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Everything posted by Adrenochrome

  1. I've never been pro but my cousin has been a pro sax player for about 10 years now. For much of that she just used to do whatever she could, including teaching during the day, appearing on TV miming sax, or even miming backing vox, short or long contracts touring wherever. She also plays 2 or 3 different saxes (eg baritone, tenor etc) and is always in a number of bands/projects.
  2. In my experience ([i]not[/i] of high end basses), the tone of a solid electric bass when amplified usually is quite different to the acoustic tone and it doesn't always follow that good unplugged equals good amplified, or thin sounding acoustically equals thin/weak when amplified. However the way the note blooms, decays and other things to do with resonance and general feel [i]do[/i] seem very similar unplugged and amplified.
  3. Excellent! I take it that you and the drummer and going to be the basis for a 'house band' to back all the big names?
  4. Pretty decent fella . I actually play and sing this in Delirium, and I have to concentrate on getting the notes so my version is probably a lot more sloppy!
  5. I thought that they [i]were [/i]absolutely great.
  6. 'Bums On Seats' is the be all. Doesn't matter how you get there, I've done it with bands playing 50/50 covers and originals, and it can be done with a different type of covers setlist. We currently do it with a mixed alt/metal/rock setlist, it just takes some thought and effort.
  7. I was out all day yesterday and only just found out
  8. Guitar - and I haven't played guitar at a proper gig for 10 years... but for playing and singing it's (usually) way better than bass.
  9. For a normal pub/wmc covers gig then it's the usual share of the money. I wouldn't expect to have to rehearse with the band for a single gig.
  10. Check out the big Dubstep thread for lots of inventive use of effects.
  11. I play in a fairly loud band and use a bit of valve drive from my amp (hybrid) as my main sound. I usually add some EQ to hear myself better onstage - I get a better FOH sound with a pre-EQ DI signal that is already coloured by my valve input pre.
  12. Here's the setlist from my old band [who I occasionally dep for] Angel Of Sin, there's some classic rock in there: [url="http://www.angelofsin.co.uk/Set_List_.html"]http://www.angelofsin.co.uk/Set_List_.html[/url]
  13. Isopropyl alcohol shits permanent marker from most things - probably depends how much the wood has taken up.
  14. Doing the 'carpal tunnel' stretches should be part of your routine even if you don't/haven't suffered before. Playing 2+ hour covers gigs and shifting all the gear involved is physical and a certain amount of fitness and strength can really help with posture and avoiding injuries,.
  15. I know it might be a pointless exercise trying to build a clone, but the general principles of why they sound distinctive and musical interests me and could influence other builders perhaps?
  16. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1364238490' post='2023701'] I've found that too. I had a guitarist guy who wanted me to go do some cover sets with him (on double bass) and it turned out a lot of what he was playing was 'good enough' approximations of what he thought the songs sounded like. From the cover bands I've seen I think a lot of them operate on that basis. [/quote] 'a lot' might be overstating it, I think only the minority of proper gigging covers bands fall into this category. I'm sure like me that you do wince when you hear them..
  17. There are loads of very light, ergonomic basses with slim necks (width and depth). Eg my Peavey Millenium AC is featherweight, the strap button is at about the 13th fret which makes reaching the lowest frets easy and balance on the strap perfect. Neck is smaller than a jazz. Playing a Fender or similar afterwards feels like a massive step backwards.
  18. I've only been in about 1 band, ever, that did [i]only[/i] one or the other. My current band does 95% covers, we write as well and occasionally play a song or 2 of our own live, or not it we don't feel like it. Love the music, that is all. Reasons for doing covers are the same as most people - ie getting enough money to not run at a loss, generally higher standard of musicianship, ease of getting gigs etc. I realise that with enough work all those things are possible with an originals band.
  19. At a guess 2 things: 1. possibly too much overdrive. 2. in a loud detuned band, your onstage sound probably needs to be a bit more middy/trebly to hear yourself properly, as if there's too much bottom end it booms like mad so you might just have to trust that the Front Of House mix is good (I speak from experience).
  20. Fairly, I played original metalcore in a fairly successful amateur band about 10+ years ago, I've played in garage-punk type bands in the past and done quite a lot of pop, rock and indie on the cover circuit depping. My roots are mainly in post-punk and NWOBHM type music.
  21. So you're only allowed to express yourself in approved ways? Should artists only paint in primary colours? I don't think so. I actually don't think the lead vocal works with the rest of the track on this occasion.
  22. Alice In Chains on a rock & pop course! I'm not sure if my the rest of my band will be thrilled or annoyed
  23. [quote name='thodrik' timestamp='1360187539' post='1966521'] Black Sabbath were sometimes tuning to C sharp back then so just be thankful your new band aren't playing some of that if you dislike detuning! [/quote] AFAIK Geezer rarely played that low though, songs like Children Of The Grave has the riff starting up on the A string while the guitar is open E (C# really).
  24. I am content playing bass - but not [i]only [/i]playing bass. Most of the music that we play is actually very easy to play and I am not in any way stretched unless I can sing harmonies on quite a few numbers, or occasional lead vox, or occasionally playing the keyboard part on bass in some songs, eg Knights Of Cydonia. I already can play guitar fairly well [though completely out of practice at the moment]. The only thing that I wish I could do is programme and play synths to a good standard to write some weird electro/industrial/gothy/dancey stuff...
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