Buy one if you feel like it,but i dont really think 6 string bass has much point to it unless you are a big fat monster session dude playing behind RnB singers,and it wont get you any more chicks,to many strings and you can lose sight of the fact you are supposed to be holding down a bottom end groove.Saying that there are some good players that use 6 string basses,try it maybe it will be your thing.
if you want an easy baptism start with something simple with not to many notes,your timing and space is probably the most important thing for this music.
If i had 3 wishes my first would be to be in a 70s respect band! Duane allman is a man who makes me want to pick up a strat or les paul for a few moments,hail to the kings!
Warwicks,mine plays on its own,the only reason im selling it is because it drives its self,it is a very funky machine,i have come to the conclusion that i cant control active eqs.
I hoover up anything to do with them,the creme de la creme,Aja is probably my favorite album of all time and something i will neverever stop loving.Steely dan are proper music!.....Anyone who wants to argue,,,,play the bass line to peg properly.
Toiler on the sea is brilliant the stranglers were in a class of there own,im not interested in anything after hugh left though.Im sure a lot of the agressive sound that came from the stranglers and other bands like them was amphetamine based (not to menion ripped cones) I also think the sound was a product of the feeling of the times,it will never be reproduced,and most modern "punk bands" sound like boyzone to me,gutless and pish.Ooops forgot about simon gallup out the cure he made me switch over from guitar to bass.
I am a massive fan of virtual studio technology and have been using various VSTs and VSTIs (Synths mainly) for about 10 years i would highly reccomend you get ableton live.It took me a few years of using awful things like cubase and protools,to realise that ableton is the best and you dont need a degree in software engineering to use it.If you want any loops or anything email me i have racks of em.The standard of sound manipulation you can get on modern digital audio work stations is incredible,however you will need to get yourself a half decent sound card.
Dude no one will take that price.My SS1 is becoming an albatross,thing that really kicks me in the balls is its the most beautiful sounding hand made instrument! Keep a hold of it,prices/trends change.