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Everything posted by Mr_Nitro

  1. Thanks for totally killing my thread before it gets started!!
  2. This Saturday, starting at 3PM, There is a Fundraiser for the Save The Tumbledown Dick campaign, @ the Agincourt in Camberley.. Bands include: Welcome the Howling Tones Sounds of the Suburbs Vibracore Tempus Fusion Splext and the Effects The J Daniels I Plead Irony To name but a few.. Tickets are £7.50 in advance [url="http://www.wegottickets.com/event/200593"]http://www.wegottick...om/event/200593[/url] or £10 on the door. This price also includes entry to the rock club afterwards.. The fundraiser is in aid of the Save the Tumbledown Dick Campaign, to try and prevent this historic venue, becoming a McDonalds Drive thru.. Please come and show your support, and see some of the local areas greatest bands! The link to the event is [url="http://www.facebook.com/events/343971945701033"]www.facebook.com/events/343971945701033[/url] This gig is also being filmed for BBC inside out, which is a short documentary about the campaign!
  3. A Friend of mine has a David Eden head, which keeps cutting out.. It powers up, but then pops, and cuts out.. anyone got any ideas? Also, the fan doesn't seem to be running anymore.. Any help appreciated! :-)
  4. Whereabouts are you mate? I've got a gig tonight, and mines gone walkies.. :-(
  5. Whereabouts in Hants are you?
  6. Sorry, just seen the links.... What a plonker!!
  7. Now sold on Fleabay.. Thanks for the interrest!
  8. May be open to trades....
  9. BUMP ON THE NOGGIN??? PRICE DROP??? £130????
  10. Big pointy headstock for skewering band members with bump... ;-)
  11. Columbus p bass, I resurrected after paying £15 from a junk shop. Marlin Jazz bass.. Utter junk! Ibanez SB900 I loved this bass, it sounded great, played amazing, and looked awesome.. Unfortunately, something happened to the neck, which made it unplayable.. I still have all the parts of this bass, except the chunk some tit took out of the headstock.. Aria Pro 2 SLB 2 ... Borrowed off a mate, I dropped it and busted the nut, then the electrics went on the fritz... Mate decided he didn't want it back, so I put the electrics out of the Ibanez in it sounds and plays great now! Aslin Dane ALB-22, bought from a second hand shop, awesome bass, sold through lack of use, greatly missed... Charvel fusion 4 my current favourite! Epiphone Thunderbird, greatly loved, sorely missed... B C Rich Beast love 'em or hate 'em a pretty good bass! Currently for sale, would keep if I could find a case for it... Scechter Damian 4 my second fave at the moment.. Great bass for not a lot of money.. Plays like a dream! Active EMG's.. Tanglewood 5 string .... Spider acoustic bass.. Better than playing a bean tin with a badger.. Just about.. Cost £49.99 new off eBay.. If you burnt it, even fire wouldn't want to get involved.. Great for slinging about round campfires... Hondo Rickenfaker... Action you can limbo under, looks ace, but could do with some help! Might be for sale soon... There's probably some others but lost in time somewhere... Amps Peavey mark 6, bought cheap, repaired, broken again.. Marshall IBS200.. Great amp, wish I still had it.. Warwick Profet 5.1 not bad, sold on Peavey Firebass 700, loud and obnoxious! Cabs Hartke MX series great for smaller gigs.. Peavey 2 x 10 and 1 x 15 both blew up at the same practice! Ashdown ABM810.. This is where the cockroaches are going to live after a nuclear war! Absolutely bomb proof, helps the Firebass to be loud and obnoxious! Trace Elliot combo, don't know where this one went.. Got lent to someone, then disappeared... D'oh!
  12. Did I mention its active??
  13. Specs on BC Rich NJ Beast [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- Mahogany Body[/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- AA+ Quilted Maple top[/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- Maple Bolt-on Neck[/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- Paint-to-match Neck & Headstock [/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- Ebony Fingerboard[/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- Adjustable Bridge[/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- Sealed BC Rich Tuners[/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- 34" Scale Length[/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- 24 Extra Jumbo Frets[/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- Diamond Inlays[/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- 2 P Style Pickups w/ Active EQ[/size][/font][/color] [color=#DDDDCC][font=Verdana, Arial][size=3]- Black Hardware[/size][/font][/color]
  14. Things that go bump in the night....
  15. Cheers my man! May consider trades for a valve gu*it*r head...
  16. For sale is my BC Rich NJ Beast, 4 string. Its hard to find a more metal looking bass!! It makes the Warlock Look like a toy!! Black, one small knock on one of the bottom points, sounds thunderous, plays really well, I just prefer more traditional shaped instruments! Due to size and shape mainly, I would prefer collection, but may consider sending by courier at buyers own risk, and cost. I'm looking for £150 o.n.o. I will try to put some pics on later, failing that P.M. me your E mail and I can send some off my phone for you. PRICE DROP!! £130 ono.... C'mon! Who are you to resist??
  17. I started, like most others, at school.. I tried Violin, Cello, Cornet, Trumpet, Euphonium, Tuba, Piano, Drums, but nothing really stuck.. My brothers girlfriend at the time (1988) had a 3/4 size Classical acoustic guitar, which she left under my brothers bed. I used to sneak a go on it when he was out, crudely bashing out Iron Maiden bass lines. Eventually, I bought my own classical acoustic for £5 from a car boot sale, and then later that month a very cheap electric (£10!) My sister bought me a Metallica tab book for my birthday, and I put my money towards an old Satellite Strat.. which I did a lot of self learning on. By this time I had been messing about for a year or so, and after a bit of a cash injection, my school invested in a Marlin P type bass, and a gorilla amp.. I started picking it up every music lesson, and liked the way it felt. My friend got a bass for christmas, and another inherited his dads old drum kit, and a band was formed, with me on guitar.. thats how things stayed for about 10 years, until I bought my Ibanez SB900 from a friend who was emigrating.. Ever since then I have been on bass, where I belong!! Having had countless instruments pass through my hands, I have finally almost settled on My 1994 Charvel Fusion 4 string, My Scecter Damian 4, and my Peavey Firebass 700 head, and Ashdown abm 8x10 cab. I have recently picked up the guitar again for one of the three bands I am currently playing for, and it makes a nice change sometimes! This year is my 24th year, of stringed endeavour, and as I think back at some of the quality instruments I have owned, destroyed, sold, built (!?!) swapped and lusted after, I ask myself.. WILL I EVER BE HAPPY??? THE ANSWER IS..... I VERY MUCH DOUBT IT!!
  18. Thoroughly decent chap! Bought his Bass Big Muff, on 22/12/11, It arrived on the 23/12/11!! So I had a Fuzzy bottom end all over Christmas!! Cheers Tom!! Chris
  19. Is this still available? Cheers Chris
  20. Does any body want my old Peavey cabs? The cabs themselves are in good condition, but the speakers are blown. Ideal base for custom rig, just add your own driver combination! The high range horn appears to still work in the 2x10. Collection from Farnborough, hants only. The sooner the better! Space needed as I now have an Ashdown 8x10.
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