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Everything posted by TPJ

  1. Where are you located? Cheers,
  2. [quote name='rhino' post='44466' date='Aug 12 2007, 03:42 PM']Thanks to TPJ for offering a good home to the Dynacord amp., it is now officially SOLD. Rhino.[/quote] Cheers Mate, I fired it up in the office over the weekend and it has a really big sound. Thanks again for a great piece of kit. Cheers,
  3. How well does it cut through a live mix? Does it offer nice mid-range as well as low end or is it a bit scooped? Cheers,
  4. Did you purchase this unit brand new. e.g. Is this a newer model? Cheers,
  5. Just looking to spend money I don't have and found this beauty... My body will be running on half capacity after donating a liver, a kidney, a lung, blood, and man yogurt.
  6. [quote name='Gazm' post='42243' date='Aug 6 2007, 11:50 PM']There's a thread on the [url="http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-basses/26069-sterling-no-eq-one-volume-knob.html"]EB[/url] forum about this. Later in the thread, apparently, it's a special made for the Nine Inch Nails in 2000! Think I'll watch this one. Pete.[/quote] I was thinking that it looked like Eddie Van Halen's music man guitars. 1 pup, 1 vol...balls to the walls...
  7. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='42239' date='Aug 6 2007, 11:41 PM']Any chance of a pic so that I can fully appreciate if this will fit my bass.[/quote] +1
  8. I wonder what it sounds like if there is no active circuitry? You gotta love the simplicity of it, like the G&L SB2...nothing but volume and all passive.
  9. What's up with [b][url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Ernie-Ball-Musicman-Sterling-Bass_W0QQitemZ280140768170QQihZ018QQcategoryZ4713QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViwItem"]this Sterling[/url][/b] on Ebay? Looks rather interesting, if original, with just the one knob. I can't get the link to work. Go to ebay, search worldwide for Sterling in bass. You should find a black EBMM Sterling with one knob and 1 pickup.
  10. [quote name='The Burpster' post='41481' date='Aug 5 2007, 08:39 AM']Tom, Can you get in touch via PM if you are still up for a stab at it? Bob..[/quote] PM'd
  11. [quote name='3V17C' post='40069' date='Aug 1 2007, 04:25 PM']yeah..must admit i've always quite fancied on of these - aren't the necks made from loads of skinny bits of wood laminated together? i guess they are looking a bit dated these days maybe as alot of them seem to have really 80's looking paint jobs, although some of the natural finish ones on their site are sweeeeet. peace c[/quote] Mine was very similar to that but with an Ash or Alder body that wasn't so figured. Great looking, they are
  12. PM to you sir.
  13. Sounds like a job for a Roland Cube 100
  14. I had one about 10 years ago. The neck is great, the sounds where versatile and the drop D was a great addition. It is a capo so you don't have to change your fingering when you dis-engage it. The balanced was great, was 32" scale so no long reach. I think some peoples' issues where when Fender took over and the circuitry changed, and some say not for the better. I never noticed that. Now that I'm thinking of it, I only traded it because I was looking for a bit more vintage sound at the time.
  15. TPJ

    The Bass Company

    Yeah, the AP400-M looks like a good priced alternative to a MusicMan. I also like the AP400-MJ as long as the MM pup is in the right position, it appears to be a bit further back on the MJ than on the M.
  16. [quote name='Bigwan' post='39217' date='Jul 30 2007, 08:46 PM']Good think about the Omni 15 is I already have a suitable 15" driver, although it isn't neo so it might be a little too heavy for my pretty sh*tty back...[/quote] I was thinking about that because the recommended neo driver is about £100 at Bluearan. I wonder if you could employ a similar handrail that is on the Ampeg SVT 410 HLF so you could tilt it back and roll the bugger.
  17. I was looking at one [b][url="http://www.thebasscompany.com/4stringguitars/ap400m.html"]of these basses[/url][/b] a while ago but they didn't ship internationally. There was a bit of company history with making instruments in the USA only, then setting up a branch in China to make more basses more cheaply. Then all that stopped and the chap is back to making them himself and is now able to ship internationally. With the exchange rate today, the price of this MM style bass is roughly: £172 ($350) - price £74 ($150) - shipping, this is purely a guess rounded up £62 - import of 25% £308 - Rough total I'm thinking about this and swapping out the circuitry with the East MM retro which would still come in under £450. It's just the looks....
  18. That avatar brings back memories of the natural Kubicki I had in the '90's. Probably the most playable bass I've owned. The necks are fantastic, just couldn't quite get the tone out of it that I was after. Great basses though... excuse my ramblings
  19. [quote name='Bigwan' post='38991' date='Jul 30 2007, 02:55 PM']Do you guys know if the plans for the omni 10.5 are included with the plans for the omni 10 or do you have to buy them separately? As a small cab solution it would be pretty hard to beat! I like the look of the Omni 15, especially the Tallboy. I think that could be the answer to my original question![/quote] The plans for the 10.5 are in with the O10. There should be a section detailing the cuts and measurements.
  20. [quote name='alexclaber' post='38918' date='Jul 30 2007, 12:49 PM']New TallBoy Omni 15 now online: [url="http://www.billfitzmaurice.com/Omni15.html"]http://www.billfitzmaurice.com/Omni15.html[/url] Alex[/quote] Yeah baby....look at that!
  21. [quote name='Oxblood' post='38858' date='Jul 30 2007, 11:31 AM']Stone me! That George Dennis stuff looks tasty. Thanks for the link, TPJ. The Bassic Tube 200 Head is €1097, which works out to around £750. Dearer than a Traynor YBA200 but not bad! ADDED LATER: I've just looked at the user manual. Along with the usual Gain, Treble, Middle & Bass, the panel has knobs called "HEAT" and "BALLS". Shame, that: pretentious names and completely meaningless. The sort of nonsense guitarists like.[/quote] A bit gimmiky but if they sound as good as they look, it would be a bargain.
  22. Don't forget to check out [b][url="http://www.davehallamps.co.uk/Products.html"]Dave Hall's stuff[/url][/b] as well. Lots of options. There is also [b][url="http://www.george-dennis.cz/pages/bassamps.htm"]George Dennis valve amps[/url][/b]
  23. I'd be interested in this if Odub or the other chap isn't.
  24. Have you checked out the [b][url="http://www.basspickup.com/"]Darkstars?[/url][/b]. A little different way to go but the [b][url="http://www.basstasters.com/pickups/Dark_Star.html"]sound of them on a P is great[/url][/b] Cheers,
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