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Everything posted by TPJ

  1. [quote name='NickA' timestamp='1346752188' post='1792582'] Impossible to say without trying it, (from the photos I can't even see if it's real wood or laminate or if the finger board is ebony or painted "hard wood") but without a sound post you can't try it! Retrieving / Replacing the sound post is quite difficult and you're talking £100 or so to get it replaced and properly set up. That or many hours fishing about inside trying to snag it with a loop of fishing line and many hours more tweaking it about 'till it sounds right. [/quote] True. The original post lacked the photos and extra info.
  2. I bought Andy's Fishman Full Circle and Pro Play EQ. Very good to deal with and a very easy transaction. Thanks again
  3. [quote name='Rayman' timestamp='1346090047' post='1785153'] Brilliant amps, I loved mine to bits. [/quote] +1
  4. Yeah, this guy has a cool technique. Bit distracted by the dog munching on his goolies and having a scratch though
  5. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1346072680' post='1784842'] Certainly could be rubbish with a bit of work. Sorry, couldn't resist. Looks a bit like an old B&H but in surprisingly good nick. [/quote] Aye, it would certainly sound rubbish with me playing it
  6. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Double-Bass-/221109613401?_trksid=p2045573.m2042&_trkparms=aid%3D111000%26algo%3DREC.CURRENT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D27%26meid%3D1622005615547963959%26pid%3D100033%26prg%3D1011%26rk%3D1%26#ht_500wt_1288"]Saw this on fleabay[/url] Looks older but hard to tell, those tuners look different to the ones you see on cheaper basses. I'm rubbish ad DB identification so it quite well could be firewood
  7. Thanks for the support. Although I never played this amp, the specs remind me of the Mesa Walkabouts with the valve preamp and MOSFET power stage. Don't be afraid to make near offers.
  8. That's a really nice EUB at a good price. Good luck with the sale.
  9. This is now SOLD. I'm listing this for my mate Carl who needs to shift this fine amp. Here are the details he sent through: Hughes & Kettner Quantum QT 600 Head - £500 Tube pre amp and 600 watt MOSFET amp called Dynavalve. 4-band parallel EQ Mint condition and comes with a padded cover. Was their flagship model at the time of production but they are now discontinued so not many in circulation. There is currently one for sale in the states for about £1200. The amp is up near Wigan and I believe collection is preferred. Postage is an option but the cost will be added on to the total. The amp could be collected from my house in Wakefield if needed. You are best to call Carl to discuss, he is a very nice guy. His contact number is 07872344932. Please PM me for his email if you prefer to contact him that way. See links below for info and reviews. [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3][url="http://www.hughes-and-kettner.com/products.php5?id=47"]http://www.hughes-an...ucts.php5?id=47[/url] [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Hughes-Kettner-Quantum-QT-600-Bass-Guitar-Amplifier-/200627506372"]http://www.ebay.com/...r-/200627506372[/url] [url="http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/102510"]http://www.harmonyce...products/102510[/url][/size][/font] [attachment=116447:HKQ-1.jpg] [attachment=116448:HKQ-2.jpg] [attachment=116449:HKQ-3.jpg]
  10. I bought Karl's Akai Headrush. It was in great shape and packed very well. Nice and easy to do business with.
  11. If you are going to save up, the Mesa Walkabout Scout combos are great. They come up used every now and again. Also, have a read of [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168416-another-promethean-clone/"]this thread[/url]. Maybe this amp would do for you.
  12. Hi, what's the thread size on the FC?
  13. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1345492566' post='1778197'] So what evidence have you observed or heard to suggest that a chiropractor will be able to solve the particular problems of the OP ? Can you explain and support your clinical reasoning that leads you to recommend a chiropractor's services ? [/quote] Only evidence I can offer is experience from speaking with people I've know that have used chiropractors, osteopaths and physios as steps to alleviate pain so they could recover from injuries, many of them professional dancers who experienced injuries from the pounding their bodies took working in west end shows. Ultimately it's up to a person to research and educate themselves as to the risks involved with any treatment and decide what course may be taken. And as I mentioned in an earlier post, seeking medical advice is an important part of that decision. Some see chiropractors as a helpful alternative, some don't.
  14. [quote name='essexbasscat' timestamp='1345483131' post='1778018'] Why ? [/quote] My Mrs had a car wreck ages ago and messed up her upper back and neck. Along with regular visits to her doctor, she visits a chiropractor regularly to keep things "loose" and she swears by it. She also does yoga. If other avenues aren't working, it's something else to try.
  15. May be think about a chiropractor too?
  16. Mine was beaten up when it was on the floor in a big empty room I think some roadie hit with something when passing it. I noticed when on stage and picked it up for the first song. I looked down and noticed these two big dent/gouges. Nobody admitted it. Humans.
  17. I think staying strong and active is the key. Like yourself, I have a tennis elbow injury that is aggravated from computer work. I've been to pysio and between strong anti-inflammatory pills, ice and eccentric (not eccentric) exercises, the injury is starting to heal but preventative measures are the key. Have you seen a doc or physio about your wrist or shoulder? I'm now convinced that old age sucks and brings on more problems Maybe an exercise regime is the way forward?
  18. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1345142178' post='1774275'] That's probably because of the setup. [/quote]
  19. A bass will fit in just about any hatchback. The 7 series, last I looked, is far from a hatchback.
  20. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1344988897' post='1772177'] whats a double bass? I found this forum by accident....[/quote] Hey, get outta here you.... [quote name='ped' timestamp='1344984987' post='1772148'] ... Rocket moles. [/quote] Sounds like a really bad band name
  21. [quote name='jwbassman' timestamp='1345020647' post='1772315'] Can I put my name down to try a set of Honeys please - how do you think they will compare to the Evah Pirazzi Weich I'm currently using [/quote] Hi John, I've had both on my bass. IME the Evah's are higher tension, thinner diameter and have a more focused tone. They weren't necessarily louder than the Honey's but had a better definition. I loved the Honey's and liked them more than the Evah's on my bass but that is purely personal preference. Definitely try the Honeys
  22. I was looking forward to giving one of these a run with Dave at our studio but you went and bought them all
  23. pm'd
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