As the Bernard Edward's which strings things carry on and was "it just in his fingers" I recently swapped to half wounds and to my joy his tone or my half arsed version of it definitely seemed to materialise. On an Ibanez soundgear. I think it must be half wounds.Any thoughts?
Er, what about all those early blues players, or do we discount them because they were poor and black? Buddy Holly was just one of the first to tap into an already well established genre and repackage it for the post-war baby boomers. More marketing creativity than musical creativity I'd say.
If you play some Buddy songs the way he did they are actually more complicated than you think not just12 bar and open chords.
I Have watched a lot of music videos of new stuff lately and recently watched Animals as leaders. Do you think bass and guitar as instruments are starting to merge? I have to admit being a guitarist and a bass player into more of the experimental side of things it seems a nice solution.More strings? Lol.
Not Neural but I am using the Line 6 Helix VST for guitar at the moment and it's amazing. Quality of VST stuff is just getting better and better is just a case of picking out the good ones from the stinkers
Dont bother with Arturia vst stuff it's not quite in the same league now sound wise. However I use their hardware with C.V out with my modular I'm building. Best soft synths I have used are stuff like Rob papen blue 2 and the Spire synth is also amazing. The korg legacy collection has always been good although getting old now. Beware with synths like Spire and Serum as some of them are getting pretty CPU intensive if you are using them alongside other software DAW etc.
I have a V7 and don't get on with the neck as my girls hands have been used to playing Ibanez. Does anyone know the thickness (not width,depth) of the M7 necks are they as thin as Ibanez. As the M7 is lovely sounding.
I like them but liked Sardinista more. The more arty punk groups like the Clash and Stranglers had more of an edge than shouty and let's face it crap that was out at the time.
I was like WTF is this ceefax music when I first heard Weather Report. But over the years I find a few of Jacos stuff just the essence of 70s weirdness which is what I love about him. River people sounds so cool and the stuff he did with Little Beaver is awesome. No one who doesnt play bass has heard of him though!
Sorry just looked and the keys on this synth will be bedded on copper strip, again just go careful when you unscrew and clean the copper with isopropyl alcohol.
If it's just sticky keys it's dead easy just be careful. Most synths of this age used two silver coated rails to determine notes using control voltage which is then sent to the oscillators. You can clean them easily with isopropyl alcohol or switch cleaner and gently rub with cotton buds. Put switch cleaner into knobs and faders as well and twiddle them back and fourth to stop dead spots and crackles. I build analog modules from schematics and these synths are tougher than you think.
I just watched AIR recorded live at Sydney opera house and Nick Godin is definitely a bit of a dark one.Very very groovy bass playing not to mention the other stuff he does. I saw them live in Cambridge mid 2000s and never noticed.