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Everything posted by Adrenochrome

  1. [quote name='munkonthehill' post='614194' date='Oct 1 2009, 08:17 PM']Hola all, I have been on gathering info on impedence due to getting a new 200watt amp as I was going to buy an extention cab, as it turns out I cant do this as it will end up losing output, im now trying to determine if 200watts will be enough. Its a hughes and Kettner BK200, 200watt with a 15"driver, i usually play to 50-100 people. what are you playing through and how does it handle?[/quote] Can you explain why adding an extension cab will reduce output? Most extension cabs will do the opposite when hooked up to an amp. Apologies if I misundertood your post.
  2. A couple of songs by Moloko have good basslines but are average songs eg 'Familiar Feeling'.
  3. [quote name='Linus27' post='612977' date='Sep 30 2009, 02:03 PM']Yeah agree with you on this. So far its only the drums which the headline band has to provide but we have known about this for weeks yet nothing sorted. Its only slightly getting sorted as I am hassling them. If I was not, I can see them turning up with no kit and then wondering why a problem.[/quote] You have got plenty of patience. I'd have probably ditched bandmates like that.
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' post='612766' date='Sep 30 2009, 09:08 AM']As for ease of playing of the different scale lengths, IMO it has far more to do with the balance of the bass and how it hangs on the strap than the scale length. I find the lower fret positions on the 36" scale Overwater easier than on a 34" Fender P or J. In fact when I bought my first Overwater I didn't even realise that it was a longer scale length until I changed the strings for the first time a wondered why standard 34" scale strings didn't fit. Don't look at the numbers. Go with what feels and sounds good to you.[/quote] +1, very good points about ergonomics. Some basses with long upper horns maker reaching all the frets very easy. I've played some 34" basses (mainly spikey shaped ones) where the 1st fret was a real stretch due to the positioning of the strap button.
  5. [quote name='jonny-lad' post='612032' date='Sep 29 2009, 02:46 PM']Chord charts or cheat sheets are generally acceptable, IME, but it's always a good idea to check beforehand and try to make sure they aren't too intrusive - a music stand in the centre of the stage at face height probably isn't the best way to use them...much better to keep it tucked away to the side, just out of view of the audience, if possible.[/quote] +1 Yep, done that. If you're careful you can obscure it further with a big mikestand just in front of it.
  6. Make sure you get as much info from the band as possible; eg changed keys and missed/added intros/verses/choruses. Other than that, just enjoy the challenge, it can be quite a buzz when it goes well!
  7. A few times we've had a rider of sandwiches and soft drinks. This often turns into a glass of coke offered as you're just about to leave. I've usually been invited to partake of the buffet at weddings/parties although it was never agreed beforehand.
  8. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='608541' date='Sep 25 2009, 12:08 PM']White Stripes-Seven nation army-although I'm not sure that's a bass[/quote] regardless, it's a bassline!
  9. Debaser - Pixies. Not complicated but Kim hits the spot for me!
  10. Easiest/cheapest is a 50-110 set for drop C. With a 35" scale you'll be fine unless you're into very high tension.
  11. I get bored during very easy songs and occasonally drop notes cos I'm half asleep. It's a bad habit.
  12. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='602324' date='Sep 18 2009, 04:16 PM']Part of my soul just died a little bit then.[/quote] That's just the way it is. I have little free time and zero spare cash at the moment. I did my time playing originals for years so I've seen both sides.
  13. [quote name='velvetkevorkian' post='601625' date='Sep 17 2009, 07:45 PM']When you're playing unison riffs with the guitar that have lots of open string pedal notes (like a lot of metal riffs) it can be easier to play a downtuned bass.[/quote] ...which is exactly why I use a dowtuned 4-string for Delirium rather than my 5-string.
  14. Ey up fella, a good weekend planned! We're playing a few miles up the road from you tonight at the Silver Fox. Have a good un!
  15. I am very content with my current situation. I play in a band doing 99% covers, we get regular gigs at venues that we like and I get to play some fairly varied loud, heavy stuff as well as the obligatory Sex On Fire. If I had the time I'd definitely have an originals band as well [something fairly loud and heavy], as well as a silly party band for doing occasional weddings/charity gigs etc, maybe doing glam-era covers.
  16. Aye, last year was good although I didn't catch much in the way of bands cos of having to look after my young boys. Worth a look if anyone's in the area.
  17. I use the black plastic Dunlop washers. They never fail, unlike various makes of 'proper' straplocks.
  18. Even my new alt/metal/rock covers band are doing it now. The plain fact is that songs like that pay for my hobby (plus a little beer money). If I didn't get paid for playing then I couldn't justify being in a band.
  19. Steal your brother's from the garage!
  20. On most solid bodied electric basses the wood makes only a small contribution to the sound. The reasons it does are outlined in previous answers. Most basses sound largely like their strings and pickups with pup positioning playing a large contribution as well. With piezos it's different due to the way they see vibrations.
  21. Well I use 'em and I like em. I haven't tried the steel ones though so I can't compare them. The only steel strings I ever tried seemed to have similar tension to nickel for the same (nominal) gauge.
  22. I absolutely wouldn't have a heavy/unergonomic bass as my main gigging bass. No use to me on 3 hour gigs.
  23. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='589384' date='Sep 4 2009, 08:55 AM']Don't get me wrong I'd rather buy locally with folk like the BM or Bass Direct but there was a time/exchange rate when Thomann were a no brainer.[/quote] +1. I bought a load of gear from them 3-4 years ago. When I was struggling to pay the bills I couldn't justify paying twice as much to local/UK shops just 'cos it's the nice thing to do. I bought my amp from another European merchant over the internet about 6 years ago for the same reasons with no problems at all.
  24. If you join/start a rock covers band then a pointy bass should be fine! Backing vox very useful as is the ability to sing a line or 2 when the lead singer forgets to come in.
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