getting a Vox Stomplab IIB. You should have seen the horrified/amused/incredulous expression on Mrs Rotten's face when I said "its the one with the 'chicken head knobs'"
  5. Merry Christmas and happy new year to all..!
  6. [quote name='Absolute Beginner' timestamp='1387708267' post='2314677'] Thanks all. Can anyone recommend a good music store in Hertfordshire, UK - one relatively close to Hemel Hempstead ? Cheers. [/quote] I live in Chesham and the best rould here as far as I know are Guitar World at Wembley. One in Luton -can't remember what its called but it is close to the train station I think. There is also Guitar Guitar in Epsom. Its a bit of a yomp but worth it.
  7. I chose my first bass a year ago. I had my heart set on an Epiphone Thunderbird. I tried a load of different ones and walked out with an Ibanez SR300. There are not many truly bad basses. It mostly is about what you like and what feels right. Whatever your price range, (mine was about the £200 - £250) range try some that are double what you are looking to spend. Hopefully this will help you understand the differences and see what really sits in a sweet spot of giving you a great guitar at the right price. For me that was the SR300! Also worth looking second hand to get a bargain.
  8. Hi Guys, My OLP MM3 has beautiful Maple neck and fret board but it is slightly grey with grubbiness and crud. I have seen on a few threads that Pledge/Mister Muscle is out and beeswax/specialist polish is very much in. However I can't help but think that the wax/polish will simply go over the grime and grot and just make the clean wood look great but not actually remove any of the greyish discolouration. So before I treat my bass to a nice wax, what should I do to clean it before the wax/polish is applied? One thread said lighter fuel works as a grime remover. Is this ok to use? How soft/abrasive should the application cloth/implement be? Anything from a yellow soft furniture polishing cloth, through J-cloths, toothbrushes, non-scratch scourers? or should I take a warm bowl of soapy washing up liquid to it? (jus' kidding )
  9. [url="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2525612/Justin-Bieber-announces-hes-quitting-career-singer-interview-national-radio.html"]http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2525612/Justin-Bieber-announces-hes-quitting-career-singer-interview-national-radio.html[/url]
  10. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1387299035' post='2310442'] Basically, Ray 4 and Ray 5 prices...or thereabouts. For that price, it HAS to be a Musicman. [/quote] Going by your username and avatar I'm guessing you already made your mind up! I have got an OLP MM3 5 String which I love, so I would probably err on the side of caution and go with the Musicman if I had to choose without without getting a chance to play them, but I do love the look of the Dimension!
  11. I just found these and not seen them before. It looks like they are aiming for Musicman with the single twin pickup idea. Anyone know much about them? I like the look of them.
  12. Ok so not a bass but even so - it basically looks like a metal spinal column. [url="http://www.guitarshoptv.com/gittler-guitars-kickstarter-campaign/"]http://www.guitarshoptv.com/gittler-guitars-kickstarter-campaign/[/url]
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1386958484' post='2306893'] I would, but you wouldn't like it. Its not roadworn at all. In fact there's no real scratches on the whole bass. And there's no characteristic dings or buckle rash. Also, the neck/FB is nice and smooth straight with no frets sticking up anywhere. It's so like a new bass, you really won't like it at all. (Much) [/quote] Tell you what, lend me the £2k and ill see if it is as good as you say!
  14. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1386958484' post='2306893'] I would, but you wouldn't like it. Its not roadworn at all. In fact there's no real scratches on the whole bass. And there's no characteristic dings or buckle rash. Also, the neck/FB is nice and smooth straight with no frets sticking up anywhere. It's so like a new bass, you really won't like it at all. (Much) [/quote] Dag nabbit! You have to go and rub it in!
  15. Can someone lend me a couple of grand?
  16. Bargain Bump! I would if I could!
  17. I did put the SPB-3s in and it sounds great! I was at my mate's last night and sorted out the crackle by just unsoldering the black wire from the pups and then soldering back again. Works like magic! The tuners were sort of a ball-ache but actually not as much as I imagined they would be. However it wasn't the most elegant solution. One of the other forum members - Ou7shined had a much cleverer approach which doesn't require an angle grinder : [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1384789461' post='2280720'] I fabricated a 3+1+0 a few years ago. It was my crafty solution for the big assed tuners not fitting the standard headstock without sticking out over the edge. [/quote]
  18. I know the seller says it is short scale but that neck looks shorter than a normal acoustic guitar let alone a bass!
  19. I got one which I am in the process of [s]doing up[/s] meddling with... Thread here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/209842-squier-precision-mic-re-birth/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] I think its fairly unsophisticated but enjoyable enough to play. As I uprate all the bits it sounds better and better!
  20. Oh that is rather tasty riffage! Lively, technical and heavy - what more do you want!?! \m/ \m/ Love it!
  21. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1386712299' post='2303629'] I must say these Ibby Premium cases are a bit special, they come with a bass/guitar multi tool too [/quote] At least you get your money's worth!
  22. Ok So I replaced the pups last night. As I took the bridge off to release the earth wire, the head of one of the screw sheered off! I hardly touched it so Im not sure why it did that. I am going to sort that out tonight. Some pics of the changeover: Can you tell I am the world's worst solderer? scratchplate on: So after swapping them over and soldering and fitting the scratchplate, I screwed the bridge back on with the four remaining screws and re-strung it. I plugged it into my practice amp and it sounds great! Can't wait to put it through my Hartke when I have some room for volume! However I have noticed that there is a slight but very noticeable crackle. It doesn't seem to be the pots which don't increase or reduce the crackling when turned, but the crackles do increase when I touch the pups and they get louder as I turn the volume up. So I think I have essentially bodged up the soldering which doesn't really surprise me as I haven't done any since I was at secondary school! I am taking it round to my mate's tonight (the one who helped me do the original mods at the beginning of the thread) to sort out the embedded bridge screw and resolder the pup connections. Updates to follow!
  23. Hey - didn't know if anyone has seen or knew about this but there is a pretty good documentary on Youtube about the history of the guitar. It is in 3 x hour long episodes so I am working through them on my lunch hour but its great (even if I haven't got to the bit about bass yet!) [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjg5EbTW-dw"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjg5EbTW-dw[/url]
  24. ello ello!
  25. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ask_sedxu0o"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ask_sedxu0o[/url]
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