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Everything posted by Mr_Nitro

  1. Head now gone cab still available...
  2. Head sold pending the usual, cab still for sale £70, 400w 4ohm hartke mx series 4.5 x 10 collection only please good cheap cab! Come on someone! My brain needs booze!! :-)
  3. [quote name='Matte_black' post='939658' date='Aug 29 2010, 10:36 PM']How much for the head alone? Do you ship?[/quote] Hi there! I was looking about £160 for the head alone, shipping would be £10 via fed ex. Cheers Chris
  4. For sale my trusty Warwick profet 5.1 head, and 400w Hartke cab. Head is in good condition, and comes with box and instructions, cab is slightly battered, but functions perfectly. Ideal rig for medium to largish venues. I have used for playing Heavy rock - dirty metal! Nice tone and plenty loud! Looking for £250 for the pair or may split. Collection only from Farnborough hants, as postage will be horrendous! New rig and impending divorce forces sale.. Unfortunately exchanges not possible as I have very limited storage.. Unable to post pics, but may be able to text them to you pm me your number..
  5. [attachment=45189:Bass_player.JPG] ... I'll get my coat...
  6. [font="Garamond"][size=6][center][color="#FF0000"][b]F[/b][b]OR ONE NIGHT ONLY!!!![/b][/color] Come one come all, and marvel at the musical stylings of :- [b][color="#FF0000"][u]SONIC OVERMIND[/u][/color][/b] More Brutal than dental work done with a [u][b]HAMMER AND SOME HEDGE TRIMMERS!![/b][/u] [color="#FF0000"][u][b]MESSIAH OF NONE!![/b][/u][/color] You'll laugh!! You'll cry!! Your tinitus will make your [u][b]HEAD EXPLODE!![/b] [/u] [color="#FF0000"][u][b]CARMENTA!![/b][/u][/color] These are the guys your mother [u][b]SHOULD[/b][/u] have warned you about!! [color="#FF0000"][u][b]DeMilo!![/b][/u][/color] The singer may look sweet.. but she certainly is [u][b]NOT[/b][/u] [u][b](H)ARMLESS!!![/b][/u] A line up so dangerous, years ago they built the [color="#0000FF"][b]POLICE[/b][/color] station opposite [color="#FF0000"][b]JUST IN CASE!!![/b][/color] Set in the idyllic town centre of Basingstoke, The White hart offers .. [color="#00FF00"][b]BOOZE!![/b][/color] [color="#0000FF"][b]FOOD!![/b][/color] [color="#FF00FF"][b]MORE BOOZE!![/b][/color] [b]INTRIGUE..... [/b] All for a credit crunch busting... [color="#FF0000"][u][b]£0[/b][/u][/color] [color="#00FF00"][u][b]0s[/b][/u][/color] [color="#0000FF"][u][b]0d[/b][/u][/color] !!! You don't get much for free these days so [u][color="#FF0000"] [b]FILL YOUR BOOTS!![/b][/color][/u] [color="#FF0000"][b]SATURDAY 10th of APRIL!![/b][/color] Tell friends!! Bring Friends!! [color="#FF0000"][b]WARNING[/b][/color]!BAD LANGUAGE AND ADULT THEMES FROM THE OUTSET.. [color="#FF0000"][b]CONTAINS MILD PERIL...[/b][/color] [/center][/size][/font][u][/u][color="#FF0000"][/color]
  7. Mr_Nitro

    Looking for venues.

    Hi Lee, We are Demilo, a female fronted rock group from the Farnborough/Aldershot area, were a bit more 'rock' influenced than you guys, but maybe we could do some gigs together?? Check us out a [url="http://www.myspace.com/thedemilo"]http://www.myspace.com/thedemilo[/url] You'll have to excuse the recording, its a couple of years old now, we are heading into the studio in the next few months to do it properly!! With regards to venues The Star Inn Guildford The west end centre Aldershot The railway Winchester The cellar bar Bracknell The boilerroom Guildford The wedgwood rooms Portsmouth (and the edge of the wedge [next door]) The maltings Farnham The agincourt Camberley To name but a few.... all the details for these vunues are reasonably easy to find on t'internet... regards Chris
  8. [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][center][size=5][b]The Rooms Rehearsal Studios Rocks THE STAR INN Guildford! [color="#FF0000"]Saturday 13th March[/color] with [u][color="#FF0000"][size=6]Sons of Merrick[/size][/color][/u] + [u][color="#FF0000"][size=6]Alzir[/size][/color][/u] + [u][color="#FF0000"][size=6]Demilo [/size][/color][/u] + [u][color="#FF0000"][size=6]DJ's![/size][/color][/u] + [color="#00FF00"][size=6]Beer promos, games and beer tombola!![/size][/color] @ [color="#FF0000"]THE STAR INN GUILDFORD[/color] 2 Quarry Street [color="#FF0000"]£4[/color] entry!! first band on 8:45pm a delightful blend of Rock/Stoner Rock/ and fun times! [color="#FF0000"][size=7][u]WARNING![/u][/size][/color] THIS GIG.. WILL MAKE.. YOUR EYEBALLS.. [size=6][color="#FF0000"][u]EXPLODE!![/u][/color][/size][/b][/size][/font][/center]
  9. [font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][center][size=5][b]The Rooms Rehearsal Studios Rocks THE STAR INN Guildford! [color="#FF0000"]Saturday 13th March[/color] with [u][color="#FF0000"][size=6]Sons of Merrick[/size][/color][/u] + [u][color="#FF0000"][size=6]Alzir[/size][/color][/u] + [u][color="#FF0000"][size=6]Demilo [/size][/color][/u] + [u][color="#FF0000"][size=6]DJ's![/size][/color][/u] @ [color="#FF0000"]THE STAR INN GUILDFORD[/color] 2 Quarry Street [color="#FF0000"]£4[/color] entry!! first band on 8:45pm a delightful blend of Rock/Stoner Rock/ and fun times! [color="#FF0000"][size=7][u]WARNING![/u][/size][/color] THIS GIG.. WILL MAKE.. YOUR EYEBALLS.. [size=6][color="#FF0000"][u]EXPLODE!![/u][/color][/size][/b][/size][/font][/center][/font]
  10. our guitarist gets REALLY wound up before a gig, (shaking and pacing the room ETC..) so he has taken to watching gardening programmes before we play! He says it bores him into a calm state! I usually have a couple of beers before, and spend as much time as I can hanging out with our drummer. That way I know that the rhythm section are 'locked' and ready to rock! The only time I didn't do this, I was nervous, I was all over the place, and I got cramp in my right thumb..!! Its a weird one I know, but it seems to work for me!! Be careful tho.. hanging round with drummers can cause drowsiness and nausea and diarrhoea.. if problem persists consult your GP.
  11. ow! just bumped by head on this post.... ;o)
  12. [font="Book Antiqua"][size=5][size=6][color="#800080"][size=7][center][b][i][u]Demilo[/u][/i][/b][/center][b][/b][i][/i][u][/u][/size][/color] [/size] [center]01-02-2009 22:00 at Bull and Gate Kentish Town, London, NW5 2TJ Cost: £5[/center] [center]THEN ALSO ... 29-03-2009 20:00 at Brixton Jamm Brixton, London, Cost: About £5[/center] [center](more details to follow.....)[/center] [color="#FF0000"][center]BE THERE, OR KINDLY BE SQUARE![/center][/color] for more info please go to www.myspace.com/thedemilo upcoming gigs, Music and pics! [/size][/font]
  13. Farnborough invades Amazingstoke for one night only, as ex-pornstars 'Demilo' and part time dairy farmers 'Messiah Of None' host a night of drunken metal morris dancing guaranteed to leave you scratching your head in bemusement, and wondering how much you paid to get in. Not much is known about Farnborough's female fronted rockmeisters Demilo. Only that their bassist once broke the front of the Tumbledown Dick using nothing but his arse. I should know - i was next to him when it happened and had to check him for splinters. Messiah Of None's guitarist Jasper claims to have invented the letter J and has recently managed to successfully trademark it. The only person to be able to use it without permission (and only on rare occasions) is our lord Esus. Both bands will be live, naked, and possibly wired to the eyeballs on mindbending drugs (well, drunk anyway! ) on Friday 30th Jan at The White Hart in Basingstoke,(opposite the Police station) which i'm reliably informed is a frickin' sweet little 'metal friendly' oasis in a desert of chavness. With the brucie bonus of it being payday for most of us, and the fact that the gig is FREE ENTRY (only a bit of beer money needed!) this should be a sweet night...
  14. Whereabouts are you in hants??
  15. I had the same thing with the tumbledown.. all the staff were good mates of mine, I worked there myself for 7 years! It will be sadly missed....
  16. With the demise of some great venues (th tumbledown, and the astoria) will there be anywhere left to play in the future?.. So many venues are being closed down and turned into restaurants, or being knocked down for the new high speed rail link..
  17. Mr_Nitro


    Merci beaucoup!!
  18. When I was still at college, I used to wear one green, and one pink, or one black one white, or any combination!! I used to love em! My local sports shop used to sell them off at £10 a pair. They used to last about a term, I used to walk everywhere in them, My current pair I've had for about 2 months, and they're buggered!! The best copies I have found are french connection, Theyre built like tanks, and cost me £12 in TK MAXX!!
  19. I got a lovely '76, mildly customised, awesome top end, and a bottom end to die for!! Most nights i cant wait to get her out of her case and pluck her G string! Sometimes prone to interference, but his is easily sorted with Vodka, however this sometimes makes her a bit difficult to play with! I'm due to finish the HP on her September 6th, so then she'll be mine forever.. I previously had a nice heavily modded '84 shortscale, had a nice decorated top end, middle and bottom end, but there was something wrong with her sound, a kind of chainsaw noise in my right ear, so i parted with her..
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