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Jonnyboy Rotten

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Everything posted by Jonnyboy Rotten

  1. I might be able to get along to this. I have stuck it in the diary and will see what Mrs Rotten says. If I come I can bring my bitsa self-build P bass, Ibby SR300, HB Kahuna UBass and my Hartke A100 combo along with a little Vox Stomplab Multieffects. If I can talk my Dad into coming too then we might also have a Warwick Corvette and an Ampeg combo.
  2. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1438797309' post='2837481'] So, really, you're right. On this ONE occasion. [/quote] Doesn't happen often so make the most of it!
  3. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1438781045' post='2837215'] We're going to have to agree to disagree about this one, my friend. [/quote] [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1438785647' post='2837298'] I'm not complaining when they don't play, I'm taking advantage of my consumer rights to return the item if I decide I don't want to keep it. That's quite different from complaining. [/quote] I can see both sides and to some extent I agree with both of you. If you think of it like this: Annoying Twit walks into a shop where they have a bargain bin for shop soiled items. Monsieur Twit has every right to pick up the items, handle them and put them back if he likes, perhaps in the hope of finding a better version or a less obviously soiled version. If no better ones are found he can simply walk out the shop. If he finds a better one he is free to purchase it as normal. With Thomann, what Mr Twist is doing is the distance shopping version of having a root around in the bargain bin. He will probably be happy with most deliveries but there may be some that he just doesn't want as they are too *shop soiled* etc. I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with what AT is doing although he shouldn't be surprised if the odd one turns up that is *actually* unplayable. If on the other hand most of the Dekos they sold were in fact unplayable, then IMHO it would be unethical for Mr Twit to keep ordering them and sending them back in the hope he would eventually be sent one that was passable, although I suspect Thomann would notice this behaviour and end up politely declining his business.
  4. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1438786382' post='2837313'] EDIT: I've searched around, and have found no sign of anyone ever creating a silicone stringed mini double bass. I would guess that this means that it simply won't fly as an idea. [/quote] Sounds like its worth a shot if you can get a donor viola (Hmmm "Donor Viola" is good band name! ) for a good price. It could well be that no-one has thought of it - or they have but everyone thought it wasn't possible as they didn't find someone else who had done it! Don't give up that easy! On my HB Kahuna bass, I have not found the strings to be too sticky to be comfortable playing them but it is fun trying to tune it up in the first place especially as the inbuilt tuner doesn't seem to recognise the low E string. So I usually tune up based on the pitch of the string fretted at the octave.
  5. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1438731285' post='2836830'] Just go and try a Fodera at Bass Gear?!?!? Si [/quote] I agree I think you should try at a UK dealer - however - and here is the rub for Thomann - if you try it at a UK dealer, you like it and the price is reasonable, I would say it is bad form to then clear off and get it from Thomann for several reasons. The main one being that the shop has given you time and the facility to try before you buy which means their overheads are likely more than Thomann so it would be a kick in the teeth for them. The other reason is that basses of that quality are obviously good but there may be minor differences in the wood grain which you may or may not prefer so you would still be buying blind from Thomann in that sense. However if you are reasonably sure you want to buy the Fodera anyway then there is no problem ordering it from Thomann and returning it if you don't like it.
  6. I was recommended this by a guitar-playing friend who swears by it so I bought a pack for my Dad who plays bass and guitar. [url="http://www.poshguitars.com/product/gerlitz-the-works-guitar-care-kit/"]http://www.poshguitars.com/product/gerlitz-the-works-guitar-care-kit/[/url] £22.00 Includes: [b]Gerlitz Guitar Honey[/b] A unique blend of conditioning oils for rosewood, ebony, & other exotic woods. It will cleanse and enhance your fingerboard’s natural character, giving it a smooth silky feel and lustrous glowing sheen, while protecting against moisture, sweat, alcohol & grime in general. The results obtainable with Guitar Honey are superior to any other fretboard oil or treatment available. Enjoy! Harvey Says [i]“In my years of guitar repair I’ve used naptha, alcohol, turps & various cleaners, degreasers, etc…. basically that’s how I arrived at the Guitar Honey formula. Guitar Honey has a very high quality form of mineral spirits, which does (in my opinion) the best overall job of cleaning & degreasing (as well as oiling). Degreasing with naptha, etc. before treatment with Guitar Honey really shouldn’t be necessary. I’ve found a thorough cleaning of the fingerboard with #0000 steel wool prior to treatment with Guitar Honey is as complete a “system” of fingerboard conditioning/dressing as is needed (short of something fairly in need of professional repair).”[/i] NB – NOT really to be used on lacquered necks such as the maple of Tele’s and Strats….. [b]Gerlitz Smudge-Off[/b] This amazing spray guitar cleaner restores lustre and shine to your instruments finish in just seconds, while adding protection as it cleans. Easily removes grime and fingerprints. Leaves an ultra smooth, anti-static surface that repels dust while extending the life of your instrument’s deep shine. Smudge Off is also ideal for cleaning and getting that “detailed” look on hardware, amplifiers and hard-shell cases. Smudge Off contains NO ABRASIVES, SILICONES OR WAXES, and is safe and effective on glass, brass, chrome, plastics, metal and all hard finishes (lacquer, polyurethane, waterborne, varnish, etc.). [b]Gerlitz No#1 Carnauba Wax[/b] “No.1” guitar wax is made from the highest quality grade of Carnauba wax available. Because it contains number one grade pure Brazilian Carnauba (the hardest wax there is), it provides a hard protective coating and leaves a mirror-like gloss other waxes and polishes simply can’t match. I’m sure you’ll find it to be “the Very Finest” for use on all gloss & satin hard finishes. And comes with a soft cleaning cloth too. *I'm not connected to or affiliated with these guys.
  7. It looks like a beaver waving a hand in the air!
  8. J5 and roots manuva do it for me! Charlie 2na in-particular! I almost did when they collaborated! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZyVB2z7wds"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZyVB2z7wds[/url]
  9. My self-build Squier P with Seymour Duncan, Wilkinson and Schaller hardware. Original bass - £50 - approx £100-£120 on parts.
  10. [quote name='Ghost_Bass' timestamp='1438249142' post='2832833'] I agree on the water issue, it shouldn't be used on a fretboard even on a laquered one. there's a big risk that the frets may start to pull up. I never payed attention to the silicone thing but now i'll start reading the labels before buying. I use this standard product: Searching for this pic i found out that this brand also has this product: I may try it next time. [/quote] Again - conflicting advice - I heard that using pledge or other furniture type polishes just seals the dirt into the grain rather than lifting it off and cleaning it.
  11. Simple as they are those illustrations of you are great!
  12. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1438176069' post='2832281'] I wonder if one of these will ever turn up as a deko. [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hb_custom_line_cld_10sce_12bks.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...10sce_12bks.htm[/url] [/quote] It is interesting that it is normally the same 4-5 instruments that come up as dekos. You would have thought that QC would identify occasional faults with all HB instruments at about the same frequency. Its not like the B30 or the shorty P are much different to the other HB models... The other option is that they only sell some of the deko models on there and other ones get recycled/rebuilt/scrapped or just disposed of some other way.
  13. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1437725509' post='2828467'] Yes, to avoid issues at the Channel Ports, they separate the bodies and necks now and ship them in different boxes. However full instructions are included to build them back again.... [/quote] Is that because the boxes are then small enough that an immigrant can't hide themselves inside it?!
  14. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1436999297' post='2822801'] Maybe they were a bit hasty kicking him off. Apparently the song had a long intro. A 30 minute intro. [/quote] Who says FQ shouldn't do a bit of prog... The only thing about prog is there should be some..errr..progression!
  15. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1435739159' post='2811884'] Went ahead and sprayed the scratchplate. Will get a proper one made up when I can be bothered... [/quote] Much better! Thats a beauty by any standard!
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1434961205' post='2804086'] What would you want the 'My content' button to show? Just your own posts? Not that I ever use it, but if you visit the 'new content' page (which I use as my main BC landing page) you can filter it to show just topics you started, or participated in. [/quote] Oh yeah...I never found that before! Not to worry! [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1434965867' post='2804148'] How can you tell if something is bass related? If it's not broke, don't fix it! [/quote] I'm not getting your point. All I mean is that if I have £100 to spend and I'm looking to see what pedals or components I can get on here - I only want to be looking through bass related threads and not have them clogged up with electric guitars and other musical randomness. If it was an electric guitar forum, I wouldn't expect a keyboard or a set of bass guitar pickups to be in the same section as a fender telecaster neck or a guitar effects pedal. Its not a difficult concept. I'm not having a go - I just thought that it was worth mentioning. If it is just a case of me not figuring out how to use the forum properly (like the point above) or if no one else agrees thats fine with me!
  17. I have been thinking for a while - and I suggested it when you guys ran the site feedback survey about a year ago, that in the For Sale section it could be split out as follows: Bass Guitars Amps Bass Related Gear (cases, pedals, pickups, components etc) Other Musically Related Items Everything Else. The reason being is that it is sometimes a bit laborious to trail through the 'Other musically related items' section if presumably most people on here will only be looking at bass related stuff. The other thing is for the mobile version, is there a possibility to add a 'My content' shortcut button? Keep up the good work!
  18. [quote name='Steff' timestamp='1434622853' post='2801220'] Very tempting... Have a bump on me while I think about it, I was after a maple neck for my SR5 for a long time and couldn't find one... [/quote] I had a OLP MM3 SR5 in natural with a full maple neck and fretboard...such a great bass. Kinda miss it now. Some one will get a lovely bass here....
  19. Too many Pink Floyd bands? And I just saw a pig on the wing..
  20. Got a suitably pun-worthy band name?! The Division Bell-Ends Crazy Diamonds There are probably better ones no doubt!
  21. I fully agree with both points above - you should try before you buy.
  22. I have an SR300 as my first brand new bass so I know where you are coming from. I built my own P-Bass (link to the thread in my sig) from a Squier donor bass and upgraded hardware and I love it - how much of why I love it is down to sentimental value because I built it I don't know but I certainly love the sound and that is not just my own bias! P-bass was pretty much the first design and it hasn't changed much so it must do something right! If you are on a budget I personally would go with a Squier or see if you can find a Stingray type SUB - they might be considerably cheaper in the US and they are pretty good!
  23. You can have a "I used to have one of these and I loved it type" Bump.
  24. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1434013166' post='2795857'] Scott, very nice demo, what flatwounds are you using? [/quote] Rotosound Monel Flatwounds as listed in the end credits!
  25. [quote name='minkey1980' timestamp='1433932390' post='2795137'] Hi does this have a pickup for plugging in? Thanks [/quote] Yes Minkey it has a built in tuner and standard jack output.
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