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Huggy and the Bears

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Everything posted by Huggy and the Bears

  1. Hey there, A big up for Poulton! How many other bass players live here???
  2. [quote name='chris_b' post='391579' date='Jan 26 2009, 11:53 AM']Try to hear as many neo cabs as you can before you decide. I didn't like EBS or Markbass but I did like Epifani, Bergantino, Schroeder and (the not neo) Aguilar. I haven’t heard Genz, Dr Bass or Gallien but they have their fans. All those makes have 10's which sound very good so don't write off different speaker sizes. And don't ignore BC's own secret weapon, Barefacedbass.[/quote] I use Aguilar GS212 and a couple of guys I know play with a pair of GS112. I wouldnt change for anything else.
  3. [quote name='jazzbassmm' post='371744' date='Jan 6 2009, 11:00 AM']Hi guys, first happy new year to all Basschat.co.uk... here some bass books for sale, below the list: [b]Dave Matthews Band - Fan Favorites for Bass (Never Used)[/b] [b]For sale at £10 + post (UK)[/b] [b]Bass Bible by Paul Westwood - 288 pages + 2 CD's (Never Used)[/b] [b]For sale at £18.00 + post (UK)[/b] Probably the list will be updated later... PayPal payment only please. Thanks Antonio[/quote] Pm'd
  4. [quote name='WalMan' post='355958' date='Dec 16 2008, 01:53 PM']I have a load of royalty free loops in a variety of styles. I did try to burn a couple of DVD's for the last SE Bash but they both failed verification by Nero though they seem to be OK. PM me your address and I shall check them out tonight and sling them in the post of you like.[/quote] Cheers! Si.
  5. Hi Guys I sometimes use drum tracks (drummed by a session drummer) and play them on minidisc through the PA (for venues where a drummer can't fit in). I wondered if anyone else used them, had a supply of them or would be willing to trade them? The ones that i have I do own outright. Your thoughts... Cheers, Simon.
  6. [quote name='cytania' post='350641' date='Dec 10 2008, 01:12 PM']As you learn bass you should get to learn where notes are on the strings to an instinctive level. Eventually you'll find your fingers itching to go to the right note (impressive/scarey). Tab gives you the notes to play and when it's good and accurate that's all you need. However substituting other choices is never far away from a bassists mind. Does an open note sound wrong? Would the E string give it more deep grunt? Do the alternate's play easier/feel more natural/give the right vibe? If you are beginner put reading sheet off unless you can already read or will be getting scored music to play. Many trained musicians will emphasise reading from the start but unless the session room or orchestra pit beckons don't worry too far in advance. Having said this find out about notation so you can at least puzzle the notes and tempos out slow and surely.[/quote] I wish I could read music! I'm dyslexic and whilst I am an academic, reading and doing at the same time doesn't work for me so I have always played by ear. I know what my strings are called and I know 5th frett equals next string. I have a naturally good ear and so when I hear something I know which frett/string it is but have know idea what it is called. I also know relationships between notes from experience. If I'm told a key of a song I generally work it out from the position of a note that i do know the name of, usually from the 5th fret. This works for me and I get by but I do wish I could read. Interestingly I find that it is easy to do this and it is great for improvising a new song or gigging with another band. My band sometimes I think i'm joking about understanding the names of the notes but last night as I argued that the guitarist was playing a wrong note, I tried to sound intelligent and told him to play a C flat to which I was informed that there isnt one! They laughed their heads off and told me I must mean a B. That sums things up I guess for me, I know what to play but don't know what its called, and the boys know what they are called but don't hear its wrong. Horses for course me thinks! Si.
  7. [quote name='obi 2 kenobi' post='344046' date='Dec 3 2008, 01:26 PM']Have both, a 1978 and 1987. The pre-amps are different. Its been explained on other sites like Talkbass or something. They sound different but are both recognisable as a stingray. Setting mids at zero on a 3eq does not give the 2eq sound. In short, the 2eq definitely has deeper lower end and a touch more top end sizzle. The 3eq is a polite version of the 2eq. I like both but prefer 2eq.[/quote] I have a 3eq playing through a Markbass LMK. I never alter the amp at all (all set at 12 O'Clock). However the mid is the knob that I use all of the time to tweak sound. I have a midges of treble on, a bit more bass and generally the control the sound on the mid. To get my sound in any room, the mid knob does it all. Interestingly, I can emulate by jazz and p bass sound with my Stingray, I don't know if I could do that with 2eq. I have a Bassman 135 setup that I mess with (for my own amusement) and I can plug any bass into it and then copy the sound with my 'Ray. I'd say don't spoil the ship for a hapeth of tar...
  8. [quote name='tauzero' post='342866' date='Dec 2 2008, 11:47 AM']Definitely. Try basses out without them plugged in initially. If they don't feel right, stop there. My idea of hell would be a room containing just bassists who owned Jazzes, Precisions, or Stingrays... Don't be afraid to try out anything, regardless of what it looks like. The best 4-string I've ever played was not from the "three classic styles".[/quote] I was in the same boat as you a couple of years ago so Iknow what you feel like. I basically looked to see what local guys were playing and i asked them why they chose theirs and what sound they were after. I tried a couple of very low-end Chinese Fender copies which were excellent value for money but not the nicest of things. Comfort is my priority as you can nearly always find a sound you like with a comfy bass. My top tip (for your money) would be either a Japanese Jazz or Japanese Precision. They are very vell made and are excellent value for money, and bought right, you will get your money back. If you lived closer I'd let you try my Japanese P Bass which is beautiful in every way. It's a 1989, sunburst. I'd probably sell it as I have ended up with a Stingray which I believe to be a good all rounder. Good luck!
  9. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='336003' date='Nov 25 2008, 08:01 AM']I really love my Tanglewood TW55 Sundance [url="http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/products/default.asp?cID=26463245&sID=26465174"]http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/product...mp;sID=26465174[/url] Mind you, anyone one would at the steal of a price I snaffled mine for... even full price it's good value, with nice acoustic tone and a good pre-amp with built in tuner. their bottom of the range one [url="http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/products/default.asp?cID=66460000&sID=66460001"]http://www.tanglewoodguitars.co.uk/product...mp;sID=66460001[/url] looks like excellent value for money £200 rrp but you'd have to play it to make a proper decision...[/quote] I have a Fender BG 31 in red. If you read the reviews they come out on top. I have used it for a couple of Sunday night gigs but want to sell if you are interested as I no longer do that gig. It is practically brand new, not even had a string change yet and is in a new gig bag also. I'm open to offers! Cheers, Simon.
  10. I've ditched all our lights that we collected over time and have got a pair of iColour4's. These are compact, cheap and do anything! Most times we just gig with one of them sat on the floor at the front of the stage - no need for cables, controllers or stands. They are the new garlic bread and ony £130. Trust me, I'm a Doctor!
  11. Thanks guys! I didnt get much sleep again last night as I couldnt put it down so I guess that answers my own question. Better pull some floor boards up then and egt the deal done. Cheers.
  12. Hey there! I've borrowed a friends Status S2 5 string headless bass to play with as I've not had a 5 string before and i think it's awesome! I can't decide if aesthetically it is a bit '80's. What is the general concensus cos I think i'm hooked!
  13. [quote name='dlloyd' post='325821' date='Nov 10 2008, 11:52 AM']If it's caked with a lot of fingerpoo, I scrape the worst of it off with an old credit card, wipe off the rest with a rag soaked in ethanol, then oil with lemon oil. Comes up a treat.[/quote] I've got the sweatiest hands ever and wreck strings in no time and my MM maple fretboard gets discustingly dirty. You will probably cringe here, but I use washing up liquid (diluted slightly with water) and a new sponge/scouring pad combination thingy (from under the sink). I do it really quickly so it doesnt get soaked. Probly a couple of minutes to do the whole neck then wipe it quickly with a towel. By the time its re-strung its dry and like new. Lemon oil wouldnt do it for me!
  14. [quote name='Linus27' post='323939' date='Nov 7 2008, 08:29 AM']Do you mean the one in this link? [url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Fender-70s-Jazz-Bass---3-Colour-Sunburst~ID~9701.asp"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~F...rst~ID~9701.asp[/url] This one is called a 70's re-issue but you refer to a 75 re-issue and I can't find any 75 re-issue.[/quote] I'm in love with the 75RI also. I've messed about quite a bit with different jazzers in shops and actually really fancy a Marcus Miller version. They are MIJ, but each one I have played is faultless. I've had a Jap jazz (62RI) which I bought from Japan which was my first intro to Jap Fenders and in my opinion they are great.
  15. My money is in a Markbass LMK. Takes some beating for sound, power, weight, size, features and money.
  16. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='301418' date='Oct 7 2008, 03:08 PM']You should have said Si, i sold my OLP MM3 5 string for £100 with gig bag a couple of months back! Think i even told our simon to tell you about it! Mind you, that would involve relying on a drummer...............[/quote] Typical - bad timing from a drummer again!!! He never mentioned it. Right - extra classes for him tomorrow!
  17. [quote name='neepheid' post='301389' date='Oct 7 2008, 02:43 PM']You'll probably find that 5 string Stingray copies have tighter string spacing than an EBMM Stingray 5. That is certainly the case with the OLP MM3. Incidentally, I might be selling an OLP MM3 (Natural//black pickguard/Maple fingerboard). If it's tinkering in the project sense you want, this might be for you - a battery box already installed if you want to add active electronics. It currently has the pickup wired directly to the jack socket after the active circuit I put in it failed, but I can return it to stock V/V/T configuration before sending it away. See here for pics - [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14009"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14009[/url] and [url="http://www.ifb.co.uk/~matthew/pics/bass_porn/03_olp_mm3.jpg"]http://www.ifb.co.uk/~matthew/pics/bass_porn/03_olp_mm3.jpg[/url] (pre-alterations) PM me if you're interested.[/quote] PM'd
  18. Hiya people, I play a MM 4 string and keep tormenting myself with a MM 5 string in the music shop. I can't afford one (or play one for that matter) but fancy maybe a cheapo copy to tinker with. I notice on the 'bay' that there is a 'Stratavarious' MM5 (type copy) for about £120 new, delivered and wondered if anyone has any views on either those or the Vintage copies. Cheers, Si.
  19. [quote name='Jobiebass' post='224258' date='Jun 22 2008, 04:44 PM']Quick question, Whats the best battery out there for the money and where is the best place to get them from for say a ten pack. heard diff batteries are diff sizes, im right in saying Duracell work fine in Musicman basses right?[/quote] Duracell are the best fit in a Musicman. They are a consistant fit and are nice and snug. Other batteries I've used on occasion have needed a bit of insulation tape on them to prevent movement. I change a standard Duracell battery in my Stingray about once per month and have never had reliability problems. Simon.
  20. [quote name='ahpook' post='224915' date='Jun 23 2008, 12:08 PM']nowt galvanises a band into getting ready to gig than an impeding gig* book it for a months time, and then practise the set till then. you're not a band until you've played a gig ! [size=1]other than dipping them in hot zinc that is[/size][/quote] You must do a gig. I'm lucky in that I have balls of steel and am brave in terms of just going for it so we do lots of scary gigs with often a scratch band (and I'm a rubbish bass player!). Basically once you are on stage 'the force' takes over and everything works out well. Practicing to get things 100% is a bit like trying to fix everything on your car before you take it for the MOT test. The MOT tester mite still find something you missed anyway, so you may as well just send it for MOT and then at least you will get an accurate list of thing to fix. A gig will reassure you in some areas, and identify weak areas. Nobody dies! Ye haaaaaaa!
  21. [quote name='Huggy and the Bears' post='220687' date='Jun 17 2008, 03:51 PM']Yep, i have to be really carefull about touching metal! I have never put my (talent??) to a positive use but this could be a cool new way of utilising my talent! I might get a couple of components and experiment with them. This could be a new line in organic ageing of guitars. I reckon we could set up a business from it! What d'ya reckon? [/quote] New Elixers fitted. lets see how long they last, applying all of the techniques I have gleened from the gurus!
  22. [quote name='E_MaN' post='222074' date='Jun 19 2008, 12:50 PM']Not spending enough time in figuring out bass lines that I want to play that don't have a a tab...I do it but just not enough.[/quote] I tend not to play open strings apart from E. My hand spans a long way and as I'm self taught, it was just easier to fret everything so I could transpose to other keys easily to suit others in the band. It works for me!
  23. John Lee Hooker and The Police for me. Not had an early nite yet!
  24. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='221403' date='Jun 18 2008, 02:40 PM']I am pretty serious about getting some high end gear. At first I thought this may be GAS but now seems a genuine pursuit. Currently I have ashdown 300mag and 4 x 10 cab. My reasoning is to get the 2x10 markbass combo. I have a few options here. Full PA support sometimes, monitoring options and to use my 4x10 8 ohm as an extension cab for bigger pub gigs. Eventually I could ditch the ashdown 4 x 10 and get a high end 15, 2x10 or even a 12??? I could keep the mag head as a spare. I would like to know if anyone has worked with similar combinations. Is the £800 - £900 upgrade going to be fantastically different from what I all ready have. I like the idea of the flexibility the combo gives. I would usually only go down the seperates road. I have dabbled with the combo at low volume and been impressed. What is it like low down and dirty with its balls out. Can it cope on its own with a normal pub gig. I play a marcus jazz if that helps. cheers guys ...[/quote] I had an Ashdown EVOii 575 with a 1 x 15 and a 2 x 10 which was ok but I wanted a more compact rig and the ability to produce a modern sound when I felt like it. I was using my p bass with the Ashdown rig. I tried allsorts of stuff (borrowed from the shop) and had other bass players round with their gear so I could directly compare with my own stuff. I elected to go for a Markbass head and an Aguilar 2 x 12. initially I had a Little markii but swapped in for an LMK. I'd highly recommend this set up. Hope it helps.
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