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Everything posted by Adrenochrome

  1. Great advice above. Few more tiny tips from experience: 1) Record your rehearsals and listen to them in the cold light of day to find any tiny timing glitches etc which will stand out on your recording. 2) Make sure the guitar(s) and bass are intonated as near perfect as possible before you go in the studio, you don't want to be wasting an hour or 2 of studio time sorting stuf like that out. 3) Just DI your bass for simplicity of setting up and consistency, you can add stuff to your sound later.
  2. I use my Zoom B2, with different patch levels set for different basses. Hit mute and it takes about 5 seconds to change basses, usually without slowing the flow of the set at all.
  3. I can't watch the video as I'm at work. Yes, octave runs can be fairly hard work, so it's probably not just you. If the bass in the avatar is yours, then I've got one, and the neck shouldn't be causing problems as it's overly wide or anything like that.
  4. A bit of idle speculation here - could it be that the Ray is actually [i]too[/i] solid (neck joint, bridge etc)? Is there any chance that a thin 'bent tin' bridge actually flexes more when a string is plucked and then returns the energy to the string as the bridge flexes back (causing the note to bloom) ? I honestly don't know, the above is just a guess.
  5. You don't [i]need[/i] one, perhaps if you or your bandmates have good reputations form othe bands/projects [I know some good, busy covers bands with no demo]. Having said that, I think they're a good idea.
  6. IMHO you need to be writing, recording or performing. Since first picking up bass I've never had more than about 2 weeks without doing 1 of those 3 and I'd go nuts if I did. Even going to your local jam night once a month is a lot better than sitting at home.
  7. ...as he's had the correct info for 4 days now, shouldn't he be reported for not editing the listing as it's currently misleading?
  8. I'm not up on the current range but aren't there active jazz bass deluxes out there? I remember playing an active P/J hybrid with skinny neck and loads of oomph quite a few years ago at a jam night.
  9. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='425140' date='Mar 4 2009, 03:01 PM']the Lighthouse Family![/quote] aaiiee!!!!!
  10. Body, pups and controls look like Aria Cardinal. Bridge looks like Gibson shape, headstock looks nearly Ibanez - give up. BTW where in t'North?
  11. There's no doubt you can get a decent giggable bass for that money - see above for good options. For interest, when I saw Gary Numan live his keys/bassist played a Squier P that appeared to be stock and sounded fine.
  12. [quote name='M4L666' post='424391' date='Mar 3 2009, 06:51 PM']Not much expendable income as of yet .[/quote] Treat it as good practice for when you have a family and suddenly have no money again.
  13. Rob, Payment sent in last few minutes - let me know if there's any problems. Cheers, Jon
  14. Okay, I've listened to U2 on and off since the early 80s. They recorded some great tunes back in the day. They seemed to get more bland in the mid-late 80s though with a more polished sound. I haven't enjoyed anything they've done from Achtung Baby onwards but admit they've had some catchy hits. I don't have any problem with them personally and I'm quite happy that they;ve made some money. I have a lot of respect for their very solid rhythm section who seem to really get what their contribution to the songs should be to work best.
  15. [quote name='leonshelley01' post='423069' date='Mar 2 2009, 12:16 PM']What do you do if you get a cut or blister on your picking hand? Do you cancel rehearsals, auditions or gigs?[/quote] Superglue! (although it's not very flexible so may barely last an evening of playing)
  16. I think I'm naturally a fingerstyle player but I now play more than half the covers we do with a pick because it suits the songs. There a few songs that I couldn't imagine playing without being able to quickly shift from palm-muted to punchy pick tone and back again. BTW I find normal picks very slippy which is why I use Dunlop Ultex which are a different kind of plastic and also always use the proper bass shaped ones , not the little guitard ones.
  17. Sweet! Tomorrow Wayne, you will be David J.
  18. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='420884' date='Feb 27 2009, 01:43 PM']Worth signing up to the free wedding website though, if that's the sort of thing you're after.[/quote] Which website?
  19. I think it's been a funny year for bookings - lots of landlords playing wait and see, then booking in a flurry etc. We got a high profile locally by playing loads of charity gigs, and organising a big one ourselves last year that went well. I also pimp us shamelessly on a couple of websites (NorthWestbands and Rock Of The North) which cover venues over most of the North. We also played a lot of gigs where we knew people reviewed bands. We're nice to people and never p1ss soundmen off. We rarely have to chase gigs now but we do jump on opportunities when we hear a decent venue is looking for gigs. We put a lot of time into being nice to the right people (people who run websites, gig bookers etc), make sure info on our website is up to date. I occasionally review gigs for venues. I regard the band as a part-time job and treat all aspects of the band as seriously as my career. I really think that every little bit helps.
  20. I like it all, top, middle and bottom , works for most things. I will occasionally roll off a bit of bass if things are boomy, or cut a little bit at 1k if it sounds boxy, or add a tiny bit of high-mid if I can't hear myself onstage.
  21. Adrenochrome


    Welcome Raphael! I'm a big fan of Christian myself and I like a lot of Meshuggah stuff, which I'm sure was a big influence on the rhythms that FF use/used (and also on my old band Final Conclusion). Jon
  22. Adrenochrome


    [quote name='Hamster' post='419771' date='Feb 26 2009, 01:23 AM']To show how ridiculous manufacturers (or sellers) claims are have a look at this PA / DJ amplifier: [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1200W-POWER-NEW-DJ-PA-Amplifier-Nightline-Pro-400-black_W0QQitemZ300295065739QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL?hash=item300295065739&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1701|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1200W-POWER-NEW-DJ-P...%3A1|240%3A1318[/url] PMPO-Power: 2 x 600 Watt and Music-Power: 2 x 200 Watt If you download the .pdf data sheet and zoom into the back panel you'll see it has a 1.5 amp fuse rating. Now my math is a bit crusty but assuming it's not an uber-efficient class D amplifier we're looking at around 55% efficiency, therefore: watts = current x voltage - 1.5A x 240 = 360 x 55% = 198watts. So, all of a sudden this 1200 watt PMPO amp can only produce 100 watts per channel - or am I missing something?[/quote] I think it's slightly more complicated than that. I remember being told that bass amps store up some charge in the capacitors (?) so there's a bit more juice there for the occasional accented note or whatever, hence the higher peak ratings. I may be wrong though!
  23. [quote name='Rich' post='419212' date='Feb 25 2009, 01:07 PM']Nope, I'm too thick to use an FX pedal.[/quote] I'm only speaking from my experiences... Still not sure it'll work best before a load of other pedals after it
  24. ?? I used one of those Zooms for about 8 years and it was never noticeably noisy. Are you sure you are all using it properly? I found the muted tuner function to work fine, as well as the noisegate. I'd suggest not wasting money on another pedal when what you've got is capable of doing the job.
  25. I wish we had a few more gigs but I can't book too many due to other band members' unavailability. We're covering a decent range over the next few months though: All 4 Yorkshires (NSEW), Burnley, Manc, Middlesbro, Glastonbury, Cleethorpes, Stourport, a field near Brigg?!, Wolverhampton. Glad I've got a camper van!
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