I've owned [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0055-recurve-4-string/"]0055[/url], a custom Recurve which was a great bass. Solid, well balanced, not heavy and great sounding. I only got rid as I was after a specific bass. I now own [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/g-032u-uber-graft-j-type-4/"]Uber Graft Jazz 032U[/url] and it is a real do-all bass. I updated my preamp electronics to an East active/passive BTB with passive tone and the bass just sits so well in a band setting and even better when recording. Alan's basses have such an even sound across the bass, from the lowest to highest registers. The pickups respond well to both eq and when using effects. Mine is light, perfectly balanced and looks fantastic. The neck is one of the most playable with the flat board and asymetric carve. I also like that pretty much all of the parts are from the UK. The only thing I'd suggest is trying a few different models. The jazz type physically fits me better than the recurve did.