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Everything posted by Adrenochrome

  1. I listened to all of those bands (from the mid 80s onwards) and other funk-metal / crossover stuff and BSSM blew the rest of them out of the water, even before the singles gained them mass appeal. No album they've done since has come close, despite how well crafted and produced it all is.
  2. Dunno if the ABM are the same, but my MAG can peak at 500 watts (however briefly). This could equate to >300 watts into an 8 ohm load. That could be the problem.
  3. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='687233' date='Dec 17 2009, 12:39 PM']I can't add anything to that, so I'll just say +1. Apart from the bit about his missus as I don't know whether she's a munter or not.[/quote] Paperbag?
  4. 53 so far. Includes 4 dep gigs for 2 bands.
  5. [quote name='WonderHorse' post='680269' date='Dec 10 2009, 02:17 PM']How do these things work? Does everyone jsut bring their gear?[/quote] I brought nowt last year (I have no clever gear to show!). I left with a hand-solderer and a belly full of Guiness. Result!
  6. It was an excellent do last year. If I'm free, then I'm in - can't say for definite yet. Jon
  7. The good guitarists don't do it
  8. When we played the Tramshed the meter was peaking into the red right from the moment ths drummer started setting his drums up, until we left. It was peaking [i]before[/i] we plugged anything in.
  9. Some venues with these installed may have other power sockets available to use... [i]Apparently[/i] the Old Tramshed in Saltaire may be such a venue.
  10. I saw various bands when I was growing up at festivals, bike rallies etc. I think the first name band that I was aware of was Slade at a daytime roadshow gig in about '82 but they mimed and I was dissapointed. I had a ticket for a Cult gig in 85 that was cancelled, so I guess the first big gig I went to without adult supervision was Dio with Warlock in support in 87. Both bands were great for different reasons.
  11. My first gig was at the Royal Park Cellars in Leeds, quite the muso venue at the time. There were no monitors, so our drum machine only went through 2 tiny FOH speakers. There were a couple of songs that we didn't even finish as we were all playing at different speeds. The 2 covers went down well though! (MC5 and Stooges I think).
  12. effing awesome! A great player and actually well-appreciated by my generation. We play Rearview Mirror every gig (to avoid the obvious songs) and will hopefully be adding The Fixer very soon.
  13. The fuse went in my Ashdown during soundcheck 2 weeks ago. I plugged in my Crate Powerblock and carried on. (It's a tiny class D amp that can be used for alsorts in emergencies, £49 new).
  14. My band tune DGCF as standard and also do quite a lot of songs in CGCF. I use 50-70-90-110 strings which is perfect for DGCF and acceptable for CGCF (I have a good break angle at the nut and bridge with thru-body stringing). I prefer to do this rather than use my 5-string as some of the songs have riffs played against the open C or D string respectively. Jon
  15. We did 'Rockin Around The Christmas Tree' by Brenda Lee when I was in AOS. It went quite well but didn't bring the house down.
  16. Full all the time on all basses. With guitars it can be very different as a dirty amp can sound clean when the volume of the guitar is backed off, as someone mentioned earlier. This allows quieter/cleaner passages in a song without fiddling with amp or effects.
  17. Go get 'em fella! Those feelings are to be expected, enjoy the ride.
  18. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='656731' date='Nov 17 2009, 10:06 AM']maybe true, but a pro photographer with a crap camera that overexposes or can't focus isn't gonna take too many great snaps. Likewise a great bassist with a crap cheap bass will still be prone to interference issues and issues of playability and tone. This thread is about the bass not the player which is why I said: [i]By pro job I mean sounds good enough to do a decent job at a gig for the player, with sufficient build quality to negate any interference issues, plays well with a decent set up, and to an average member of the audience would be no different sound wise to a bass 2 or 3 times it's value. [/i][/quote] I'd definitely suggest that my Peavey fits these criteria. It was £200 about 3 years ago, I think they're a bit more now. I also know that there are full time pros using Squier and Vintage basses, which probably cost soemthing near that amount.
  19. The Fixer - Pearl Jam. About time we did something up to date!
  20. 19 miles, just under an hour. Happy to do it for the right band.
  21. Sorry but I really disagree with the opinions above saying you need at least 300watts. My amp only puts out 180w with a single 8ohm cab attached. That's loud enough for medium sized clubs when used with a reasonable 1x15 cab (+ PA support). I regularly gigged with 100w amps BiTD but always with big cabs (eg 4x12) and they were always loud enough, usually without PA support.
  22. The missus took me to an ASIA gig early this yearas she's a fan and I never was. Not my usual thing but I was mightily impressed by the musicianship and the general show without any attempt to push the latest CD, political agenda(s) etc. Just some blokes playing music to the best of their ability. Was a treat to hear songs by King Crimson, Yes, Buggles, ELP etc.
  23. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='649265' date='Nov 8 2009, 11:12 PM']Would guess at a blown fuse, one near the output jacks, have a look inside, mine did that when I shorted it.[/quote] Great shout Mr Foxen! I opened it up and it was indeed a blown fuse. Easy fix. Nice to see the date of manufacture there, 16th April 03.
  24. Cheers. I'll have a look tonight. The place we played on Saturday has "interesting" electrics so that might make sense. Jon
  25. Hi all. My Ashdown MAG 300r lost all output last night. Fan still works and the VU meter still shows the input level as being fine. It's definitely not my cab or lead as my spare Crate powerblock worked fine through them. Any ideas where I can get my amp looked at quickly and not too expensive? I regularly pass through Leeds & Bradford also for gigs and rehearsals etc. ta , Jon
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