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Everything posted by Adrenochrome

  1. Can I comment if I [i]don't[/i] like most slap? I found that quite musical and unlike the usual 'marbles in a biscuit-tin' sound. I think that would have sounded good even played with another technique, eg fingerstyle.
  2. [quote name='bigjohn' timestamp='1327599151' post='1514053'] Yeah. How a bass sounds amplified is mostly about pickups, electrics, strings and the amp! Anything is else is marginal at best. [/quote] This has been well established for a while now but many flat refuse to believe the truth.
  3. I learn the originals (almost) note for note. To my ear it sounds better and more authentic for the sort of covers we do. A lot of 'alternate' bass lines sound half-assed IMO.
  4. Drummist: "No I can't play any quieter so you lot can hear yourselves sing and play - we'll have to buy an expensive in-ear monitoring system to replace our floor wedge monitors"
  5. Don't agree. If there were NO basses that the average working class Joe [like me] could afford, then I'd have some sympathy. As it is, you can get a new bass, good enough for pro gigs, for ~£200. These high end basses will never be affordable for the likes of me but that's no problem - some of the tech will trickle down to the likes of me, eg the great preamp and pups in my cheapo Peavey bass are the same as on the mega expensive models
  6. Join a band
  7. A 'friend' of mine usually finds himself being the main timekeeper and tempo-setter in all his bands over the years - might not be as rare as people might think...
  8. Interesting, I've always thought that my MAG 2x10 cab was nicely designed but let down by the poor speakers - I'm still considering replacing them if I can grab anything better as an ebay bargain.
  9. 50-110 for me.
  10. Welcome! From my current abode we have Acid Reign and part of Cathedral.
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1324548064' post='1475373'] [size=4]No they don't. [/size] [size=4]They just don't book you. [/size] [/quote] ...or cancel gigs you might already have. Delirium and a handful of other bands had their gigs at the Thornhill Arms in Stanningley cancelled for a year for playing another venue in the next town about 2 miles away - you couldn't make it up! It was no big loss to the bands involved who were all very busy but was probably a bigger loss to the Thornhill Arms in missed revenues. We took it as a business decision and I still speak to the landlord now that the pub has inevitably shut.
  12. None! I should point out that we do make an effort to evenly space our gigs at venues in near vicinity as we play a LOT of gigs in the Bradford area, however this is on our terms.
  13. I'd put the 2x10 on the bottom. Mine is very deep and also my quietest cab (although my 1x15 is a Peavey so not directly comparable).
  14. I've done this a few times for dep gigs. 1. Tie down the setlist and any altered keys asap. 2. Get some cheat sheets together, or tab or score or whatever works for you! 3. Get some copies of any songs that you can't hum and listen to them every waking second that you can. 4. Take a small music stand to the gig - set at waist height they're barely visible to the audience. 5. Stand proud and play it like you mean it.
  15. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1324414045' post='1474045'] I got a Tanglewood Warrior for nowt on freegle and it's an excellent bass - I'll do a straight swap for your custom shop Jazz if you pay the postage. [/quote] I had one about 8-9 years ago that I recorded an EP with - not really sure why I sold it, maybe cos the neck was wide but shallow profile and didn't suit my pudgy fingers and poor technique? Sounded good though!
  16. [quote name='bethnalgreen' timestamp='1323903893' post='1468657'] We're booked to play our final pub gig of the year this Saturday. It's been booked for about two months. We've publicised it in all the usual ways, FaceBook, LemonRock, local press etc etc. Lots of friends coming. This afternoon, the landlord emailed us (he can't spell either): [i]"Hi guys, got a bit of bad news about this Saturday's gig, a woman came in Tuesday and booked a private party and there paying for there own band, I cant find your number anywhere if you could give me a call back or an email back confirming this email etc .... "[/i] We wrote back to him telling him that either we play, or he pays our full fee. He's now backed off and cancelled the other party (I bet she's pleased) ! How he thought he'd get away with it is anybody's guess .......... [/quote] This is basically a stock 'excuse'. How many people would pay full whack to book a band in a pub when they could see a band they like for free somewhere else?
  17. Yes, my main gigging bass for the last 4/5 years has been a Peavey Millenium AC bxp. I got it for 199 and I think they're now about 250. It's an absolute monster gigging machine, light, fast neck, ergonomic, works well for lower tunings that we use a lot. The only thing it doesn't do is a vintage sound (which I don't need anyway).
  18. ER20s available for under a tenner posted.
  19. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1323252892' post='1460981'] Guys, If we think it's related to the input, could I still use my EBS Pre amp connected to the effects return to treat the Hartke as a power amp? [/quote] Probably wouldn't hurt to try that.
  20. You can get ER20s for about a fiver if you shop around - way better than the foam. No excuses.
  21. I won't do a band rehearsal or gig without my ER20s. A lifesaver for backing/occasional lead vocals, and I actually feel less tired the day after a gig (I think less stress makes me sleep better). Get some hearing protection that works for you!
  22. Played the Blue Light in Alverthorpe (Wakefield) last night. It's a lovely pub with good set-up area for the band, and lights etc provided. Those that were there seemed to love us, just a shame that there were so few in . Ah well, it keeps your feet on the ground.
  23. I'm absolutely happy with a processed sound. Virtually none of the bands we cover have a 'clean' or 'acoustic' bass sound which fits with the bass sounds I [i]generally[/i] enjoy anyway. Each to their own, YMMV etc etc.
  24. If you've got the OBT, wouldn't you be better using a clean boost to get more distortion out of the pre-amp tubes?
  25. Welcome!
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