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Jonnyboy Rotten

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Everything posted by Jonnyboy Rotten

  1. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1402905254' post='2477623'] For beer though, just drying it out would leave some sticky residue behind. Even with regular water, it's the deposits that get left behind after the water has evaporated that do the damage.... it looked like the solution was to basically submerge it in alcohol as soon as possible before it dries out. Good news is this has happened to many people before so there are similar threads around if you search for them, you may find your answers there! [/quote] The first thing to do is to dry it, and when I said clean it earlier the best thing to use is nail varnish remover and a cotton bud.
  2. When my wife dropped her phone down the toilet we immediately took it apart and submerged all the bits in a bowl of rice (the dried kind obvs!). We then stuck that on the radiator for a couple of days. The rice absorbs the moisture and the warmth from the radiator helps it evaporate from the electrics. The is no way to tell if the pedals are actually dead but I would certainly try the above and give them a clean, inside and out to avoid sticky knobs (oo err)
  3. The red jumpsuit guy in the first video is probably Vince Noir from The Mighty Boosh.
  4. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1402689909' post='2476069'] Thanks Lozz - I'm intrigued as to how it will stack up against the others. [/quote] I dare say 'aren't we all?'
  5. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. Me - US 78, standard pups, maple[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. Jonnyboy Rotten - Squier, SD QPs, rosewood[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. Hertsbass - US 2012, standard CS pups, maple[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4. Grand Wazoo - Dingwall PJ5, Dingwall pups, maple / Ibanez P/J 1984 super super bass (yes 2x super wait til you try)[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]5. Charic - MIM 2006, SD QPs, maple[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]6. Seashell - MIM, standard pups, rosewood.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]7. Balcro - Encore; own-brand p/u; Made in Korea (probably); Elite Stadium 45-105 rounds; maple.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]8. Bottle - Squier Precision Special, standard p/u's, Fender #7350 roundwound strings, rosewood fretless [/font][/color]
  6. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1402651802' post='2475608'] This is a very cool idea. Would be quite interested if someone brought in a sub £100 pbass copy just to mix it up a bit. [/quote] Someone is bringing an Encore - I don't know how much that cost but it probably isn't much more than £130. I am bringing my second hand Squier Affinity which I got off gumtree for £50. Admittedly the only stock parts left are the body, neck and pots.
  7. Welcome! What sort of music do you play/listen to?
  8. At church there are some songs I can sing along with while I play, others - no chance! you could try humming the tune while you play? That might be a halfway house stage which once mastered you could turn into singing?
  9. Genuinely this is the first fodera that i have seen that I have thought looks absolutely stunning. I don't like the ones with single cuts etc but I love this. Err who wants to buy one of my kidneys? ....I would take £2150!
  10. As a devout P player I also think it would be fun to play the same p with different tone settings to see who notices! Not at this particular testing you understand but at some point in the future!
  11. I am well in on this but I fear I wouldn't be able to arrive until about 2pm will that be a problem?!
  12. Dunno what its like now but when I grew up out of all the kids in bands I knew (most of my friendship groups) only one was a bass player. All the other bands had a guitarist on bass who felt he had drawn the short straw. May be you could use some reverse psychology for your advertising and marketing etc and play on the fact that bassists are sometimes seen by the uninitiated as the least cool and valuable member of a band but in fact we are all part of this secret society who secretly runs the world from backstage. An example of this was a song we played at band practice last night. At the end of the song the last line is repeated a couple of time but it was me as a bass player who controlled how many times this happened as to whether I resolved to the root chord at the end of the line or used the minor 4th (I think!) which left it hanging so everyone had to play it again until I decided otherwise - it was pretty fun and I got some funny looks from the band leader who had effectively lost control if he didn't want a rubbish, abrupt and confusing ending to the song!
  13. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out. I thought you were calling it Clarkson because you were going to dress it up in double denim!
  14. I like the idea but the one he has in his pic doesn't look finished. There are still some untidy and rough areas of the carving.
  15. What time are you thinking of kicking off the Blind P Test? I would love to bring along my P and get involved but I can probably only get there for 2pm.
  16. Name/Brand of bass - Squier P Affinity Country of origin - China Estimated original cost- £120ish new. I bought it second hand for £50 and spent another £120ish on parts. Fretboard - RW/M/other - Rosewood Strings - DR Black Beauties Type of p/ups - Seymour Duncan SPB-3 Quarter Pounders
  17. Call me Mr Obvious but I think there is an optimum relief where there is no/minimal buzzing but that still doesn't require too much effort to play although this will vary depending on the height of the frets, string gauge, action, and how enthusiastic you are with your picking and finger plucking.
  18. Lovely bass.. out of interest what are the bits on the bridge that look like pup poles? Does this bass have another pickup in the bridge?
  19. Wow that is lovely - if only..............
  20. Welcome! I'm sure you will find plenty to chat about and ways to appease your GAS habit here. What bass did you swap your guitar for?
  21. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1401695648' post='2465810'] What do you mean "or"? [/quote] +1
  22. [quote name='Leon Transaxle' timestamp='1401037306' post='2459385'] So how about this Sandberg? [/quote] Even the fabled Ibanez SR necks are not as thin as that!
  23. Ampeg and Hartke do kickback combos. I have a Hartke and my Dad has an ampeg and being able to tilt it back makes a huge difference if you are standing and playing close to it.
  24. I'm on track 4 and I love it! (Its not distorting for me either). I like the raw and rootsy feel of it. Perhaps you should see if you can find him on facebook or something?
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