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Everything posted by Adrenochrome

  1. I don't get it but it doesn't anger me either. The idea that a bass must be worn-in (whether for real or artificially) to make it comfy to play seems absurd to me - I'd rather play a bass that felt right in 'stock' form.
  2. I'll admit that it can take my main band up to 6 weeks to nail a new song. However, we'll usually be learning about 3 new songs at a time, and they're not always that straightforward, eg how are we going to do the keyboard solos in Deep Purple's "Burn" when we're 2x guitar, bass and drums? Also all 4 of us can sing lead or backing vox, so we spend a fair amount of time on arrangements, particularly on who's actually gonna sing! Of course learning should be done at home, and the bare bones of a song should be ready within a week.
  3. I'm happy to do either But having 2 dedicated guitarists often causes problems IME with volume levels, overplaying etc. I've really enjoyed playing in 4-pieces where the singer plays a bit of guitar - you never seem to have the same guitarist-ego problems then.
  4. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='1000981' date='Oct 26 2010, 12:04 PM']Electric Avenue?[/quote] My friend lives there, about 3 streets from me in Harrogate
  5. Yes, RIP Jay Jay. I had the pleasure of seeing Asomvel (Jay Jay's band) quite a few times including a great joint 30th birthday night out with a drummer mate, when they played Bradford Rio.
  6. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='996901' date='Oct 22 2010, 12:00 PM']Went to see the Manring last night in harrogate. He was jaw droppingly good An amazing player, very, very musical stuff on the whole. He did two sets, little bit of chatting about the basses, but mainly just some amazing playing. Without doubt the best £10 I have spent.......stunning, just a stunning player... Joe Zon was also there with a number of Zon Basses, he gave a short talk over how he started up and what got him into making the Zon Basses, really relaxed and informal.... Had real good laugh with Owain (bottomendian) top bloke - always good to meet real people...... And finished off the night with a healthy kebab..... Big thanks to Phil for organising the event (and thanks for getting the lights off disco mode ) Dave[/quote] Ha ha, I saw you 2 going into the kebab shop just before I caught my bus home, thanks for letting me share a table with you guys (forgot to introduce myself!). Cheers to Phil for organising a refreshingly different bass experience! I loved some of the middle-eastern sounding stuff played over drones - excellent use of eBow. Jon
  7. [quote name='Delberthot' post='988715' date='Oct 15 2010, 12:56 AM']The Trooper is relentless from beginning to end with those triplets[/quote] Try singing it at the same time . (To be fair we do play a full step down)
  8. Short answer: With enough loudspeaker(s) of high enough sensitivity then it will be enough.
  9. Cheers Phil, ticket now purchased. Jon
  10. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='988010' date='Oct 14 2010, 01:25 PM']A week to go. Tickets are selling steadily and there's already enough coming to make a decent audience, but there's room for more without getting crowded. Don't forget the Basschat discount deal, plus the free Student List (see post #38) It should be an inspiring evening and not one that comes around to often. Phil[/quote] Phil, I tried subscribing to the newsletter a couple of days ago but have had no confirming email. Should I try again with a different browser? Or should I just PM you my home email address? Jon
  11. We've used lasers similar to Crez at loads of gigs with no problems. I've heard of a couple of clubs that don't like them cos of 'Elfen Safety' but when quizzed they had no basis for not liking them. I don't remember reading anything about these kind of lasers causing eye damage in normal use. I'm happy to be corrected if the peer-reviewed data are available.
  12. The clear 'handles' on the ER20s do stick out a bit but aren't that noticeable. I use those Elacin ER20s and find them comfortable and effective. The comfort might just be luck that they fit me well. Either way they're cheap and do a job.
  13. Covers. Both bands have/had some originals but none played currently.
  14. You're bang on with the fundamentals v overtones.
  15. [quote name='AndyTravis' post='977083' date='Oct 4 2010, 01:46 PM']Jay Kay is meant to be a sound enough guy, but obviously Booze/Coke make him a complete and utter twat.[/quote] ...in that case he should abstain from, or seriously moderate his intake of said drugs. If he chooses to partake, then he chooses to be that person.
  16. Yes, pubs are closing (or stopping music) across the North where I play. You still get a few new venues popping up and the better bands and better venues are doing fine, the chaff (venues and bands) not so much. Jon
  17. Okay, I can make the new date! I should point out that I don't have much spare cash so I won't be looking to buy.
  18. 1. Good Monitoring. 2. Reverb added at the desk.
  19. For anyone in doubt, I'd highly recommend getting hearing protection of some sort. Cheap ER15s or ER20s are a lot better than no protection. I got my recent ER20s from Amazon for about a fiver. I do loose them occasionally but they're cheap enough to replace.
  20. We now use a 16-channel Mackie desk with 2 guitars, bass, drums and all 4 of us singing. We mike up kick, snare and Toms x 3. Plenty of the cymbals/highhats etc bleed into all the other mikes. We run everything mono
  21. [quote name='ickleben' post='966371' date='Sep 24 2010, 08:48 AM']lol.. . Anyhow gig went brilliantly,no one believed it was the bands first gig, the venue wants us back, and someone thought my bass playing was epic. Hands were shaking for about an hour afterwards. Roll on the next 2 gigs, (Saturday and next thursday).[/quote] Result all round then
  22. As above, also get something with a decent DI output so you can send a good signal to the PA.
  23. Phil, I've got a prior commitment on 19th October so can't attend. If my other thing gets cancelled then I'd like to attend.
  24. [quote name='zero9' post='955939' date='Sep 14 2010, 01:05 PM']The frequency of a low B on bass guitar is about 31Hz, thus it's important to have the correct speaker / cabinet to be able to reproduce this with any kind of 'volume'.[/quote] Understood but my point was that I don't think reproducing those fundamentals of lower notes at volume is that important. Just my opinion. Different desks I've used will cut all frequencies on a channel below a set point eg 50 or 80hz. It makes hardly any difference to the [i]audible[/i] bass when you do cut there.
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