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Everything posted by Horizontalste

  1. [quote name='muttley' timestamp='1391429446' post='2356967'] Why go to the IOW to see a Californian ass? The IOW has a very famous one of its own: [/quote] I believe that particular Ass got a movie part with an ogre and has since become a prima Donna, should bode well with the chili's then. Maybe
  2. Shocking, however, I know he can play really & I'll still be trying to get to IOW festival this year just to see their Californian asses
  3. I usually lye on my hand for a while till I get numbness then it feels like someone else is playing it.
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1391379514' post='2356599'] "Procrastination Champion of the World". Hmm... Warranted, huh..? [/quote] Absolutely, wife hates it.
  5. What grit did you use? If you work down to 1000 that should sort it if it's not too deep.
  6. Ball's, I've just popped in to listen/vote for January's entries.
  7. As others have said, a bit of a wipe down and fit a fender bridge. Nice bass, looks like its got a few miles on it.
  8. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1390267106' post='2343488'] Just curious; what benefit can oiling a gloss lacquered board bring..? Waxing, I can understand (although of no use to me, the way I play... ), but oiling..? [/quote] Absolutely none, it wouldn't soak in. I'm referring to un-finished music man necks. I think most stingrays now have them, except the classic of course.
  9. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1390261861' post='2343448'] Can I ask what.oil and wax you use? I intend to add a good oiling and waxing to the maple neck on my EBMM 25th Anniversary on an annual basis - prompted by your post - but not sure what to use. Also do you just do the board or the whole neck? [/quote] It's Birchwood Casey tru oil & Birchwood Casey gunstock wax. Clean it all as best you can then oil the neck & board. Leave it to soak in then wax the neck not the board.
  10. [quote name='DSBass' timestamp='1389897533' post='2339331'] To make a long story short. I just got a Yamaha TRB 5P. The neck got issues and Im not going to keep it. I also think its way to clanky sounding. Maybe I just got a bad ex. Haven't tried one before.Also I dont think its balanced to my liking when it hangs to the strap. So I have the opportunity to get a TRB 1005j instead. I know TRB 5P was a much more expensive bass but that doesn't matter to me. I want a bass that is allround. Hangs good on the strap. And sounds good without being to clanky. What do you think of the TRB 1005j? Especially you who have one. Do you think it would fullfill my needs? Cant find to many good videos or soundclips with it so if you have any you're more than welcome to post them here. Thanks//Daniel [/quote] It's a real shame you're having the truss rod issues, it's a lovely looking bass.
  11. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1389738769' post='2337493'] Are you sure that they are non lacquered? I'd be very surprised if they weren't lacquered. It may be a matte lacquer is applied as opposed to a gloss lacquer but they will have some sort of protective coating. [/quote] Absolutely positive, it gets oiled & waxed once a year.
  12. Most Stingrays have a non lacquered necks these day's. I thought about having mine done but I quite like the feel of it after it's been waxed.
  13. My kids bought me their double CD last father's day. Great band, I remember first hearing Brother Sister way back in the 90s & instantly being hooked on their sound
  14. I use a Genz contour & I think it fits you're needs perfectly. I play with drums, keys & guitar and keep up nicely without the extension cab. The main reason I bought it was because of the price, I don't think there's anything in the 300 pounds price range that can compete.
  15. You made a good choice, they are thunderous basses. Enjoy
  16. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1389298209' post='2332625'] That's not a thick question at all! It was all recorded and produced remotely over the t'Internet, with us discussing stuff via email (with Donnie in the US) and over the phone (between Mike and I in the UK). It's obviously second best to being in the same room together, but it works surprisingly well. Glad you like it and thanks for the feedback! Appreciated. [/quote] It's so cool that technology lends itself in such a way that continents are no barrier and great music can be produced. Kudos to all involved, I'm looking forward to the EP.
  17. I love it, especially when it goes D&B at 2;30 but can I be forgiven for being a bit thick and asking, was this all recorded remotely or were you all in a studio at the same time? Very very cool me thinks.
  18. I think Sandberg do a good job but I was at a wedding once & the bassman in the band that were playing was using an aged california whilst wearing a suit. Not a good look.
  19. I listen to it a couple if times then hum the dominant tone, find that on an instrument then work out the chords from the circle of fifths. Once you know the changes its much easier to figure out the actual bass line.
  20. [quote name='lobematt' timestamp='1389020148' post='2328842'] Loads of great articles about this (and other topics) here! [url="http://jazzadvice.com/category/ear/"]http://jazzadvice.com/category/ear/[/url] [/quote] Site looks great, bookmarked. Thanks
  21. [quote name='XB26354' timestamp='1388922268' post='2327581'] Ear training is definitely an area where the playing field isn't level. Some people have more natural ability (I'm not talking about perfect pitch), but just about everyone can get better. Hearing chords, like learning to play, is about practice and familiarity. In very simple terms, the more complex the chord, the more complex the sound. A major triad only has three very clearly discernible notes, so is in general easier to hear. As the chords get more complex, I am generally looking out for those "extra" notes - first the type of 7th, then any extensions (9th, 11th, 13th). However my number one piece of advice would be to play chords on a keyboard or piano and really get used to the sound, and/or record them. Start really slow - allow your ear to hear the sound of each note in the chord. It is usually easier to hear the bottom and top notes than the ones in between so I start there: What's the bass or lowest note? What's the top note? What third does it have - Major, Minor or no 3rd? Can I hear a 7th? Can I hear anything else, and if so does it sound simple or unusual? What is the melody or solo playing? It starts very slowly but as you get more and more familiar you can "hear" chords quite quickly. The other very important point to mention is that chords are not in isolation, they're part if a sequence. Get familiar with the cycle of fourths, and common sequences (II-V-I major and minor, 12-bar blues for example) and extend to whole tunes. [/quote] Thanks for the advice. I'm familiar with the circle of fourths I always use it when working songs out. Been using an app on the phone too and it's helping but I think the keyboard is a good idea because I'll have a visual aid too and that's always helped when learning things in the past. Cheers
  22. Bass Aerobics is a good book for getting you're finger's going.
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